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Chapter 1729 Chi Yous Rebellion

 Chapter 1729 Chi You’s Rebellion

During this period of time, it can be said that there is constant good news on Li Xiang's side, but there is also constant bad news.

Wei Qing won a great victory at Baishui Pass, and also surrendered a great talent like Yang Su. The war against Shu once again achieved a staged victory.

But not long after this time, problems began to arise in the Jingxiang War. Jiangxia and Nanjun were lost one after another, and many generals were defeated on the battlefield.

As for the battle in Xizhou, Temujin made great progress along the way, while Su Dingfang was entangled by Murong Ke on the one hand, and encountered a group of pig teammates on the other. He could only stand on his own laurels, and it was difficult to achieve any breakthrough results, or even just

Entering the passive defense stage.

However, Su Dingfang rested on his laurels, while Temujin made great progress, which in itself represented the deterioration of the war situation in Xizhou.

Those people in the Western Regions are real people. Wang Shouren, Ji Dan, Wei Shu and other generals have helped them make suggestions, and they have achieved certain small results, but these small results have not affected Tie Tie.

Mu Zhen's fundamentals made those people in the Western Regions blindly optimistic. After that, they continued to show off their tricks, and the next step was to give Temujin a head.

Now Temujin's side can be said to be a situation where the king leads the king, but on the Western Region side, although the Jin army sent a few kings, they could not hold back that these kings did not occupy absolute leadership positions, and there were everywhere around them.

Brother Bronze, the situation is quite pessimistic.

Li Xiang exerted his strength on Tuoba Wei, hoping that Tuoba Wei could interfere with Yuan Meng from behind, but Yuan Meng also kept secretly interfering with Tuoba Wei, hoping to cause Tuoba Wei and the Manchu Qing to fall into disarray.

On the grassland, the Jin army is now in a stalemate.

As for Xizhou, Li Xiang currently only hopes that Su Dingfang can stick to the current results and persist until the war in Dahan is over.

In many places where Huo Qubing gave Huo Huo a pass, either officials were beheaded or generals were killed, leaving the army without a leader. During the process of chasing Huo Qubing, Qian Liu and Ma Yin unconsciously placed their own soldiers in these positions.

With manpower, they subconsciously expanded their own power.

When Qian Liu and Ma Yin suddenly woke up, they discovered that their power had expanded to a certain extent. The power covered their eyes in a short period of time, and also allowed their dry ambitions to begin.


After gaining power, some people can easily let it go!

Therefore, the conflict between Qian Liu and Ma Yin and Chi You completely turned against each other here.

During this period of time, Qian Liu and Ma Yin were able to successfully expand their power within Chi You, and the Jin army actually helped them a lot. The Jin army even took the initiative to help these two people.

Furthermore, the actions of Qian Liu and Ma Yin cannot be directly said to be wrong. After all, under the circumstances at that time, it was indeed necessary to arrange manpower in the shortest possible time to restore local order. The only criticism is that

, Qian Liu and Ma Yin placed their own cronies in these places.

For these two people, it can only be said that although they also had ambitions, they were forcibly cut off due to the lack of development soil due to environmental factors.

However, when Huo Qubing's troops left the Central Plains, Chiyou's internal affairs were in chaos. Qian Liu and Ma Yin, as the two most important generals sent by Chiyou to assist Zhao She in dealing with Huo Qubing, unconsciously developed their own selfish motives.

Only when you have a certain amount of capital in your hand will you become greedy for more. If you don't even have a dollar in your hand, it will be difficult for you to find a way to directly own tens of billions.


But it is unrealistic to say that these two people have no ambitions at all! These two people are also emperors in troubled times, and they belong to the category of founding monarchs. People with no ambitions at all cannot be included in history.

Their level.

Fortunately, Wu Qi and Wang Jian marched forward bravely, and the two were old and strong. They brought good news to Li Xiang. The war in Bajun was basically over, and Wu Qi's troops had successfully made peace with Wang Jian's troops.

At the same time, what makes Li Xiang most happy is probably that there was a fire in the backyard of Chi You!

Qian Liu and Ma Yin are actually not really ambitious people. After all, the current situation of the big Han Dynasty has actually been decided, and the soil for ambitious people to develop is almost very small.

Even if he is a born ambitious person, if his ambition is not given a certain amount of soil to develop, it will be difficult for him to be truly ambitious.

But in any case, although some people under Chi You noticed this situation, they also thought that they should wait until the end of the war, and then let Chi You quietly pull out these nails with the gentle gesture of moisturizing things, and then pull out the nails silently.

Possibly reduce the impact on them internally.

The victorious rendezvous between Wu Qi and Wang Jian was also a breakthrough result for the Jin army, and once again opened up a new situation for the Jin army in the war in Bashu!

It can be said that after the war against Shu has progressed to this point, the overall situation has been decided, and the final victory is only a matter of time. Liu Che, the great emperor of Hanwu, at this moment, has no chance of making a comeback.

Feeling confident.

Although some people under Chi You were also aware of this situation, the most important thing for them right now was to find a way to deal with Huo Qubing, rather than targeting their own people.

Next, the most solid sword pavilion in the Shu Han Dynasty can be said to be useless to the Jin army. The Jin army can directly bypass the Shu Han passes in northern Shu and advance towards Liu Che's base camp, Chengdu.

At the same time, Qian Liu and Ma Yin, who had always been quite law-abiding, also received a lot of attention because of their unconscious little actions. This attention not only came from within Chi You's influence, but also from outside Chi You's influence.

And it was against this background that Li Xiang had already sent people to lobby these two people. And the person sent to the Central Plains happened to be Zhang Yi, one of the most powerful figures in the strategist family.

For example, the Gao family under Yuan Shao, Qian Liu and Ma Yin under Chi You, and even the Chen Baxian family under Zhao Kuangyin. In fact, Li Xiang has always been paying attention to these people secretly. Compared with others,

It is naturally easier to find a breakthrough.

Obviously, Qian Liu and Ma Yin were the first to reveal their flaws, giving Li Xiang hope of defeating them.

Some conflicts are destined to be unresolved, such as the conflict between Qian Liu and Ma Yin versus Chi You!

This chapter has been completed!
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