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Chapter 1324 Three heroes fight Yuan Shen

 Chapter 1324 Three heroes fight Yuan Shen

Yan Liang and Wen Chou, two generals who had followed him for more than ten years, took the initiative to stay behind, but before they could stabilize for a long time, the Jin army unexpectedly came up like a group of followers, giving Yuan Shao a huge headache. The whole world seemed to be in chaos.

It's dark.

But at such a time when the enemy was about to attack, Yuan Shen, the most powerful general of the Yuan army, stood up at this time and volunteered to stay and stop the Jin army.

After hearing Yuan Shen's request, Yuan Shao's first reaction was to refuse. Yuan Shen was not only the strongest general under him, but he also belonged to the same clan as him and belonged to the same family.

The most important thing is that now, Yuan Hong, another fierce member of the Yuan family who is not much weaker than Yuan Shen in terms of strength, is still missing at this time! If something happens to Yuan Shen, the less the loss, the less likely it will be.


The current situation is so chaotic that even Yuan Shao cannot gather all the generals. Many generals are breaking out in all directions, and now they have no idea where they are, and Yuan Hong is one of them!

Although Yuan Shao intended to reject Yuan Shen's request to cut off the throne, Yuan Shen insisted on it. If the current situation continues to develop, it won't take long for the Jin army to catch up. Therefore, there must be something at this time.

After the general is cut off, he cannot do it.

Moreover, Yuan Shen also has a certain degree of confidence that if he cannot hold on in the end, he can fight out single-handedly.

"Ao Cao, Guifang, you two will help General Yuan!" Seeing that Yuan Shen was so determined, Yuan Shao could only agree silently. However, Yuan Shao was prepared to equip Yuan Shen with two more strong generals so that he could break out of the encirclement.

The certainty of actual success can also be greater.

"General Gao is enough. General Zhang needs to be guarding the Lord!" Yuan Shen suggested.

There are many masters in the Jin army. If too many people come, Yuan Shen will feel numb. It would be better to keep a strong helper by his side.

However, Yuan Shao had to be guarded by strong generals. Therefore, Yuan Shen only left Gao Gao alone in the end, and asked Zhang Guifang to stay with Yuan Shao in case anything unexpected happened.

Zhang Guifang's strength is still very impressive. As long as he does not encounter the top few people in the Jin army, he is enough to deal with most problems.

Although Yuan Shen took the initiative to stay behind, and he also considered himself to be extremely brave, he did not dare to use the thousands of men under his command to confront the tens of thousands of Jin troops. Instead, he listened to what Yuan said before leaving.

The strategy left to him by the attack was like that of Yan Liang and Wen Chou, which relied on geography to block the enemy layer by layer.

"It turned out to be him!" Jintai led the army to a place where arrows suddenly rained down from two slopes. Fortunately, he obeyed Li Jing's order and divided into two armies during the pursuit, which turned defeat into victory.

However, just when he thought the situation was decided, Yuan Shen's figure suddenly came out and led the remaining Yuan Army soldiers to block the intersection ahead.

When he saw Yuan Shen's figure, Jin Tai's scalp went numb for a while. Regarding this person, he really had no confidence in defeating him. This person needed the top generals of their Jin army to deal with him.

However, now, the sword is on the string and has to be fired. Although Yuan Shen is strong, it would be really ridiculous if this person really blocks their dignified Jin army here!

Therefore, although he was frightened by the opponent's strength, Jintai still bit the bullet and led his army to charge!

However, within a few rounds of the fight between these two people, Jintai fell into the negative wind! He could only use the spear in his hand to defend with all his strength!

To be honest, is Jintai weak? Of course that is impossible! Although Jintai is only a junior god-level general with a basic force of 106, if he really goes all out, many generals with a basic force of 107 will not

his opponent.

Moreover, at this time, he still had Li Jing's military god's increase, but Yuan Shen lost Cao Cao's increase.

However, the effect of Yuan Shen's skills is too overbearing. Unless it is completely effective or has an alternative effect, it will be really difficult to deal with Yuan Shen. Not many people can bear the huge suppression.


A long spear in Jintai's hand was stuck to the left and right, and soon he was hit by Yuan Shen's overbearing power and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"General Jin, don't panic, Gao Jineng is here to help the general!"

Seeing that Jintai could no longer hold up alone, a steel spear suddenly inserted into the formation, helping Jintai hold up the long stick that Yuan Shen was about to hit.

"Thank you, General Gao!" Jin Tai raised the spear in his hand and helped Gao Jineng divert Yuan Shen's strength aside, while thanking Gao Jineng.

Although Gao Jineng's strength is not as good as him, he can still be considered a fierce general in the world. At this moment, the arrival of such a strong reinforcement gives Jintai a chance to breathe!

Moreover, Gao Jineng can definitely be regarded as one with a deep foundation among the Jin army. Gao Shun and Gao Changgong are both brothers in their clan, especially Gao Shun, the leader of the trapped camp, who has followed his lord Li Xiang for more than ten years.

He is one of the most trusted generals of the lord Li Xiang.

Even Kong Xuan, one of the top generals in the Jin army, was introduced to the Jin army by Gao Jineng, and the two were close friends.

"General Gao! I'm on my left and you are on my right! Let's attack this beast together!" Jin Tai suggested.

Gao Jineng did not object to this. The two of them worked together to block another heavy blow from Yuan Shen, and immediately began to attack from both sides as Jin Tai said.

Both of them knew very well that if any of them faced Yuan Shen alone, the outcome would not be much better for either of them, and they might not even have a chance to escape in the end!

At this moment, only if the two of them join forces can they have a chance of winning!

Two spears, one on the left and one on the right, danced into two spear nets on the left and right sides of Yuan Shen, and surrounded Yuan Shen bit by bit, seeming to want to trap Yuan Shen to death in these two spear nets.

Same in the middle.

But Yuan Shen didn't care about this. He allowed you to change everything, but I only used one stick to break it. After more than a dozen sticks, the two gun nets on the left and right were torn into pieces by him. Gao Jineng, who was slightly weaker, was beaten.

He had to back away repeatedly, his arms were shaking violently, and the feeling of pain kept coming.

"Death!" Yuan Shen laughed sinisterly and temporarily forced Jintai back, then turned around and bombarded Gao Jineng.

Yuan Shen had full confidence in his own divine power. The man had just received several heavy blows from him. It was not a good time to think about it. It was the time to cut off one of his fingers first.

As long as he can kill one in the shortest time, Yuan Shen will be confident enough to quickly kill the remaining Jintai.

"Ding, Hou Yi..."

This chapter has been completed!
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