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Chapter 1321 The end of Lu Wenlong

 Chapter 1321 The end of Lu Wenlong

"Congratulations, brother!" Hou Yi, who noticed a vague fluctuation in Kuafu's aura, immediately stepped forward to congratulate him.

Kuafu had been stuck at this stage for many years, and Hou Yi did not expect that Kuafu would take another step forward today.

For a warrior, being able to break through is one of the most gratifying things for them. Seeing others break through with his own eyes, even if this person is his close friend, Hou Yi can't help but feel a little envious or even jealous.

Hou Yi has stayed in this realm for many years. Even though he has studied hard and practiced hard over the years, he still does not see the slightest hope of breakthrough. After reaching a certain level of strength, if he wants to achieve a breakthrough, it is really impossible.

It's just too difficult.

Therefore, when he saw Kuafu making a breakthrough, even though he was his good brother, while he was happy for him, his jealousy was also inevitable, although it was suppressed by him in the next moment.

"It's just a fluke, it's just a fluke!" Kuafu waved his hand and said.

Even he himself didn't understand what was going on. After killing Luo Hongxin, he suddenly had a sense of enlightenment for no reason.

On the other side, Lu Wenlong pursued the escaping Wei Long all the way. The war horse under Lu Wenlong's crotch was a rare BMW horse, but Wei Long was riding an ordinary horse and it only ran a short distance.

He was already caught up by Lu Wenlong.

Afterwards, even though Wei Long tried his best, Lu Wenlong could only hold him up for less than ten degrees. Lu Wenlong was still seriously injured, otherwise he might only need one or two moves to deal with him.

After killing this annoying guy, Lu Wenlong originally wanted to go to the battlefield. After all, his injuries were indeed unfit to continue fighting. However, when he was preparing to leave, he encountered Yuan Jun General Jin Dasheng.

Lu Wenlong was no longer suppressed by Luo Hongxin's skills at this time, and his combat power had returned to its peak. However, he was seriously injured after all, and he could not even display half of his true strength.

Although Jin Dasheng made a breakthrough during this period, and his basic force reached 105 points, after all, it was only a breakthrough in basic force, and his skills had not yet evolved. This situation can be regarded as that he only completed half of the breakthrough, but did not complete the complete breakthrough.

.Therefore, the current Jin Dasheng is still a little inferior to the normal peerless peak.

However, at this time, Jin Dasheng's physical fitness was in perfect condition after all, and with the increase in combo skills, Jin Dasheng's strength had been greatly improved.

The effect of the combo skills of Yuan Hong and Jin Dasheng is still very terrifying. For example, after Yuan Hong got the boost of this combo skill, he is still fighting with Kong Xuan.

Although it is impossible for Jin Dasheng to climb to that height, with the increase in combo skills, his strength still explodes to the level of a junior general.

Faced with Jin Dasheng's hard work, Lu Wenlong tried his best to support him, but he was already more injured in a short time. After thirty rounds, he was completely at a disadvantage.

During this period, Lu Wenlong had not thought of temporarily avoiding the enemy's edge, but this lunatic was chasing too closely! Even if Lu Wenlong wanted to run away, since Jin Dasheng resorted to the method of exchanging injuries for his life, he would fight to get a shot from Lu Wenlong.

, and also use his own killer move against Lu Wenlong.

After fifty rounds, Jin Dasheng was knocked off his horse with a heavy blow from his sword. However, Lu Wenlong was also a ruthless man and regardless of his injuries, he shot Jin Dasheng's horse through his hand when it landed. Jin Dasheng was caught off guard and was knocked off his horse.

Then, Lu Wenlong leapt towards Jin Dasheng fiercely. Jin Dasheng kept rolling on the ground and kept avoiding Lu Wenlong's attacks. Although he looked a little embarrassed, at least he saved his life.

After all, Lu Wenlong was already seriously injured. Every move his physical strength was consumed doubled or even several times. After fighting Jin Dasheng for such a long time, his physical strength had already been almost exhausted.

After several consecutive attacks, his movements couldn't help but stagnate, and Jin Dasheng took advantage of this opportunity to kick Lu Wenlong hard.

After landing, Lu Wenlong gasped for air, but even if he didn't have time to breathe, Jin Dasheng almost couldn't wait to launch a counterattack against him.

The three-pointed two-edged knife kept flashing by, and Lu Wenlong's injuries continued to increase. Looking at the aggressive Jin Dasheng, Lu Wenlong suddenly showed a cruel smile and allowed the opponent's three-pointed two-edged knife to pierce his own.

On the chest, he grabbed the opponent's three-pointed two-edged knife with one hand and refused to let it go, while the spear in the other hand stabbed along the opponent's chest.

Before Jin Dasheng could recover from the joy of delivering a fatal blow to the opponent, this incident suddenly caused him to be in a panic. In a hurry, he subconsciously reached out and grabbed the spear in Lu Wenlong's hand, and blood continued to flow from Jin Dasheng.

dripping from hands.

Jin Dasheng's whole back was wet with cold sweat after he kicked Lu Wenlong away.

It was too dangerous! The moment just now was too dangerous! Just a little bit away, he was dragged to death by Lu Wenlong.

Fortunately, Lu Wenlong was close to exhaustion at that time, and Jin Dasheng just grabbed the spear and deviated from the direction. Although he was still stabbed by Lu Wenlong's desperate blow, he finally deviated from his vital point and was not really taken away by the other party.


"Ding, the peerless peak military general Jin Dasheng killed the god general Lu Wenlong..."

However, at this time, Jin Dasheng was still in fear for the rest of his life, and was not aware of the changes in his body at all.

Speaking of which, Lu Wenlong can be regarded as the first god-level warrior to fall among the Jin army.

And so far, from the beginning of Wu Wenhua, Lu Bu, Hou Qing, Gongsun Yang and others, to Wanyan Jindanzi, Wen Zhong, Du Yan, Zhuge Kunlong and others, to today's Luo Hongxin and Lu Wenlong,

Even god-level generals have lost double-digit numbers on the battlefield.

In today's world, there are an endless supply of masters, with new generations replacing old ones. Even god-level generals cannot absolutely guarantee their own safety on the battlefield.

And people like Lu Wenlong and Luo Hongxin are just a microcosm of the battlefield. In such brutal fighting, people are dying on the battlefield all the time, and you don’t know how many people have fallen at any time. And these

Among the fallen figures, there were many generals from both armies.

This chapter has been completed!
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