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Chapter 1526 Susana Panchou Battle

 Chapter 1526 Susana Panchou Battle

It is said that one can defeat ten katas with one force. Although the current Susano'o is like a beast and has no fighting intelligence at all, but using this barbaric fighting style and relying on his high strength, he will soon be able to defeat the enemy.

Huang Zhong was still miserable.

Although Huang Zhong received a wave of promotion, how could he have the chance to digest the power he suddenly gained? Is it possible that he thought there was no digestion process in the process?

"Brother Han Sheng, don't panic, let me deal with this madman!" Shi Gandang blocked Susano'o with an axe, and said calmly. Only when those three people join forces can they have a real impact on Shi Gandang.

The threat, now that there is only one person left, is nothing to Shi Gandang.

In fact, although Susano'o used Shi Gandang's power to distance himself from Shi Gandang just now, how much distance can he actually open? Shi Gandang has actually been following behind him.

In other words, shortly after Susano'o and Huang Zhong fought, Shi Gandang had already chased them.

However, Shi Gandang actually saw that Huang Zhong should have made a breakthrough in the battle just now, so that he was not proficient in his own power. If he wanted to become proficient in his own power as soon as possible, the fastest and most convenient way was to

Naturally, it would be a battle with a powerful enough enemy.

It was precisely because of this thought that Shi Gandang did not intervene immediately. Although Huang Zhong was a surrendered general, he was now one of his own, and Shi Gandang did not mind helping him.

However, the heat is almost over now. If the fight continues, it may not be a good thing for Huang Zhong. Therefore, Shi Gandang can no longer continue to watch with cold eyes as before. When it is time for him to take action, it is also time for him to take action.

It's time.

"Doulang!" The ax blade was placed on the ten-fist sword in Susanoo's hand, and Susanoo's attack direction was uncontrollably deflected to the side.

"Then there's General Lao Shi!" Huang Zhong quickly stepped aside and saluted with clasped fists.

He gained a lot of insights from today's battle, but it may take some time to digest. He has already vaguely felt that if he can digest everything he gained today, his strength will be greatly improved in a short time.


"Go away!" Susano'o roared angrily. His only target now is Lao Huang Zhong, and he has no interest in Shi Gandang.

"Hahaha, with the general here, you can't go anywhere?" Shi Gandang pressed his ax again and said extremely calmly. Although Shi Gandang could not understand the Japanese language at all, he could only speak a few words roughly for such a long time.

That's all, but just by looking at Susano'o's expression, you already have a rough idea of ​​what he means.

"Yeah drink..."

After Susano'o roared angrily, he exerted force with both arms, trying to push Shi Gandang aside, but in the end, it was just a fly shaking the tree, and the effort was in vain.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll kill you bastard first!" Susano'o said angrily.

"Drink!" I saw that Susano'o's attack methods became even more crazy for a while. He looked like he was desperate for his life, and he looked like he would cut down the stone and use it as a sword even if he wanted to.

"Well done!" Shi Gandang was in high spirits, and Pangu Kaitianyue also came forward to greet him.

It is a good idea to think that the fish dies and the net breaks. But as long as the net is strong enough, even if the fish dies, there is absolutely no reason why the net will break.

Shi Gan made a horizontal slash with his axe, while Susano'o raised his sword and stabbed straight at him. In this way, both sides would inevitably end up losing.

Generally speaking, in this case, the best choice for both sides is to take back their weapons and defend themselves. After all, except for the kind of lunatic who is sideways, normally, no one else really wants to do it.

They will die together, but to force the other party to give up the attack.

However, Shi Gandang did not follow normal thinking. If he wanted to kill a powerful enemy, he would have to pay a price. Instead of enduring the opponent's unknown desperate blow, it was better to make a choice on his own initiative.

In this way, you can still control everything in your own hands.

I saw that the Pangu Kaitian Yue in Shi Gandang's hand did not dodge or dodge, and was not affected by Susano'o's attack at all. He still slashed straight towards Susano'o.

A hint of clarity flashed through Susanoo's eyes, but the next moment it was replaced by endless pain. He also did not dodge, and the ten-fist sword in his palm was straight and straight.

Shi Gandang's strength is far superior to him. If they can fight to die together, then Susanoo's side will definitely get a big advantage.

"Death!" Pangu opened the Tianyue and sliced ​​open Susanoo's lower abdomen, and a hideous wound appeared on Susanoo's lower abdomen.

"Death!" At the same time, Susano'o also let out an unpleasant hoarse sound, and Shi Gandang's shoulder armor was pierced by the ten-fist sword that was as sharp as clay, like cutting tofu.

The red blood seemed to be dripping down the Ten Fist Sword. Susano'o pressed down hard, trying to cut Shi Gandang's entire body in half from the shoulder.

But no matter how hard Susanoo tried, the Juken Sword seemed to be stuck there and was motionless. Looking over again, Shi Gandang grabbed the Juken Sword that had pierced his shoulder with his hand, and forcefully pulled it away.

It's stuck there and can't move.

"Get out of here!" Shi Gandang launched a flying kick to separate the two of them. However, he didn't know if it was because he used too much force, and he himself was in a trance.

Shi Gandang briefly took a look at the wound on his shoulder. Fortunately, he had grabbed the sword in Susano'o's hand just as he had imagined. Otherwise, maybe they would both have perished together.

Thinking of this, he would inevitably feel a little lucky.

"Rat! Look how arrogant you dare to be!" Shi Gandang was not in a hurry to bandage the wound, but instead sneered at Susano'o.

At that time, Susano'o's whole intestines had already leaked out. Don't look at the fact that Shi Gandang just slashed horizontally with one arm at the end, so his strength was naturally not as good as normal. But even so, Susano'o

A man's life is still ten points and nine points have been lost.

Severe pain and unbearable pain hit him, and Susanoo even lost the desire to speak. Every time he moved, the pain in his body increased.

Under the severe pain, Susano'o was no longer as crazy as before, but he had regained his sanity again. He stared at Shi Gandang coldly, but he reached out and stuffed the outflowing intestines in again, and stuffed the intestines in again.

With the cloak wrapped around his back, he raised the Ten Fist Sword in his palm with difficulty.

This chapter has been completed!
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