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Chapter 1015 Three families divide their grandchildren

 Chapter 1015: Three families divide their grandchildren

"As for the martial arts examination, I will leave it to Li Jing, assisted by Li Siyuan, Li Cunxu, Zhao Yun, and Xu Huang!"

For the civil examination, five people were nominated, and for the martial arts examination, Li Xiang also nominated five people.

The martial arts examination is divided into two subjects: art of war and martial arts. Therefore, among the five people sent by Li Xiang, there are both military masters like Li Jing and martial arts masters like Zhao Yun. The remaining three people, Li Siyuan, Li Cunxu, and Xu Huang,

It can not only charge into battle, but also have the ability to form troops.

"Mao Xiang, please make your people more vigilant in the past few days and don't let people from other princes sneak in!" Li Xiang ordered the person on the left.

The imperial examination event, Sizhou and even the imperial capital Luoyang, has seen a lot of movement in the past few days, which is an excellent time to plant a large number of spies. Moreover, if someone takes advantage of this opportunity to infiltrate Li Xiang's influence through the imperial examination, then it will be

What a joke!

Li Xiang believed that if he were in the position of other princes, he would never miss this opportunity. The other princes are not fools, and it may be impossible for Li Xiang to regard them as fools. If he really regards them as fools, then Li Xiang

Xiang himself has become a big fool!

"Don't worry, lord, the floating house will not disappoint lord!" Mao Xiang said with a straight face.

Li Xiang nodded slightly. Although there have been some minor mistakes in the Floating Water House over the years, it has never missed a beat at critical moments, and it has been able to complete what Li Xiang ordered with quality and quantity.

Moreover, from the establishment of the Floating Water House to the present, it has made a lot of contributions, both overtly and covertly. Li Xiang has seen all these things.

"By the way, what's the situation in Yu and Qing?" After Xun Yu retreated, Li Xiang waved his hand to Xing Tian to guard the door. Only Li Xiang and Mao Xiang were left in the room, and then he asked

Things that matter most to you.

Even within Li Xiang's power, only a limited number of people know about Li Mi and Su Qin. After all, if one more person knows, they will be exposed to more risks, and the plan will be compromised.

More chances of failure.

Li Mi from Yuzhou and Su Qin from Qingzhou are Li Xiang's biggest secret chess. Li Mi can interfere with the situation in the four states of Yu, Yan, Xu, and Jing, and Su Qin can also have an impact on the four states of Qing, Hebei, Yan, and Xu in the future.

However, the situation in Qinghai, Henan and other surrounding states has developed too violently recently, so Li Xiang cannot help but pay more attention to it.

"Lord, I'm afraid Sun Boxu in Yuzhou won't be able to hold on for too long..." Mao Xiang reported bit by bit information about the battle situation in Yuzhou. The current battle situation in Yuzhou almost all revolves around Sun Boxu's family.


As Yuan Shu sent Xian Zhen and Jiang Xiaobai to join the battle, the Sun family was retreating steadily after several battles. Sun Wu was only one person after all, and he did not have the ability to clone himself. He could take care of the situation here, but he was powerless to take care of the situation there.

No matter how powerful he is, it is impossible for him to fight against Cao Cao here and at the same time command other Sun generals to deal with Xian Zhen remotely!

In particular, since Yuan Shu joined the war, Zhao Kuangyin was no longer willing to wait any longer. There were more wolves and less meat, and Sun Ce was the meat from that side, while Cao Cao, Yuan Shu, and Zhao Kuangyin were the three evil wolves, fighting for this piece.

When it comes to meat, it's natural to compete with who can eat it faster, who can eat more meat.

"Lord, according to detectives, Sun Ce has not shown up for many days. However, Sun Wu has been very strict around Sun Ce's tent and has not yet found out completely accurate information." After Mao Xiang hesitated for a moment, he still reported this one.

Unexplored news was revealed.

After hearing the news, Li Xiang also fell into silence. The information contained in this news was not small, and he needed to go through it before he could make a decision.

The implication of Mao Xiang's words is that Sun Ce's body may have collapsed or even have an accident, otherwise Sun Ce would not have failed to show up at such a critical time, and would have hidden the news so tightly.

This situation is normal. His body is seriously injured, and he still has to work hard to deal with this mess. It is not surprising that he cannot stand it. No one's body is made of iron!

"Mao Xiang, send some people to secretly contact the important figures of the Sun family and their important civil and military personnel to see if they can be used for me!" After thinking for a moment, Li Xiang ordered to Mao Xiang.

In fact, Li Xiang had already anticipated that Sun Ce would develop into this situation. Li Mi intended to use Sun Ce to divert Yuan Shu's attention from Liu Xiu, and Li Xiang acquiesced.

This is Li Mi's way of survival, and it is also the reason why Li Mi is so comfortable among Yuan Shu's forces and has not aroused suspicion among people within Yuan Shu's forces. When Li Mi helped Li Xiang achieve the goal he wanted to achieve, he used

This method will also bring certain benefits to Yuan Shu.

Moreover, whether the Sun family is destroyed or not will have little impact on the overall situation. Although Cao Cao, Yuan Shu, and Zhao Kuangyin will definitely become stronger by devouring Sun Ce, they will definitely not grow into a giant.

Moreover, these three princes are all princes from the three states of the Central Plains. The disadvantages of their terrain are destined to be more difficult for them to develop than other princes. In addition, Yuan Shu has a lot of internal problems, so he has nothing to worry about.


But the south is different. Once Zhu Yuanzhang devours Jingnan and severely damages the Xiang clan, Zhu Yuanzhang will almost have the basis to unify the south. Therefore, Li Xiang must allow Liu Xiu to free up power to restrain Zhu Yuanzhang.

Although Jingbei was weak at this time, Li Xiang was confident enough that as long as Liu Xiu could still spare his strength, he would definitely try his best to restrict Zhu Yuanzhang.

After all, they are both southern princes. If Zhu Yuanzhang becomes stronger, Liu Xiu will be in tragedy. If Zhu Yuanzhang wants to take over the entire south, he will definitely attack Liu Xiu. Even if Liu Xiu is just to protect himself, he will never do it.

It is possible for Zhu Yuanzhang to grow into a giant.

The lesser of two evils, if the south was left alone, Zhu Yuanzhang might develop out of control. Therefore, Li Xiang acquiesced to Li Mi's plan to sacrifice Sun Ce.

If you want to blame, you can only blame Sun Ce for being too weak. In this troubled world, the weak must either try their best to become stronger, or they can only be dominated by the strong or even be devoured by the strong!

However, although Li Xiang didn't care about Sun Ce being destroyed and the Sun family's power destroyed. However, Sun Ce still had many capable people under his command, and Li Xiang was very jealous of these people.

At that time, once Sun Ce is destroyed, if these people do not die in the battle, they will definitely choose the next one. Therefore, Li Xiang does not mind fighting for it in advance.

This chapter has been completed!
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