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Chapter 1924 Lu Dongzan enters Luoyang

 Chapter 1924 Lu Dongzan enters Luoyang

"Your Majesty, there is still something that requires your Majesty's decision!" As Wei Yang spoke, he handed over the folder sent by Wang Meng.

"Songtsen Gampo proposes marriage!" After seeing the contents of this envelope, Li Xiang said with a slight smile on his lips!

This Songtsan Gambo really loves the same old tricks. In the original history, Songtsan Gambo used this method to get more than one wife! Of course, the most famous one is naturally Princess Wencheng.

"My lord, I heard that envoys from Yuan and Meng also entered the plateau!" Wei Yang said after careful consideration.

Of course, Wei Yang knew very well that the reason why he was able to hear this news, or that Wang Meng was able to hear this news and then privately sent a message to him, was that the source of this news was most likely the source.

The source is Ludongzan.

Moreover, Lu Dongzan had some tricks up his sleeve. Not only did he spread the news he wanted to spread, but he also managed to prevent anyone from finding out about him. Even though Wang Meng had suspicions, he could never get the actual facts.

evidence of.

It was precisely because Wang Meng could not obtain substantive evidence that the news was not mentioned in the brochure. Instead, it was passed to Wei Yang in private, who then told Li Xiang through Wei Yang's mouth.

"It's interesting! This small plateau has become a hotpot!"

Are the people on the plateau strong?

In a sense, it is also strong!

It's just that their strength is not in themselves, but in the plateau! The geographical conditions of the plateau determine that it is easy for others to attack them, which is a dream!

After finally gathering a large army, they went up to the plateau with great difficulty. However, only two days after going up, they discovered that they all had altitude sickness. Before the battle started, they all turned into soft-legged shrimps and fell down one by one.

"Isn't Lu Dongzan here just to propose marriage? Tell him that I agree!"

It’s what you mean!

"I still need an adopted daughter. I'll go find a maid in the palace and make her Princess Wencheng!" Li Xiang threw the note aside and said.

Of course, this is the reaction of the plateau people who are cowering on the plateau and cannot come down. If they come down, the Jin army can easily beat them and call them daddy!

Therefore, the Plateau is extremely weak in some situations! With the current backward situation, backward system, backward culture, backward social state, and backward equipment of the Plateau, without the natural protective shell of the Plateau, there is no place in the world.

In front of each force, there are brothers within brothers.

If the Plateau really has nothing to do and they attack and advance, even if the Jin army can easily push them back every time, they will never catch up to the plateau! Therefore, if this matter is not handled properly, maybe

It will develop into a disgusting thing in the future!

In the final analysis, what everyone is looking for is just a name. It doesn't matter even if Li Xiang is a gangster!

Everyone has reached this status, who still needs a woman? If you want a beautiful woman, can you really not find her?

In 1950, on the day the advance company entered Tibet, Khotan County in Xinjiang organized a pack transport brigade of 70 civilians, using more than 20,000 donkeys, 237 camels, 164 yaks and 370 horses donated by people of all ethnic groups in the Hotan area.

Horses formed a pack transportation line that could reach more than 100 kilometers from end to end, and batches of military supplies were continuously transported to the advance company. However, less than one-tenth of the total number was actually transported to Ali.

Most of the livestock became sick and died on the road due to lack of oxygen.

After Su Dingfang took care of the first part, this part also fled to the plateau. After that, the Qiang people also went down to the plateau to attack the Jin army, but each time they were beaten into younger brothers and were suppressed and beaten by the Jin army.


The Qiang people are in such a situation, and the ancient Tibetans are in the same situation!

But if the plateau is related to Mongolia, this will make Li Xiang a little disgusting!

Even if Songtsen Gampo knows that this is a palace maid, even if he feels humiliated, he still has to bear it. Who makes him weak at this time? If he has the ability, he will never come down!

Moreover, after reaching the plateau, the wind, snow and cold were severe, and the temperature changes between day and night were far incomparable to other places in the Han Dynasty. After entering such a place, can the army adapt to such conditions?

The original Qiang people were divided into two parts, one part was the Qiang people who lived in and around Liangzhou all year round, and the other part was the ancient Qiang people who lived on the plateau all year round.

Later, the superiors raised more than 1,700 donkeys and yaks, loaded them with supplies, and entered Tibet three times within half a month. On the snow-covered Kunlun Mountains, only one person finally drove the remaining two yaks to Liangshui Spring.

1.5 kilograms of salt and 7 naan breads were delivered to the advance company, but the bones of tens of thousands of livestock were placed on the vast road into Tibet.

Li Xiang was willing to give him a palace maid and gave the palace maid the status of a princess. At least his attitude on the surface was sufficient!

For a person like Songtsen Gampo, he will remember the humiliation in his heart, but he will not lose his temper on the spot because of such a little humiliation. What he wants is just the identity of a princess, as to whether he is a real princess.

It doesn't matter.

To be honest, unless the grassland is unified, the current Jin army would dare to send troops to attack any of the three forces in the grassland, but there is no need yet.

But if it is a plateau, unless the world is unified, it is impossible for Li Xiang to have the idea of ​​​​going to war. If a war really breaks out, it will probably be a bottomless pit of investment. It is really necessary to do a good job and use all the efforts of the country.


Could it be that today, a thousand years ago, we can do better in terms of logistical support than we will in a thousand years?

A more direct and simple example, is the Tang Dynasty strong enough? But Tubo is like the nemesis of the Tang Dynasty. In any famous war, the Tang Dynasty almost never wins against Tubo!

Therefore, Li Xiang really doesn't want to deal with the plateau. If he has the time to fight with the grassland, it is better than attacking the plateau!

Even if the grassland itself is strong, at least it will not go without a fight without risking the death of a bunch of people. There is no need to risk running out of food at any time after entering. It cannot even be said to be a risk.

There will inevitably be a shortage of food.

Moreover, think about the terrifying difficulties that will be faced in ensuring logistics from the plateau?

To give the simplest example, in order to liberate Tibet after the founding of the People's Republic of China, on average one camel had to die for every bag of flour transported.

What Li Xiang wants is nothing else. Even if Gao Yuan cannot help him, he must at least maintain a neutral attitude. Even if Gao Yuan is weak, the key opponent's position is disgusting.

It happens to be one south and one north of Yuanmeng. If Gaoyuan joins forces with Yuanmeng, they will be in trouble in Liangzhou.

Moreover, it shouldn’t be a problem for me to send a guard of several thousand people to my royal princess’ marriage, right?

It might as well take this opportunity to send some people to explore the bottom of the plateau in advance.

This chapter has been completed!
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