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Chapter 22 Above the Court

While Li Xiang was troubled by the numerous rebel kings in various places, other forces were not calm about the news either.

The majestic Luoyang Imperial Palace is heavily guarded by elite Huben guards, and from time to time, teams of patrolling elite soldiers pass by.

Deyang Hall was the place where the emperor of the Han Dynasty held court meetings. In the court hall, hundreds of officials lined up and stood respectfully on both sides of the hall.

The person at the head on the right is a middle-aged man. This man is tall and thick-set, with a face full of flesh. He is the general of the dynasty.

Speaking of He Jin, all the officials in the court were filled with contempt. How could a vulgar butcher be qualified to be in the same class as them if he did not have a sister who is the queen? How could a person with no virtue and incompetence dare to live in secret?

The high position of general.

Liu Hong, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, was still sitting high on the dragon throne as usual.

However, at this time, Emperor Han Ling had a haggard look on his face, and there was a hint of exhaustion in his eyes that could not be concealed. Even if you looked closely, you could still see a trace of gray on Emperor Ling's temples.

Looking at the civil and military officials who were arguing fiercely, Han Emperor Liu Hong couldn't help but have a flash of anger in his eyes.

Nowadays, the great man is in danger, but all the ministers in the hall are still doing nothing, and they are arguing all day long about the slightest bit of filth in their family.

Little did they know that once the big man fell, they would just become the victims of the Yellow Turbans.

Among the civil and military officials in this room, nearly 80% of the officials came from various aristocratic families in the world. Now the Yellow Turban Army's attack on the influence of the aristocratic families was even greater than that of the Han Dynasty. Among the states that the Han Dynasty fell to, I don't know how many aristocratic families were directly affected by the Yellow Turbans.

Slaughter the entire family and kill everyone.

And even the major aristocratic families that survived could only flee. They didn't even have time to carry their family assets with them, and all their life-long accumulation was wasted.

Although Han Ling Emperor Liu Hong was extremely angry at the behavior of the ministers, he himself was helpless about it.

Since the founding of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the power of the aristocratic family has continued to expand. Now during the period of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, even Han Ling Emperor Liu Hong himself was extremely afraid of the power of the aristocratic family and did not dare to truly touch the bottom line of the aristocratic family.

If he wasn't afraid of the power of the family, why would Han Ling Emperor Liu Hong indulge in the behavior of Shi Changshi?

Even Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty not only indulged Shi Changshi, but also secretly showed a certain degree of support. Otherwise, how could Shi Changshi have the courage to dare to cholera Chao Gang, causing anger from heaven and people.

Since the time of Emperor He of the Han Dynasty, the maternal relatives have always been powerful and have even achieved exclusive power in the court many times. Many people think that Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty reused the ten permanent servants to counter the power of the maternal relatives.

But others don't understand, and Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty doesn't understand how capable Na He Jin is. To deal with Na He Jin, does Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty still need to use the Shi Chang Shi?

The reason why Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty re-appointed the Shi Changshi was just to counter the influence of the aristocratic families. The Shi Changshi did live up to his expectations at the beginning and helped Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty suppress the influence of the aristocratic families.

But the aristocratic family has been able to control the court for such a long time, so naturally it is not easy for others to do so. They soon introduced He Jin, a fool, to compete with the ten permanent servants. Poor He Jin was still complacent about this, thinking that he was popular and popular, but he

I don’t know that I am just a knife in someone else’s hand.

Thinking of this, Emperor Han Ling immediately sighed and even became a little depressed.

Nowadays, not only was Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty unable to vent his anger inside the court, but the situation outside the court made Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty even more furious.

In the land of Nanyang, Zhang Mancheng's 200,000 Yellow Turbans were raging among them, and their troops were approaching the imperial capital Luoyang. Although Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty urgently mobilized Jin Wu Ding Yuan to resist, they could only barely defend.

In the land of Yanyu in the Central Plains, although Huang Fusong and Zhu Jun occasionally had small victories, on the whole they were retreating in consecutive battles and could only rely on fortified cities to hold on.

The land of Jizhou is even more troublesome. The land of Yecheng in Wei County is already the last strong city near Sili. If Yecheng is lost, the next place will be Hanoi County where Sili is located, and further down will be the imperial capital Luoyang. Henan Yin.

Nowadays, the Han Dynasty needs reinforcements everywhere, but Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty has no reinforcements to send. The only troops Sili has now are just some newly recruited soldiers. These people can barely defend Luoyang, let alone send them everywhere. It's a battlefield.

"Your Majesty, something is going badly. Hong Xiuquan, a rebel in Yangzhou, started a rebellion and attacked several counties in succession." While Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty was thinking, a shrill cry came from outside the palace. Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty looked up and saw A detective trotted all the way into the hall holding a letter.

"Hurry, submit it." How could Emperor Ling of Han not care about such a big event? He immediately opened the letter and checked it.

"Your Majesty, something bad has happened. Dou Jiande, Wang Shichong and other six thieves from the Qingxu area have launched an army to cause chaos and attack the county."

"Your Majesty, something bad is going on. There is a Xiang clan in Jingzhou claiming to be descendants of Xiang Yu and they are starting to rebel."

"Your Majesty, something serious has happened. Qin Zheng in Youzhou claims to be a descendant of the former Qin Dynasty and has launched an army to cause chaos. Youzhou is in danger."

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty had just received the letter, but before he could check it, three consecutive shrill voices suddenly came.

"Unbridled and rebellious, they are all rebellious."

"Everyone should be killed, everyone should be killed."

After several pieces of bad news came in succession, Emperor Han Ling could no longer hold back the anger in his heart and suddenly cursed.

The court hall immediately became chaotic, and various discussions continued.

After a long time, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty finally seemed to be tired of scolding and asked feebly, "The current situation is like this. I wonder if you, my beloved, have any clever ideas for me?"

However, there was only a moment of silence in response to Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty. The intrigues between the princes and ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were okay, but making plans for major national affairs was still avoided.

"Report..." Another investigative voice came. In such a silent atmosphere, this voice seemed so harsh.

Han Ling Emperor Liu Hong asked directly without raising his head, "Tell me, who rebelled again? Or which general was defeated again?"

At this time, the detective's face was full of confusion. Although his mind was full of questions, how could he dare to be so presumptuous? He could only reply cautiously, "Your Majesty, a great victory, a great victory."

"Hey, we were defeated again..." Before Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty finished speaking, he suddenly reacted and asked repeatedly, "What did you say? A great victory? Where was the great victory? Which general won the battle?"

As if he didn't have time to wait for the detective's reply, Emperor Han Ling rushed down, grabbed the letter from the detective's hand, and read it for himself.

"Hahahahaha, great victory, great victory, it really is a great victory." After Emperor Han Ling read the news at a glance, the anger just now seemed to have never appeared before, and he laughed wildly.

"Hahaha, our great ancestor showed his spirit. When our great man was in danger, he finally showed up with a general. This man has made great achievements and deserves a reward, a big reward."

This chapter has been completed!
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