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Chapter 2 The parties plan

In Tang Zhou, no one expected that this loyal and honest junior brother would betray them.

There were even a few people who had good relations with Tang and Zhou who wanted to defend him, but then they stopped and retreated.

After all, they all knew that the Great Master would never joke about such a major matter. And since the Great Master could mention this matter in such an important gathering, he must have obtained ironclad evidence.

What's more, junior fellow apprentice Tang Zhou is one of the great virtuous master's favorite disciples. The great virtuous master would never reveal such important matters without finding out clearly.

Although he had successfully uncovered the traitors and prevented the uprising from being exposed, Zhang Jue's heart was not at ease at this moment. It could even be said that he was still a little heavy.

Because Zhang Jiao didn't discover the incident in Tang and Zhou Dynasty by himself, but someone else secretly reported it to him. Only then did he realize that there was such a big hidden danger hidden in his yellow scarf.

Moreover, there was more than one informant. In the past few days, Zhang Jiao had received four secret letters one after another, all of which were about Tang Zhou's private dealings with the government.

What's even more bizarre is that these letters suddenly appeared in his room. Before that, no outsiders had been to his room.

When this happened, Zhang Jiao immediately realized that something was wrong with the people in his house.

But when Zhang Jiao went to investigate, it was already too late. Because when Zhang Jiao decided to secretly investigate the people in his house, he received a report from his servants that several people in his house were missing.

At this time, Zhang Jiao could not have imagined that these people might not have disappeared, but had escaped. These people must be spies sent to him by others. Fortunately, these people must be anti-Han people, otherwise how could they have

Tell yourself that there is such a traitor hidden among the Yellow Turbans, and help you solve the internal troubles of the Yellow Turbans.

But soon Zhang Jiao felt afraid again. The people in his house were all his confidants selected from the Yellow Turban cultists. But now there are so many unknown spies among his confidants. It is conceivable that he

What is the situation inside the Yellow Turban Sect?

But there was nothing Zhang Jiao could do about it. Now the Yellow Turbans had been preparing for a long time, and they had reached the point where they had to take action. Some small things could not stop the Yellow Turbans from revolting two months later.

At this moment, it was not only Li Xiang who reported that the plan for the Tang and Zhou Dynasties was successful.

In other states in the Han Dynasty, various men in black also secretly reported this matter to their respective masters.

In a dark underground palace in Youzhou, Qin Zheng sat high on the throne, with an invincible gaze and no anger.

Underneath, there were more than a dozen people lined up, some old and some young, each with an extraordinary temperament.

I saw that the man on the left was the first to take the lead. He bowed his hands and said, "My lord, the Tang Zhou Dynasty has been captured by Zhang Jiao, and now the internal troubles of the Yellow Turbans have been eliminated. When they raise troops to rebel against the Han in the future, although they cannot directly annihilate the Han, they can

Even if the Han Dynasty suppressed this chaos, their vitality would definitely be severely damaged.

In this way, if there are any more changes in the day meeting, the Han Dynasty will be unable to recover and will be destroyed soon. In this way, my lord's opportunity will come."

After hearing this, Qin Zheng in the high seat finally showed an imperceptible smile, although it was only fleeting, and no one among the dozen or so people below noticed this change.

"Thank you, Master Wei. If we restore the Qin Dynasty in the future, Master Wei should take the lead." Although there were some ups and downs in his heart, Qin Zheng still said calmly and calmly.

And at this point, we finally understand the identity of the person who planned the Qin government this time. It is undoubtedly Wei Sheng Wei Liaozi, one of the four military sages.

Wei Liao was a military figure in the Warring States Period. He was a native of Daliang in the Wei State. I don’t know his surname, but his given name was Liao. King Zhao Zheng of Qin came to Qin in the tenth year to lobby. After he was appointed as a national Wei, he changed his name to Wei Liao.

Wei Liao once made great contributions to the unification of the six countries by King Yingzheng of Qin, and advocated "consolidating the vast areas and integrating them into one system."

The book "Wei Liaozi" written by Wei Liaozi was included in the classics of military science in ancient times and was highly praised by military strategists of all ages. It was also called "Sun Zi", "Wu Zi", "Sima Fa" and others in the Song Dynasty.

"Seven Books of Martial Arts".

"Wei Liao Zi" is a military book produced during the Warring States Period. Although the strategic and tactical issues it discusses are not as profound as Sun and Wu's "The Art of War", it is also original on a series of issues.

First of all, "Wei Liao Zi" puts forward an economic-based view of war. Second, "Wei Liao Zi" also puts forward some valuable strategic and tactical ideas. Third, another important contribution of "Wei Liao Zi" is to propose

It contains a set of military regulations on rewards and punishments that are very characteristic of the times. Fourth, the book "Wei Liao Zi" preserves some other important military regulations.

In a large manor in Yangzhou, Zhu Sheng was also excitedly reporting something to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Sheng in the Ming Dynasty simply had a monarch-subordinate relationship with Zhu Yuanzhang, but in this life they both became members of the Zhu family in Jiangdong.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang is the direct heir of the Zhu family, while Zhu Sheng is just an inconspicuous collateral descendant, and is even bullied by the main family members from time to time.

Zhu Sheng decided to follow Zhu Yuanzhang only after Zhu Yuanzhang accidentally helped him.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't care much about Zhu Sheng's surrender at first, but he never thought that Zhu Sheng would guess that he was rebellious from a few trivial things, and then even came up with several tricks for him, which helped Zhu Yuanzhang a lot.


When things got to this point, Zhu Yuanzhang was so talented that he could not see the talent of his humble brother, so he immediately relied on him as a confidant and asked him for advice from time to time.

"Brother, with the power of the Yellow Turbans, the Han Dynasty will lose all its vitality in the future. But during this period, brother only needs to accumulate food, build high walls, slowly become king, sit back and watch the battles between the various forces, and then wait for the morale of all parties to improve.

With heavy losses, the brother-in-law fight can bring the power of a large army to wipe out the world." Zhu Sheng made plans to Zhu Yuanzhang with a joyful look on his face.

History is always surprisingly similar. After Zhu Sheng and Zhu Yuanzhang came to the Three Kingdoms, Zhu Sheng still offered the same strategy to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Sheng, courtesy name Yun Sheng, was born in Xiuning, Anhui Province. He was a strategist and writer in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties. He was an advisor to the founding of the Ming Dynasty and became a Hanlin scholar. Zhu Sheng was recommended by his hometown as Chizhou Xuezheng in the late Yuan Dynasty, but he later abandoned his official position.

Yinshimen, scholars call him Mr. Fenglin. He later became famous for his suggestion to Zhu Yuanzhang to "build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and become king slowly" which was adopted.

After hearing Zhu Sheng's plan for him, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded in agreement.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely grateful that the down-and-out sideline disciple who had casually helped him had such a great talent. If it hadn't been for a sudden impulse, he might have missed out on the great talent without even realizing it.

In an inconspicuous small village in Jingzhou, several people also gathered together to discuss the matter between Tang Zhou and the Yellow Turban.

This chapter has been completed!
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