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Chapter 1591 Wang Jian vs Zhang Xun

 Chapter 1591 Wang Jian vs Zhang Xun

"General Yang Jian, we can only trust the general for this battle! Hanzhong, we can only trust the general!" Dai Tuo stood up suddenly, walked to Yang Jian, and bowed solemnly.

This mission is really too important. It is related to the safety of Hanzhong. It can even be said that it is related to the safety of Yizhou as a whole.

Now that we have the troops to return to support Nanzheng, the next step is to choose the general.

As the commander-in-chief of an army, Dai Tuo still needs to stabilize the front line, so he will definitely not be able to go back.

Chen Qingzhi cannot be exposed at this time. If he appears, the White Robe Army's hidden army will be completely exposed this time. If Chen Qingzhi does not appear, he will only draw a thousand people from the White Robe Army.

So, this secret move still has the possibility of hiding him.

Therefore, Chen Qingzhi certainly could not lead his troops back to aid Nanzheng.

Apart from these two people, the only ones who are qualified to take on this important task are Yang Jian and Liu Zhiyuan.

Liu Zhiyuan was seriously injured and had already taken a small route and was escorted back to Chengdu.

After all the calculations, Yang Jian seems to have become the only choice.

As for Yu Da, he is brave if he is brave, but he is already a simple martial artist.

At this time, even if Dai Tuo was reluctant to transfer Yang Jian, a powerful combat force, from the front line, the situation was such that he really had no better way.

"How can you do this with General Tuo!"

"General, don't worry, even if Yang Jian dies, he will definitely destroy this Jin army!" Yang Jian quickly supported Dai Tuo with both arms and did not let him really bow!

Dai Tuo was the commander-in-chief of Hanzhong. If he offered such a great gift, Yang Jian would never dare to accept it.

"I would like to go with General Yang, just to see who can cross the Ziwu Valley!" Shen Luoyan said with a half-smile.

In fact, Shen Luoyan was indeed quite interested in, or rather curious about, the person who could lead the army across the Ziwu Valley. There were very few people who would not be interested in such a person.

However, the reason why Shen Luoyan really wants to follow the past is actually to worry more about whether Yang Jian has the ability to return victoriously?

Although Yang Jian is not a simple reckless man like Yu Da, it is actually quite ridiculous to say how high Yang Jian's ability to lead troops can be! Yang Jian does not even have the experience of commanding an army as a general.

How high can this ability to command troops be?

As for Yang Jian, it goes without saying that in terms of force, he is a well-known leader in the entire Yizhou. However, when it comes to fighting, force alone is never enough!

The enemy we need to face next, although we don’t know who he is yet. However, since the opponent has the ability to lead others across the Ziwu Valley, just because the opponent can do this, we know that he is definitely not a good person.

The person to deal with.

Once Yang Jian fell into the enemy's scheme during this process, Hanzhong could not help but fail this time. After all, perhaps this single failure was not a big deal, but after this failure, the chain reaction that followed was

It's really too serious.

"That's good, General Yang Jian, plus Commander Shen, we can definitely make it foolproof this time!" Dai Tuo nodded in agreement.

If Shen Luoyan is also there to help Yang Jian, Tuo will indeed feel more at ease.

The Jin army, whether it was Li Jing or Wang Jian, were all shocked when they heard that Geng Yan had actually passed through Ziwu Valley. After the shock, they were naturally overjoyed.

The Jin army now does not know that the White Robe Army has been hiding around, giving the Shu army the possibility to return to Nanzheng as soon as possible. Therefore, whether it is Li Jing or Wang Jian, it is natural that the Shu army's front line must be There will be a food crisis.

Especially Wang Jian and Geng Yan destroyed the grain and grass shipped to Zhang Xun. Next, Zhang Xun will definitely take advantage of it.

However, Wang Jian never expected that he would encounter a real tough guy this time.

Wang Jian had already seen how powerful Zhang Xun was. Guarding Shiquan and the valley path along the Yangxian line, Wang Jian's more than 100,000 troops were unable to exert any slightest advantage in military strength.

No matter how powerful Wang Jian is, Zhang Xun's geographical advantage is strong enough. In a short period of time, there is really nothing he can do against this famous defensive general.

But this time, Wang Jian believed that it wouldn't take long before the food crisis broke out at Zhang Xun's place, and that would be the time for him to strike with a thunderous blow. It would be about strategy, not courage, and Wang Jian had even begun to think about how to use the heart attack at that time. Count it!

However, perhaps Wang Jian still doesn't know that the Zhang Xun he is facing is also an extremely ruthless person. It should be said that although Wang Jian has initially seen Zhang Xun's power, he has not yet seen it. The other side of him is awesome.

In history, Zhang Xun was determined to defend Suiyang City. Although there were only a few thousand defenders, the soldiers fought to the death, charged into the battle, and risked their lives. They created more than 400 battles in a few months under the conditions of dozens of times difference in troop strength. , the miracle of killing 120,000 enemies.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Xun has become a quite dazzling name in the ranks of famous historical generals.

However, a few people knew that during the defense of Suiyang, they ran out of ammunition and food, and there was a shortage of food in the city. In the end, the soldiers could only eat tree bark and were unable to kill the enemy.

In this critical situation, Zhang Xun first killed his wives and concubines to let the soldiers satisfy their hunger. Then he killed the old and weak people in the city. Suiyang City initially had a population of 40,000, but when Suiyang was captured, only 400 were left. Many people, that is to say, Zhang Xun's army devoured 40,000 people and only had 400 people left.

It is precisely because of this move that future generations have mixed reviews of Zhang Xun.

There were already serious differences in the evaluation of Zhang Xun's merits and demerits by the Li and Tang dynasties at that time. Those who devalued Zhang believed that "Zhang Xun stayed in Suiyang and did not go to Suiyang, but instead of cannibalizing people, he was as good as a human being." Those who supported Zhang thought that , "On patrol, use the few to attack the masses, use the weak to control the strong, protect the river, and wait for your majesty's troops in the Huaihe River. When the troops arrive, they will patrol to death. The patrol has done a great job."

But in the end, Zhang Xun was still regarded as a hero and recorded in the history of the Li and Tang dynasties.

Therefore, whether Wang Jian can use the opportunity of food and grass to kill Zhang Xun with one strike this time is actually still unknown.

What's more, Yang Jian and Shen Luoyan have already returned to Nanzheng. Although there will be some problems with Zhang Xun's food and grass, it is still unknown how serious it will be.

This chapter has been completed!
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