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Chapter 1099 Li Liu’s scheme and Fan Ju’s suspicion

Spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. After all the rice seedlings have been transplanted and planted, Yuan Shao swears to go to war. ◆????????????Search????????????.??? ???◆

He himself is the general marshal of the three armies, and Cui Hao, Fan Li, Xu You, and Guo Tu are the counselors accompanying the army.

Fan Li's mission is to wait until the end of the Northern War, not just to provoke this war. If he just provokes this war and runs away, it will inevitably make Yuan Shao suspicious.

Therefore, his current task has not yet come to be completed. Only after it is truly completed can he be able to achieve high goals and be his own Tao Zhugong.

Yuan Shen, Yuan Sheng, Han Yan, Yuan Chonghuan, Pang Nuan, Han Meng, Han Rong and others were appointed as generals and led the army in the northern expedition to Youzhou.

As for this reason, is there any need to find any reason?

Qin Zheng was the earliest anti-Han force. In the process of unifying Youzhou, it was stained with the blood of real Han clan members. Isn't it easy to find a reason? Moreover, They are all the most upright reasons for sitting upright, and there is no need for Yuan Shao to make them up!

Seeing that before Li Xiang was about to start the war in the south, the north was getting into chaos as he wished, so Lao Li was naturally happy at this time!

I set out the peanut and melon seed mineral water, turned it on, and got ready to watch the show!

On the other hand, I have not forgotten to work hard every day to sow seeds and expand the royal bloodline!

Under his efforts, the bellies of Xian Le, Peacock, Yu Xuanji, Dou Yifang, and Zhong Yu also grew bigger one after another.

Most of these women have been in the palace for a relatively short time. In comparison, Li Xiang may go two more times, which increases the chance of winning the lottery!

As for Liu Bei, who was next to Yuan Shao, he applauded Yuan Shao's attack on Qin Zheng in Youzhou even more.

It is now difficult to send troops to Youzhou from Qingzhou, so Liu Bei actually has only three directions for expansion now.

1. Dou Jiande's forces were in Qingzhou with him. Dou Jiande's forces were originally surrounded by Liu Bei on three sides. The two sides could be said to be fearful of each other. If Liu Bei wanted to attack Dou Jiande, it would be difficult for Dou Jiande to defend him under the three-sided encirclement.

But if Dou Jiande and Liu Bei went to war, Dou Jiande would probably directly cut off Liu Bei's power in Qingzhou.

Although the territory Dou Jiande won from Chi You was not as much as Liu Bei's, Dou Jiande also greatly increased the strategic depth, and both sides became increasingly wary of their respective geographical locations.

2. Zhao Kuangyin’s power in the Central Plains.

Although Zhao Kuangyin unified the Central Plains, this was definitely the time when he was at his weakest. The current Central Plains not only could not give him blood transfusions, but made him even weaker.

However, after a great battle, the two forces in Qingzhou are now extremely weak. Even if they are better than Zhao Kuangyin, they are still in trouble. Now they are all scrambling to recuperate.

However, even after recuperating, Liu Bei would not be able to attack Zhao Kuangyin. Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhao Kuangyin were the first and largest responders of the Qing Han forces, and the two sides were in a relationship of mutual use. Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhao Kuangyin needed the banner of the Han Dynasty, and Liu Bei needed the banner of the Han Dynasty.

The support of these two forces is also needed to clear the name of the Han Dynasty and tell the world that the Han Dynasty is still there.

Three, then naturally Yuan Shao in the west is left.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Qin Zheng in Youzhou is indeed weak at this time, but he will definitely not be easily defeated by Yuan Shao. The two people need to be in a stalemate for a while. No matter who wins or loses, the other side will not

Feel good.

During this period of time, Liu Bei went all out to recuperate. Even if he did not return to his peak after recuperating, he could at least regain some of his strength. By that time, no matter whether they expand or not, they would be more confident.

Although Yuan Shao is also a supporter of Qinghan forces, just like Yuan Shao dealt with Qin Zheng, it is too easy to have a famous disciple. If Liu Bei wants to deal with Yuan Shao, it is even easier to have a famous disciple.

What kind of crime is conspiracy and rebellion? It is a crime to punish the nine tribes!

There is a Yuan Shu base, and if you want to deal with Yuan Shao, you can find a reason at any time!

Taking another ten thousand steps back, Yuan Shao was able to solve Qin Zheng, one of the earliest anti-kings of the Han Dynasty, which was also a good thing for the forces of the Han Dynasty.

And this is the real chaos in the north that will be provoked in the future. This kind of thing will affect the whole body, and it does not mean that the other families will just watch and ignore the fight between these two families!



"Today I really realized what it means to steal a chicken but lose a lot of rice. This bastard Yuan Shao has the courage to take advantage of the situation!" Qin Zheng strode over, not even having time to sit down. As he walked, he looked coldly at the civil and military officials on both sides.

At the same time, there was a hint of sneer on the corner of his mouth.

The place with the strongest power of Heibingtai is in the north. Of course, Qin Zheng found out the news. With Yuan Shao's indecisive character, he was able to send troops to attack him this time, as he was on a mission to Qingzhou to provoke a fight between the two families.

Inseparable from the relationship.

"This Fan Li is indeed powerful. He easily took the initiative and actually strengthened the confidence of Yuan Shao, who had always been indecisive!" Lu Buwei shook his head in confusion.

"What puzzles Ju is that since Fan Li can be called the number one counselor in the Central Plains, he is probably not in vain. Such a person would actually take refuge in someone like Yuan Shao!" Fan Ju said, it was really hard to imagine.

This is not to say that Marshal Yuan is really that bad, but it depends on who he is compared with. Compared with so many great emperors in the world, he may be incomparable!

Although Yuan Shao has many talents under his command, the composition of his talents is very uniform. They are either members of his own family or children of local aristocratic families in Hebei. Even others come from aristocratic families from various places.

People like Yuan Xi and Cui Hao would not necessarily choose Yuan Shao if it weren't for the fact that one was in the Yuan family and the other was a member of a Hebei family.

For many people from local aristocratic families, unless the princes here are really bad to some extent, they will not leave their homeland easily.

In recent years, Yuan Shao's subordinates have indeed been unable to succeed, and the talents that have emerged have begun to lag behind other forces in the world. There is a reason behind this.

Therefore, Fan Li, as the so-called number one counselor in the Central Plains, at least has a good vision and respects himself and others. Fan Ju really can't understand that such a talent would actually go to Yuan Shao at this time.

In his opinion, even if Fan Ju did not choose Zhao Kuangyin, who had attacked Chi You, he would most likely choose Zhu Yuanzhang. After Zhu Yuanzhang, Youzhou would be the most suitable option for them, and it would not be Jizhou's turn anyway!


This chapter has been completed!
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