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Chapter 1065: Golden Hoop beats Mo Chiyou again

 Chapter 1946 The golden hoop beats Mo Chiyou again

Therefore, Chi You must find a way to find a breakthrough from these five people.

Only after finding a breakthrough can we find a quick solution.

And this breakthrough cannot be placed on Xie Jinhuan and Xie Pilu, not only because these two are the strongest, but even if Chi You created an opportunity, he could not kill him with one move.

It is also because the two people cooperate so well that there is no difference between facing one person and facing two people at the same time.

When it comes to generals with combined skills, even if they don't know each other, they are naturally complementary. Therefore, when they join forces to fight against the enemy, their strength will be greatly increased in a short period of time.

In the case of the three Xie brothers, although they do not have a combination of skills, they are too familiar with each other. There is almost no secret in their respective martial arts skills, and the tacit understanding brought about by their long-term companionship makes them

If we work together, we will really check for and fill in the gaps. Facing one person alone is like facing several people alone.

And if they are generals who are unfamiliar with everything and join forces with each other, it will only depend on their luck.

There is great power in numbers, and the power generated by the cooperation of many people is naturally stronger than that of a single person, but there is no coordination and no tacit understanding between them, which will inevitably prevent them from complementing each other's shortcomings, and some flaws cannot be made up for when facing the enemy.

, which makes it easier for the other party to seize the opportunity.

Therefore, Chi You actually set his target on one of the remaining three people.

"Ding, Chi You's Tiger Soul skill effect is activated three times. After activation, when facing the enemy, there is a chance to reduce the enemy's strength by 1 to 3 points. If used in conjunction with the exclusive magic weapon Tiger Soul Sword, it can reduce part of the morale of the enemy's entire army.

Currently reducing the morale of the entire enemy army,

Reduce Xie Jinhuan's force value by 1 point. The current force value drops to...

Reduce Xie Pilu's force value by 2 points. The current force value drops to...

Reduce Tian Zaibiao's force value by 3 points. The current force value drops to...

Reduce Qiu Yin's force value by 3 points, and the current force value drops to...

Reduce the value of gentle force by 3 points, and the current force is reduced to..."

This is Chi You's biggest disadvantage compared to other peak generals. His negative suppression effect is simply too weak.

Don't think that the negative suppression effect is useless. It is the same as the force amplification effect. It is also one of the two aspects of a general's combat effectiveness.

Indeed, the negative suppression effect is basically useless when dealing with opponents of the same level. No one can suppress each other!

But so what, no one can suppress the other, but for existences of the same level, everyone’s force increases are similar. Unless in some extreme circumstances, no one can defeat the other. If you want to decide the winner, it will take hundreds of people.

After the recruitment.

But when the enemy is above and below, this negative skill suppression effect is quite valuable!

In the simplest case, what would happen if the three brothers of the Xie family or the three demons of Shituoling faced Chi You, the peak god general with the weakest negative suppression skills? Even if it were the three demons of Shituoling, with the combination of skills The effect is that if it is a fair fight, it is almost impossible to fail!

But what would happen if the three brothers of the Xie family or the three demons of Shituoling faced Li Cunxiao, the peak god general with the strongest negative suppression effect?

With Li Cunxiao's powerful negative suppression effect, the worst effect is equivalent to directly nullifying the combined skill effects of the three demons of Shituoling!

If it were Chi You, maybe a few more junior generals could hold him back temporarily, but if it were Li Cunxiao, the same number of junior generals would definitely not be enough to hold Li Cunxiao back. If they think that the same number of junior generals can hold back Chi You and Li Cunxiao, Li Cunxiao will definitely give them a surprise!

However, no matter how weak Chi You's negative skill suppression effect is, it is still very significant when facing a god general or below.

None of these people dared to face Chi You alone, so several weapons worked together to kill him.

"Don't even think about it!"

Chi You snorted coldly. Although these people wanted to overwhelm them with force, although he was not afraid, he would never choose this fighting method.

Only a fool would compete with these people. Even if Chi You didn't know that there were still several archers hidden around him, there were several masters of hidden weapons among these people. Whenever there was a stalemate while fighting, these few The hidden weapon master took the opportunity to take action, but he was the one who was in a hurry.

Therefore, Chi You's Tiger Soul Sword made a huge rotation, and with a little bit of skill in the process, he sent the five-armed magic weapon that several people were about to press forward to fly away.

"Third brother!" Xie Jinhuan greeted, Xie Pilu understood what he meant even without Xie Jinhuan having to say anything, and stepped in front of Xie Jinhuan.

Xie Jinhuan decisively took out his golden hoop from his arms.

When the two of them joined forces to fight against Chi You just now, it was because it was difficult for Xie Pilu to resist Chi You head-on, so Xie Jinhuan did not dare to use his golden hoop. Instead, the two of them worked together to resist Chi You head-on.

But now with the help of these three people, even if the four of them can't beat Chi You head-on, they can resist for a while without being killed by Chi You.

"Ding, as soon as Xie Jinhuo's golden hoop skill effect is activated, the golden hoop will fly. When using the golden hoop as a hidden weapon, it will reduce the opponent's force value by 5 to 10 points..."

"How dare you show off your trivial skills!" Chi You snorted coldly.

This method is indeed extremely powerful, but it is most effective only the first time, and that time, even Chi You fell into the attack and received a blow from the front.

But when you use it for the second time, if you are prepared, it will have no effect at this time. It is a conservative attitude.

However, although Chi You's broadsword hit the golden hoop head-on this time, it did not hit an empty hole like the last time. But what he didn't expect was that the moment he hit the golden hoop, the golden hoop suddenly split into three.

He only hit the middle one, and the remaining two still hit him.

Even though Chi You was physically strong and protected by precious armor, when these two golden hoops came up against each other, it was painful. He grinned and groaned.

Who said there is only one golden hoop? Xie Jinhuan’s golden hoop has three!

Didn't he know that the same tricks he had used would be useless against Chi You and other masters if he used them again? But the reason why he dared to use them again was that he was naturally prepared!

In fact, if this golden hoop could be worn on Chi You's head, it would have the greatest impact on Chi You.

However, let alone Chi You, it would be difficult for any enemy general to put it on the opponent's head, so Xie Jinhuan only used this golden hoop as a hidden weapon.


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