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Chapter 1279 Yue Feis Waiting

 Chapter 1279 Yue Fei’s Waiting

"Grand Governor! There has indeed been another conflict in Jiangling City!" A general came to Yue Fei to report.

The Jin army has also been fighting for a day, and the soldiers are also extremely exhausted. However, the atmosphere inside the Jin army camp is much more harmonious than the atmosphere on the Jiangling city wall. At least, there is no bloodshed here.

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In Yue Fei's big tent, generals of all sizes gathered together to dine together. While dining, they counted today's casualties and made corresponding arrangements, as well as discussed the next strategy for using troops.

The Jin army has always been paying close attention to Jiangling's every move. Since the conflict occurred on the city wall, and it was getting more intense, the Jin army scouts who were paying attention to the situation in Jiangling City were soon


Since these scouts have noticed it, they cannot pretend they have not seen it. They must report the situation to the generals in the picture above as soon as possible.

"Grand Governor! Shall we take this opportunity to attack Jiangling again?" Huang Feihu quickly suggested while devouring the food.

At this moment, Huang Feihu was also extremely exhausted. Today, he had led the charge several times, and was even forced to jump off the ladder several times. There was still a vague sense of pain in his body.


However, when he thought of the opportunity to break through the city, Huang Feihu felt like he was rejuvenated and full of energy again.

"No hurry! It's not the time yet!" Yue Fei was also devouring his food and said to the people in the tent.

Today, Yue Fei is the one who works the hardest and works the hardest. Although Yue Fei did not play in person today, Yue Fei has been in a highly tense command state today and consumes much more energy than others.

Moreover, the generals of the Jin army attacked in turns. It was impossible to let one of the generals fight from the beginning until dark, and it was also impossible to capture just one of them and kill him.

Therefore, generals like Huang Feihu still had time to make up for it when they were replaced by Long, but Yue Fei really didn't eat anything today, as if he didn't even bother to take a few sips of water.

Therefore, at this time, Yue Fei began to disregard his usual image, and while devouring his food, he explained to the generals below.

Fortunately, although Wu Qi, Qin Qiong, Chang Yuchun and other generals were not around, Zhang Liang was also in the tent. When he saw Yue Fei's anxious look, he couldn't help but laugh a little and took the initiative to help.

Yue Fei explained to the generals below.

As a city, Jiangling City must be surrounded from four directions. It just so happened that Yue Fei, the Grand Governor of Jingzhou, plus Wu Qi and Qin Qiong, the two Deputy Governors of Jingzhou, and Chang Yuchun, the Deputy Governor of Yongzhou

, just one person in one direction.

"At this time, although the Chu army and the barbarian army are in conflict, if our army intervenes at this moment, the two sides will definitely be unanimous in dealing with the outside world. Instead, they will temporarily ignore the conflicts between the two sides! Instead of this, our army would be better to stay out of the matter for the time being and pretend that there is no such thing.

Seeing this, sit back and watch this wonderful show!" Zhang Liang said slowly.

Compared to Yue Fei, who was always in a state of high concentration during command, Zhang Liang, as a military advisor, had a relatively relaxed day.

Therefore, Zhang Liang's image is relatively good-looking now, while the remaining generals are as if they were reincarnated as starving ghosts. Moreover, many of these generals are rough men and do not pay much attention to them compared to others.

"Grand Governor! Military Advisor! If our army doesn't take action at this time, I'm afraid this matter will have to be suppressed by Zhu Yuanzhang or Liu Xiu again!" Another general said.

Indeed, Zhu Yuanzhang or Liu Xiu will never let this conflict continue to intensify. When they receive the news, they will definitely use various means to suppress this conflict as soon as possible.

After all, this is not the first time this has happened. Before this, the Jin army had provoked conflicts between the allied forces in Jiangling City more than once.

"Can it really be suppressed?" Zhang Liang said with a chuckle.

How could such a thing be truly suppressed? Although Zhu Yuanzhang and Liu Xiu seemed to suppress these conflicts in the past few times, they only suppressed them on the surface.

A nail was driven into a wooden board. Even if the nail was pulled out, the traces left behind could not be erased.

The same goes for this matter. It seems to have been suppressed, but how many people know what the two parties are thinking?

Nowadays, it is becoming easier and easier for the Jin army to provoke conflicts with the other party, and every time the conflict is provoked, the commotion caused by the other party is getting louder and louder. Therefore, the secrets here can already be seen.

It's spot on.

Even if the other party's conflicts are suppressed on the surface, in fact, the two parties whose conflicts continue to intensify are absolutely unable to cooperate effectively with each other.

Although Liu Xiu, Zhu Yuanzhang, and Yang Su separated the Barbarian Army, Chu Army, and Yangzhou Army into fixed areas for defense. However, these areas are still adjacent to each other and cannot be isolated from each other.

And as the conflicts between them continue to be provoked, even if Liu Xiu, Zhu Yuanzhang, and Yang Su have great abilities, the defense of the adjacent areas between these defense areas will never be as comprehensive as other areas. There will always be

Flaws will be revealed in a moment.

Not to mention Liu Xiu, Zhu Yuanzhang and Yang Su, in terms of commanding ability alone, even Bai Qi, Han Xin and others, if the troops under their command are full of conflicts and cannot be resolved in time, they will not be able to face an equally outstanding commander like Yue Fei.

The commander-in-chief is bound to fail in the end.

No matter how good a commander is, they can only demonstrate their abilities if they have enough soldiers under their command.

If there are no soldiers under his command, Han Xin is just a bare-bones commander. On the battlefield, Han Xin plays the role of such a top commander for nothing, and is actually worse than a reckless man with high military strength.

Therefore, an excellent commander must, first of all, have a sufficient number of soldiers under his command. Secondly, these soldiers must obey his orders. After all, no matter how many soldiers there are, if they do not obey the general, then the general will actually be the same as the general.

There is not much difference between the polished commander.

And the moment Jiangling City reveals its flaw, it is Yue Fei's best chance to strike a fatal blow. Now, what Yue Fei is waiting for is the moment the opponent reveals his flaw.

This chapter has been completed!
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