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Chapter 101 The giant deer is broken, Zhang Jiao is angry

 Chapter 101 The giant deer is broken, Zhang Jiao is angry

After Li Xiang killed the six Yellow Turban canal commanders who were responsible for guarding Julu City, the Yellow Turban soldiers no longer had anyone to command them. They were quickly defeated and the birds and beasts scattered in all directions.

In Julu City, countless knights wearing black clothes and armor were running through the city, chasing the yellow scarf soldiers who were escaping in all directions.

I saw a small group of cavalry charging directly into the enemy formation, and immediately penetrated the Yellow Turban Army and cut it into more than a dozen sections. The cavalry faced off against the light infantry, a completely one-sided massacre. The Bingzhou cavalry waved their lances at will, and

Can easily harvest the lives of the Yellow Turban Army.

On the other hand, the Yellow Turban Army, without a leader, forgot to resist and just ran away with their heads in their hands. Soon they fell down wailing as the Bingzhou cavalry ruthlessly attacked them.

Julu City, inside the city lord's palace.

"What was the result of this battle?" Li Xiang asked in a cold voice.

"My lord, apart from the fact that our army suffered some casualties when we captured the city gate, this battle was a one-sided massacre.

In addition, in this battle, 500 of our troops were killed, 300 were seriously injured, and 500 were slightly injured. 10,000 of the 30,000 Yellow Turban troops were killed in battle, and 18,000 were captured by our army. Today, there are still 2,000 Yellow Turban remnants fleeing everywhere.

Su Lie said respectfully.

Li Xiang's face lit up when he heard this. It was very rare to win such a giant deer at such a small price.

Of course, the reason why the casualties were so small this time was partly because the Yellow Turban Army's defense was lax, while the Bingzhou Army launched a surprise attack, directly occupied a section of the city wall, and opened the city gate, allowing the army outside the city to rush in in time.

Inside the city, the most brutal siege process was avoided.

On the other hand, it was the bravery of the generals of the Bingzhou Army. Under the leadership of these generals, the already elite Bingzhou Army rushed towards the Yellow Turbans guarding Julu City like tigers descending from the mountain.

Several of the Yellow Turban commanders were directly killed by Li Xiang shortly after the war started, instantly knocking down the morale of the Yellow Turbans and causing most of the Yellow Turbans to lose their will to resist.

However, after more than ten battles in these days, the elite Bingzhou Army has also been reduced by nearly 2,000. Now Li Xiang has less than 18,000 cavalry left.

"Lord, I'm so happy, so happy." Just when Li Xiang was deep in thought, a burst of surprise came.

Li Xiang looked up and saw Feng Yizheng striding towards him with a happy face.

"Gongsun (Feng Yizi), could it be that you met a young lady from some family, and you, who have always been calm, were so surprised?" After the victory of the battle, Li Xiang also said with a rare joke.

Feng Yiwen blushed slightly when he heard this, but he immediately straightened up and mentioned the business to Li Xiang.

"My lord, I am very happy. I have found a large amount of money in the Yellow Turban treasury. It must have been obtained by the Yellow Turbans' plunder. I have a rough estimate that it may not be less than a million gold."

It was indeed a great joy. Despite Shen Wansan's presence these years, Li Xiang had not worried much about money.

But this does not mean that Li Xiang has spare money. The development of floating houses requires money, raising troops requires money, and relocating refugees from various places also requires money...

In short, there are countless places where Li Xiang spends money. Every time the money and food shipped by Shen Wansan are often spent in various places before they are warmed in Li Xiang's hands.

Nowadays, the Yellow Turban's huge sum of millions of dollars is not a timely help to Li Xiang, but it is definitely a great help to Li Xiang. Next, Bingzhou will no longer have to worry about the funds needed for development for a long time.

However, although one million gold is a lot of money, the Yellow Turbans have plundered several states since they started their army, and countless wealthy families were wiped out. All the wealth of the past generations belongs to the Yellow Turbans. Therefore, the Yellow Turbans' wealth is by no means more than this, and their amount is even greater. It's definitely far beyond Li Xiang's imagination.

Li Xiang has already thought about whether to attack other important Yellow Turban strongholds.

But now we still have to deal with the money properly. Only by transporting it back to Bingzhou as soon as possible can it truly be in our hands.

However, Wang Qing's 200,000 Yellow Turban Army is still blocked in front of Hu Pass, and Li Xiang cannot get through even if he wants to.

After thinking about it, Li Xiang felt that this matter had to be left to Floating Water Fang. Now that Floating Water Fang's secret lines were spread all over the Han Dynasty, he left this matter to them. Even if the shipment could not be returned to Bingzhou, there would always be a way to do it slowly. of.

A few days later, news of the destruction of Julu City finally reached Zhang Jiao.

"Bang," Zhang Jiao actually kicked over the table in front of him in anger.

"The Han army is really arrogant. They really think that we, the Yellow Turbans, have no one. There are only 20,000 people, but they dare to be so unscrupulous behind our army." Zhang Jiao said angrily.

Zhang Jiao didn't take this Han army seriously at first. As long as he waited for him to conquer Yecheng and free up his hands, he would naturally have enough time to deal with them.

But Zhang Jiao never thought that in his moment of indulgence, the Han army would directly attack Julu. You must know that Julu is not only the headquarters of the Yellow Turbans, the place where the Yellow Turbans raised their troops, but also Zhang Jiao's hometown.

Hearing that Julu City was destroyed, Zhang Jiao was also filled with rage.

"Good teacher, I'm going to fight. We can't let the Han army continue to be so wanton. The Han army has now taken advantage of the absence of the main force of our army to continuously attack more than ten Yellow Turban cities." Zhang Niujiao was also furious and asked immediately Zhang Jiao asks for a fight.

"Good teacher, the last general is calling for battle."

"Good teacher, the last general is calling for battle."

"Good teacher, the last general is calling for battle."

Zhang Niujiao, who was also a member of the Thirty-Sixth Fangqu Division, had already asked for a fight. Naturally, the others would not let Zhang Niujiao outshine the others. Immediately, regardless of whether they were sincere or not, they all stepped forward to express their determination first.

When Chi You saw this situation, although he still thought it was inappropriate to divide his troops, he was afraid it would be difficult to stop it now.

What's more, Chi You also thought that the Han army behind him was a little too presumptuous, and it would be better to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Zhang Jiao looked around at the people in the big tent and saw that no one objected to sending troops, so his decision became more firm.

"Open your horns and listen to your orders."

"The last general is here." When Zhang Niujiao heard that Zhang Jiao actually ordered his own general, he felt happy and immediately stepped forward to answer.

"Niu Jiao, you have always been prudent in your work. This time, you will lead an army of 100,000 to eliminate the Han army." Zhang Jiao said calmly.

When he heard that he really was leading the army, and that he was fighting against 20,000 with an army of 100,000, it was all for nothing, Zhang Niujiao felt even more happy.

"Don't worry, good teacher, if we can't get rid of that Han army, Niujiao will raise his head and come to see you." Zhang Niujiao promised Zhang Jiao solemnly.

"Huang Long, Zuo Xiao, Yu Digen, Zhang Baiqi, Liu Shi, Zuo Wei, Luo Shi, Lei Gong, you guys will assist your senior brothers in the battle together."

Naturally, Zhang Jiao would not let Zhang Niujiao go alone, and immediately ordered the generals of several other people.

However, Zhang Jiao actually sent nine yellow scarf commanders to fight at once, which shows how angry Zhang Jiao was at this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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