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Chapter 1588 Geng Yan comes out of Ziwu

 Chapter 1588 Geng Yan comes out of Ziwu


Tuo led the army into more than a dozen mountain strongholds built with huge trees at the entrance of the mountain outside Yangping Pass. However, before their buttocks were even warm, a panicked voice could be heard.

"Report! Urgent report from Nanzheng. Nanzheng's transportation to the front line has been robbed of food and grass. Tens of thousands of Jin troops have appeared outside Nanzheng City!"


"How can this be……"

"We are still stationed here, and General Zhang Xun is fighting against Mr. Wang Jian. How could the Jin army show up..."

"You dare to report the military situation..."

One after another, disbelieving voices sounded. If the Jin army really appeared in Nanzheng silently, then what's the point of them continuing to persist here? They had previously made a so-called strategy to lure the enemy deeper.

It's nothing more than child's play.

If the Jin army really appeared in Nanzheng silently, then they would be in real danger, and Hanzhong would also be in danger!

No, to be more precise, by that time, Hanzhong will not only be in danger. If this is the case, the fall of Hanzhong may have become a foregone conclusion.

Nanzheng is the most empty at this time. All the troops in Hanzhong have been transferred to the front line, and Nanzheng only has 5,000 troops.

Dai Tuo ignored the panicked generals and snatched the map from a general's hand arrogantly. He read it over and over and over again. Yangping Pass and the Eastern Front were not broken, but the Jin army appeared in

There must be a place other than Nanzheng, and there must be a place that they have neglected.

There must be something they had neglected, and the Jin army took advantage of it.

"Ziwu Valley!"

After a long time, Tuo Tuo finally felt like waking up from a big dream.

This place, this is the only place left, this is the only place left that they have neglected.


All the generals screamed in surprise, as if they had seen a ghost, especially those who were born in Shu. Their mouths were opened wide enough to swallow a light bulb, which shows their surprise at this time.

Ziwu Valley is not a place for people to walk at all. How many years has no one passed on that ancient road? This is true even for a few people, let alone a large army. Taking that road is no different than committing suicide.

If he hadn't thought that there was no possibility of passing this road, even if his troops were stretched thin, Tuo Tuo would definitely have sent thousands of people to guard it. Considering the situation in Ziwu Valley, it doesn't take more than 3,000 people, which is enough.


Indeed, taking this road is no different than sending yourself to death.

Four thousand people! Four thousand people! A total of four thousand people died on this road.

Geng Yan set out with five thousand people, but in the end, only a thousand people were able to successfully walk this way.

As they went deeper into the Ziwu Valley, Geng Yan led his men and horses to advance all the way, wading through mountains and rivers, overcoming thorns and thorns. After enduring many hardships, they advanced all the way to the depths of the Ziwu Valley, and the road behind them became increasingly difficult.

Even when he was tired from walking and needed a rest, even Geng Yan, as a general, could only rely on the stone wall. He was dressed in rags and had big holes in the toes of his boots. He was worse than a beggar with a black face.

The man looks haggard, his upper and lower lips are dry and cracked, and the half bowl of water in his hand is turbid, with a pungent earthy smell!

Normally, no livestock would be willing to drink such sewage, let alone the generals. But in Ziwu Valley, it is more precious than gold!

Even though Geng Yan was thirsty, he only took a few sips and handed them to others beside him.

After penetrating more than 300 miles into the Ziwu Valley, Geng Yan's army could only advance an average of 20 miles per day, which was far below the target. Not to mention that the soldiers were extremely exhausted and fell into a dilemma of lack of water and food.

The food and fodder that had been prepared earlier had long been consumed during the previous three hundred miles of march.

The geographical environment of Ziwu Valley is really weird. Although the first half of the journey is difficult and dangerous, it is full of high mountains and dense forests, with rivers flowing through it. There are also several heavy rainstorms, so the soldiers have no shortage of water and are not exposed to the sun!

The second half of the journey was even more difficult and difficult. Not to mention there was no river along the way. I found a few small springs occasionally, and even the muddy soup was scooped out, which was not enough for Geng Yan's army to drink!

If you want to dig for water, there are mountains of rocks everywhere. The vegetation is sparse and the soil is hard. The soldiers spent a lot of effort and dug five or six feet deep, but there is no trace of underground water.

God was also sincerely against him. Not to mention the rain, there was not even a single dark cloud. The sun was shining brightly for seven or eight days. The soldiers had no water to drink, no shade to hide from, and they had to climb mountains and ridges to build plank roads. They suffered from heatstroke.

Countless people fell to the ground...

In order to fill their stomachs, the soldiers had to pull up the weeds on the ground and eat them.

However, how dare you eat indiscriminately in the wild? How many soldiers just fell there in vain. However, there are still some soldiers who would rather be a "dead ghost" than a hungry ghost.

It was during that period that the army fell into the most serious attrition.

Those who entered Ziwu Valley were all selected elites of the Jin army. They were definitely veterans for many years. They had been fighting in the north and south for many years. They had fought numerous deadly battles, tough battles, and bloody battles. They had never retreated even half a step, but this kind of

The situation, we really can’t hold on any longer!

During the march, there were rolling stones, heavy rains, poisonous snakes, ferocious beasts, diseases... the soldiers endured hardships and hardships, and there were countless casualties and casualties. Moreover, at that time, there was still less than half of the distance to cover!

Even Xue Wenyu, Xiong Fenggui, and Feng Mao, who wanted to make great achievements, also thought of turning around and warned Geng Yan again and again. They didn't want to die so cowardly on the way without actually making great achievements.

Even if they really died in such a ghost place, maybe no one would find their bodies.

How pitiful it is to die here like this! Even if a good man is going to die, at least he must die on the battlefield.

The army is trapped in the Ziwu Valley, lacking food and water... It is on the verge of collapse. If it continues to march forcefully, it will eventually either destroy the entire army or trigger a mutiny...

Except for the commander-in-chief Geng Yan, no one in the entire army had not thought about going back. Perhaps Geng Yan had not thought about it, but he was not willing to go back in despair!

Besides, the food and grass have been exhausted, so even if we return the same way, we may not definitely be able to survive.

And Geng Yan was really a ruthless person. He found a way out of a dead end in such a cruel way.

This chapter has been completed!
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