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Chapter 1931 Wang Meng poses the question, the Six Difficulties in Marriage

Of course, Fushui Fang knew very well that during this period, no matter who Zhang Yi came into contact with in Yangzhou, even if he just said a word to a common person when he was on the street, it would definitely be recorded clearly by Jin Yiwei, and even more

Not to mention the civil and military officials in Yangzhou.

With the power of Jinyiwei in Yangzhou, it is difficult for Zhang Yi to do anything!

Which important person in Yangzhou he wanted to contact would be difficult to hide from Jin Yiwei's eyes.

Even if Zhang Yi does make some breakthroughs with someone, these people will only be exposed to the eyes of Jin Yiwei. In the end, when they are actually used, it will be difficult to play a decisive role.

Instead of doing this, the floating houses should be more thorough and darker, and try to make them kill each other internally. By then, people in Yangzhou will definitely be in turmoil.

As long as the people in Yangzhou are in turmoil, they will inevitably miss their few development time. When the Jin army is ready to attack in a large scale, the Jin army will be more successful.

Therefore, they did not hesitate to use Xuanwu's hidden secret, and even did not hesitate to offend Zhang Yi, to advocate the implementation of their own plan.

However, the floating house is not afraid of offending Zhang Yi.

In fact, the floating water house hopes that Zhang Yi's actions will go smoothly. If the floating water house can really persuade a few people to switch to the Jin army's side, it doesn't even need to completely convince these people to switch to their side.

These people have loose attitudes and tendencies. With Zhu Yuanzhang's character, I am afraid he will not spare these people.

If Zhang Yi does a good job, he will save himself from doing unnecessary things in the floating room. The more he does, the more mistakes he will make.

As for Anzi like Xuanwu, this is the most precious thing.

It is not an easy task to open a gap among the Jin Yiwei, and to open a gap among the Jin Yiwei and those who already have a certain status.

It’s not that it’s difficult to instigate a few members of Jinyiwei. With such a huge organization like Jinyiwei, it’s easy to win over a few people!

However, what's the use of wooing the lowest-level pawns? Maybe these people were used as cannon fodder in which mission! Only those who can get through to a certain level in Jinyiwei can turn them around.


What can be expected is that Yangzhou, which is being watched by the floating house, may be in some turmoil next!

However, the Jin Yiwei has never been easy to deal with, and they are still fighting on their home court. Can the floating house take advantage? How much advantage can it take? Until all the results come out, it is still an unknown thing!



The stars and Han people are noisy with their carriages and horses, and the jade pendants and candles are swaying in the wind. How do you know that I am lying in a poor and desolate place, and the sun is shining in the deep mountains, but the door is still closed.

For the feudal empire, marriage was the cheapest and best way to strengthen bilateral relations. During the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, began to adopt marriage with the Xiongnu in exchange for peace. In history, along with the Tubo

The exchanges between the dynasty and surrounding kingdoms became increasingly closer, and marriages began to be introduced into Tubo's political life.

According to legend, when Guanyin Bodhisattva passed through Tubo, he saw that the people here were not happy, so he shed two tears. The two tears transformed into two beautiful princesses, and these two princesses will live in Tubo in the future.

Rescue those suffering people in the Western Region. One of these two princesses is Princess Chizun, the Green Tara, and Princess Wencheng, the White Tara.

Of course, Songtsen Gampo's younger brother Ludongtsen did try his best to get these two princesses for him.

In this world, Tubo also inevitably entered into marriage in pursuit of strength.

During the process of Lu Dongzan's marriage proposal, Wang Meng, the prime minister of the government, asked six difficult questions to test the sincerity of Tubo's proposal for marriage on behalf of the crown prince Li Hao who was in the imperial capital.

And this incident, in the history of Jin Dynasty in later generations, Lu Dongzan was also recorded as the "Six Difficulties Marriage Envoy" because of this incident.

The first problem is to pass the ribbon through the nine-curved pearl.

The second difficult question is to identify the mother-child relationship between a hundred horses and a hundred foals.

The third difficult question tests the proposer's ability to eat meat, drink wine, and rub sheep's skin.

The fourth problem is to identify the roots and ends of wood of equal thickness.

The fifth problem is to identify the palace route.

The sixth problem is to choose Princess Wencheng among 300 beauties with similar looks.

Lu Dongzan, who was worthy of being the most capable minister of Tubo, cleverly found a countermeasure after thinking.

For the first question, Lu Dongzan did not use fixed thinking to solve it. He found a magic weapon to win - an ant. He first coated one side of the pearl with honey, then tied the silk around the ant's waist, and placed it on

In the small hole on the side without honey, the ant will surely move forward when it smells the honey.

But the strength of the ant was too small. Even though the silk was very light, it was quite difficult to carry on its back. So Lu Dongzan came up with another way. He kept blowing air into the hole to help the ant move forward, so that the ant would move from the other side -

The silk was brought out side by side, and the first task was completed perfectly.

For the second question, Lu Dongzan took advantage of the nature of mother and child. He first separated the mare and the foal into two places. He did not give the foal water for one day, and then put it in the place where the mare was raised the next day.

The hungry foals immediately rush to their mothers to nurse, making the relationship between mother and child unmistakable.

Eating meat, drinking wine, and kneading sheep skins are the specialties of nomads, but eating hundreds of sheep, hundreds of pounds of wine, and kneading hundreds of sheep skins in one day, while keeping the room clean and tidy, is indeed a task for them.


Because the number was so large, normal people would inevitably worry about one thing and not the other. When slaughtering the sheep, they were in a hurry, and the wool and blood were all over the floor. After eating and drinking, they were very drunk. Lu Dongzan cut the mutton into small pieces and ordered his subordinates to take turns.

While eating, they took turns drinking, and the sheepskin was tossed and rubbed according to the order of sitting. Finally, when the meat was finished and the wine was finished, the sheepskin was rubbed appropriately, and the room was not messy.

Identifying the roots and tips of the wood seemed to be the easiest for Lu Dongzan. They threw the wood into the water at a command. Because the roots were heavy, they quickly sank underwater, while the relatively lighter wood tips

Floating on the water.

And for those who enter the Jin Dynasty Palace for the first time, it is not easy to figure out the route of the palace even during the day, let alone at night. Coupled with drinking, normal people will definitely be in such a big place due to the effect of alcohol.

And lost its way in the twists and turns of the palace.

Lu Dongzan was superior to others in that he secretly carried lamps when he went to the banquet, marked the places he passed with indigo and vermilion, and controlled the amount of alcohol consumed at the banquet to keep his mind clear. He used lamps all the way back.

After using the lighting, I successfully found my residence by following the marked direction.

The first five questions were all solved smoothly, but only when it came to the sixth question...

This chapter has been completed!
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