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Chapter 1785 The Shu Army surrenders to Jin

 Chapter 1785 The Shu army surrenders to Jin

"Grand Governor! According to reports, the Shu army has run out of food. Will our army send personnel to persuade them to surrender?" A general bent down and asked.

What can be expected is that after this battle, the word "agent" in front of Wei Qing's "acting governor" will definitely be removed. However, it is not known where Wei Qing, the governor, will be placed in the future.

within the state.

But whether it is Liangzhou or Yizhou, it is obvious that Wei Qing at this time is someone that many generals must fawn over.

"Don't worry, we will starve him for another ten days or so, until the enemy army is completely unable to resist!" Wei Qing shook his head and said.

Although the Shu army has run out of food at this time, it has only just run out of food. At this time, it definitely still has the strength to fight, although it really only has the strength to fight the last battle. It is the last moment, so it is better to be cautious.

, not less than these days.

Furthermore, there are always more solutions than difficulties. At this time, if the Shu army boiled their leather armor or belts in water, it might not be impossible for them to survive for a few days.

Wei Qing is going to starve these Shu troops for a while now. When these Shu troops are completely exhausted, if they persuade them to surrender at that time, it will really be a matter of course. Even Zhou Yafu and other generals can't stop it.

After that time, are these Shu troops who are already going crazy with hunger? If the Jin army lures them with food and the generals of the Shu army prevent these soldiers from surrendering, I am afraid that these Shu troops who are going crazy with hunger will be able to kill them first.

Those generals were fighting each other very much!

Human nature has never been able to withstand the test. The more life and death comes, the more thoroughly human nature will be exposed.

If those generals really want to prevent these soldiers from living, no matter how prestige those generals usually have, it will be useless at that time. Maybe for some extreme soldiers, those generals who stop them will still

Become a plate of food for others.

The generals in Shu, headed by Zhou Yafu, were like ants on a hot pot at this time, anxious. But no matter how anxious they were, there was no food in their hands, even if there was no food, they could not think of an effective solution.

During this period of time, Zhou Yafu and the others organized counterattacks one after another, but neither Wei Qing nor Yang Xuangan were able to guard their one-third acre of land. The Sichuan natural barrier that they were once proud of was now in ruins.

It became their nightmare.

And when the food is gone, they no longer even have the right to launch a final counterattack, and it seems that they can only wait for death quietly. After all, if there is no food, how can those soldiers accompany you to fight on an empty stomach?

Fighting is a physical job, and it is an extremely demanding physical job. If they go there hungry, even if they do not die on the battlefield, they may not be able to survive after the battle.

Because of Liu Che's death and the fact that they themselves were in a desperate situation, the Shu army's morale had plummeted and they now had little will to resist!

Every day that passes, Zhou Yafu and the others feel heavier and heavier.

After the fifth day of food shortage, deserters inevitably appeared. Some soldiers colluded with the soldiers guarding the closed door, opened the door, and escaped directly. Moreover, a thousand soldiers escaped.

In desperation, Zhou Yafu could only send his Xiliu Battalion to guard the door. As the Xiliu Battalion trained by himself, their fighting will is far beyond that of ordinary soldiers. This is currently Zhou Yafu's only

A team you can trust!

However, even the Xiliu Camp could not stop these hungry soldiers from looking for hope of survival!

Just one day later, because a group of soldiers tried to forcefully break out of the gate again, bloodshed broke out between them and Xiliu Camp.

And something even more terrifying happened. The hungry soldiers in the army turned their attention to the corpses of their compatriots. Hundreds of corpses were devoured in an instant, but they still failed to achieve anything.

Of course, this kind of thing is not really a big deal in troubled times! In troubled times, it is common for people to change their sons and eat them. The more ruthless ones, such as Cao Cao and Chi You, are

When there is no food and grass, it is not impossible to use "dried meat" as food and grass!

After a series of bloody incidents occurred, especially after the army began to use food to lure the Shu army, the hungry Shu army attacked the city gate more and more. Even Zhou Yafu fell into despair and could only temporarily

Xiliu Camp withdrew first, almost equivalent to Zhou Yafu having released his control over the closing of the sword pavilion at this time.

Zhou Yafu could see it at this time. If he insisted on letting Xiliu Camp continue to guard the closing of the sword pavilion, then this elite infantryman trained by himself would be destroyed in the hands of his own people!

No matter how powerful the Xiliu Camp is, without food, it is just a sick tiger. Moreover, Xiliu Camp is only a small part of the entire Shu army.

If you insist on blocking it, these bloodshed incidents will only increase in number, and the scale will only get bigger and bigger. If there are too many ants, they will kill the elephant. Under the continuous attack of the soldiers who are looking for a way out, his

Xiliu Camp's losses will only increase, and in the end it will be impossible to hold on.

In the end, Zhou Yafu, who had no choice but to look away, was forced to look away! After all, they were all Shu children, so letting them live was the last thing Zhou Yafu could do for them!

Not only Zhou Yafu had to look away, but Lu Guang, Ma Chao and others also had to look away.

To put it bluntly, these hungry soldiers are no different from crazy beasts, especially when the Jin army openly grills meat outside the pass every day, if they dare to stop these crazy soldiers

If they were in front of them, they would be forced to be submerged in the crowd.

These generals all hid some grain to some extent, but even so, even if they hid a little grain, they had to eat it in private every day, or even eat it raw to keep it secret.

If these soldiers knew that there was food hidden in the current Jiange, it would definitely be a wonderful thing at that time.

Lu Guang, Ma Chao and others are not Zhou Yafu. They don't have a loyal Xiliu camp who was trained by themselves. The only ones they can barely trust now are probably some of the personal guards around them!

This chapter has been completed!
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