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Chapter 72 It's all because I'm not shivering?!

Chapter 72 All because of not being jealous?!

Author: Jingxiadust

Chapter 72 All because of not being embarrassed?!

The two of them chose a traditional Japanese-style restaurant built around a central courtyard. There were ponds, rockeries, and everything in the courtyard, and the scenery was nice. It was said that this restaurant also tasted good.

But Shizuo Komemon and Kensuke didn't say a word when they entered the private room. Neither the scenery nor the food paid much attention to them, and they didn't start anything after all the food was served.

"What are you going to say? So serious." Kensuke could see how serious Shizuo Komemon was this time, and he also restrained himself a bit from his usual aloofness.

"It's still what I said last time, but I need to make you realize that I am serious when I say this, so I will talk to you formally." Shizuo Komemon took off his sunglasses and put them aside.

Kensuke looked at his face after taking off his sunglasses, which looked a bit delicate and completely inconsistent with the name of a ferocious beast. He was in a trance and couldn't help but recall some things from the past.

The resentment of being humiliated by the old man, the elation when he worked hard to pass the judicial examination, the shame when he realized that the other party had given up to him, the disbelief and self-doubt after being beaten for the first time, and the subsequent day-to-day

One day of provocation and beating...

How long has it been since I saw Jing-chan take off his sunglasses? It seems that ever since he put them on, he has become more and more out of tune with his surroundings.

"Tell me." Kensuke turned around.

"I already guessed what you wanted to do about that incident at the art museum."

"Well, so what?" Kensuke rubbed his hand on the tea cup.

"It doesn't matter that you're plotting against me secretly. You've been doing this for so many years anyway. The worst I can do is beat you up. But don't involve the people around me anymore."

Shizuo Komemon said this very calmly, calmer than ever, but Kensuke knew very well that this was more serious than when he was angry.

Yansuke looked at him for a while, then asked with twitching lips: "Why is it okay to plot against you? Huh?"

Komemon Shizuo didn't expect that he would ask this, and was stunned for a moment.

Kensuke sneered, "Jing-chan, you're still like this, and it's because of you that I'm even more annoyed.

You always look so indifferent to yourself, your body, your life, everything about you.

Why, why do you have this attitude? Huh? Give me a reason."

Shizuo Komemon was silent for a while and said calmly: "I told you."

Yansuke pursed his lips, stared at him, and suppressed his anger and said: "You can't live to be thirty, right? With such words on your lips, have you not grown up and are still in the second grade of junior high school?

When you said this, did you consider the feelings of the people who heard this? Who are you showing yourself to with that self-defeating look? Can you be more mature!"

Shizuo Komemon turned to look at the courtyard. The frightened deer filled with water knocked on the stone, making a clicking sound, which seemed very quiet.

He liked this kind of environment very much because it made people calm, but the atmosphere in the box at the moment made people feel heavy.

"I have never given up on myself. It was you who stopped me from doing what I wanted to do. Besides, I like a peaceful daily life and bask in the sun. Is there a problem with not being interested in fame and fortune?

Everyone has their own pursuits, so don’t use your and the old man’s ideas on me.”

Yansuke had a mocking look on his face when he heard this, but soon turned into helpless and heartbroken. He was silent for a while and said:

"I know that what the old man and I did about Ayako-san makes you feel very uncomfortable. But do you think we are willing to go to this point? If you were normal, we would not force you like this!"

"What's wrong with me?" Shizuo Komemon asked with a frown.

"A twenty-four-year-old, strong, hormonal young man is not interested in the opposite sex at all. He has never even bought a coloring book, and you still say you are normal!!"

Yansuke pressed his hand on the table and leaned forward, "If your annual physical examination results hadn't shown that you were fine, we would all have doubted whether you were really sick!"

The conversation was quite serious and serious at first, but Kensuke suddenly said this, which immediately made Shizuo Komemon frown. He couldn't help but asked: "Is there something wrong with you? Why are you staring at this kind of thing?!"

Kensuke's eyes widened with a look of disbelief on his face, "For a man, this kind of thing is not important enough? Are you kidding me?"

"Just because of this, you have reached this point?" Although it was ridiculous, Shizuo Komemon felt that Kensuke was serious.

This is even more ridiculous.

Kensuke sat back, took a sip of tea, sighed, and started talking about some seemingly unrelated things.

"Did you know, Jing-chan? When you were in college, you went to join the entertainment industry. In fact, the old man and I were supportive at first."

Not only was it support, but when Shizuo Komemon stopped publishing his works, Kensuke had something stuck in his heart.

He even breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Shizuo Komemon had resumed his musical activities.

"Although the old man has always meant for you to join the prosecutor's office, he actually doesn't care too much if you do something you like during college.

Just like I agreed with you later that music can be treated as a side job, as a hobby in college, there is no problem at all."

Shizuo Komemon listened attentively, there was actually a secret that he didn't know about, but midway through Kensuke's words, he started to eat.

"..." Shizuo Komemon slapped his hand holding the food away.

“Hiss—” Kensuke took a breath, rubbed the back of his red hands, grunted, threw away his chopsticks and continued: “Not only did we not object, when you got very close to those singers, we even had some objections.


How many years has it been...

When we were in elementary school, we didn't pay much attention to it. When we were in junior high school, we could think that your development was relatively late.

In high school, you didn't make friends - which was actually okay, but you didn't even have a girlfriend, which was a bit of a problem. Obviously there were many girls in your class who liked you.

At the beginning of college, you were still not interested in the opposite sex.

After finally seeing you take the initiative to approach those singers, the old man and I both thought that you finally got the idea, maybe you just had a picky taste all along.

What did you do in the end?"

Yansuke's face twisted into a ball, and he gritted his teeth and hated him for not arguing, "You go to someone's house, just listen to someone sing, and have someone pat your head... Is this what a normal man should do?"

Shizuo Komemon was speechless for a long time. It was simply unbelievable. This reason was almost on the same level as the absurd situation where lawyer Miki and Kensuke were fighting each other to the death because of the death of the hamster Saori!

"I said, Kensuke..." Shizuo Komemon took a deep breath.

"You said it, I'm listening." Yansuke still looked angry.

"Not every man is as sentimental and non-vegetarian as you."

Yanjie didn't argue and nodded happily, "Yes, what you said makes sense, but you didn't buy any H books, you never took another look at a girl, and you didn't show any signs of being interested in the opposite sex.

Do you still dare to say that you are normal?"

Shizuo Komemon pressed his eyebrows and was speechless.

Yes, it's reasonable.

I had not lost my temper just now, but when I followed the train guide's train of thought, it seemed that my behavior was indeed a bit abnormal.

The old man and Kensuke felt that they were not interested in the opposite sex, so they were anxious, which is understandable.

However, there should be more to it than that...

(End of chapter)

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