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Chapter 528 Stealing Home 4

 Chapter 528 Stealing a house

Half a month, it took a full half month, but Wei Qing and the others were finally close to their target.

In the past half month, the army led by Wei Qing had been burning, killing and looting almost non-stop. They had unswervingly implemented the policy of killing them all, looting them all and burning them all.

In the past half month, six grassland tribes with less than 10,000 people, three grassland tribes with 20,000 or 30,000 people, and one large tribe with 50,000 people were destroyed by the invading army.

in hand.

Of course, after wiping out so many tribes in succession, Wei Qing himself suffered some casualties. Nearly 5,000 Han warriors remained on this grassland forever.

The few small and medium-sized tribes before were okay. The army had an absolute numerical advantage when dealing with them, and they were perfectly silenced.

But that was not the case for the large tribe with 50,000 herdsmen we encountered in the end. How could the 50,000 herdsmen be killed so easily? Many grassland people fled around when Wei Qing and the others launched their attack.


Although Wei Qing had made arrangements around him, there were too many people fleeing this time, and the few small groups of troops he had arranged around could not stop so many people.

It can be said that the attack on that large grassland tribe meant that the whereabouts of Wei Qing and the others were finally exposed.

In fact, when Wei Zhang and Tai Shici discovered the existence of that large tribe, Wei Qing actually didn't want to fight. He was even ready to take a detour.

But no one is as good as God. In such a large grassland, there will always be a few capable people, and Wei Qing happened to meet such one. When Wei Qing was exploring other roads to the target place, the other party actually also

After discovering their existence, he took the initiative to lead troops and find them.

Therefore, after things developed to this extent, Wei Qing could only deal with the tribe first.

After the battle, Wei Qing's strategic vision clearly realized that with the end of this battle, they could no longer hide their existence.

Despite this, Wei Qing did not give up his original plan easily, but was prepared to take a gamble.

During this period of time, Wei Qing destroyed so many tribes in the grassland, big and small, and the biggest harvest was the war horses. When they just left the fortress, their 60,000-strong army was only one man and one horse, and the rest was at most empty.

Some war horses are just used to carry supplies.

However, after this period of capture, coupled with this period of fighting, the number of soldiers has also been reduced by a small part, and now the army out of the fortress can already have one man and three cavalry.

Therefore, Wei Qing decided to make full use of these war horses. In the past two days, the army could almost be said to have changed horses but not men. Even if it occasionally rested, it was only for a short rest, and set off towards the predetermined goal at an absolutely rapid march speed.

Wei Qing wanted to bet that he could arrive before the enemy received the news; that he would arrive quickly enough; that even if the enemy had received the news, he would be there before the enemy could fully react.

The attack has already arrived.

In the end, Wei Qing won the bet. He was close to his target, but the enemy obviously hadn't received the message yet.

Wei Qing led several generals to quietly approach the tribe, preparing to observe the enemy's situation first. Naturally, his army cannot be stationed too close, and it is still far away!

As the tribe to which Nurhachi belongs, it is naturally the largest tribe in the grassland where Manchu forces are located.

Wei Qinghu looked at the tribe in front of him, his eyes couldn't help but have a hint of solemnity.

"Send the order, let the whole army rest, wait until nightfall, and launch the attack immediately!" Looking at the sky, there were almost two hours before dark, Wei Qing thought for a while, and told Cheng Yaojin behind him.

After two consecutive days of rapid marching, these armies under his command basically didn't get much rest in order to rush forward. Even the generals felt clearly tired, let alone the ordinary soldiers.

Therefore, these soldiers must first recover their physical strength before launching the official attack.

Otherwise, if they launch an attack with a tired army, even if they conduct a surprise attack, they can catch the opponent off guard, but I am afraid that they will be the ones who die in the end.

"General Ran Min!" Wei Qing turned his head and said to the tall and tall Ran Min behind him.

"General, what are your orders?" If we say that at the beginning, Ran Min only obeyed Wei Qing's orders because of Li Xiang's orders.

But after this period of experience, Ran Min finally recognized Wei Qing. Although Wei Qing was not very good in terms of force, he was far different from Ran Min, but Ran Min had to admit that,

The opponent does have some skills in leading troops.

Therefore, when Ran Min replies now, his tone is less unruly and more respectful. It will always be much easier for a truly capable person to win the respect of others.

"The general is the most courageous person in my army this time. I will hand over an important task to the general. I wonder if the general dares to take it on!" Wei Qing's tone couldn't help but become a little more dignified.

"If a general has an important task, it's okay to say so. What can a general not dare to do?" As a god-level general, Ran Min naturally has full confidence in his own strength.

"General Ran, I hope that after the war begins, you can lead the three generals Lu Wenlong, Wen Zhong, and Yingbu, and lead an army directly to the enemy's royal tent. Around the enemy's royal tent, there must be Nurhaci's wife.

We hope that the general will control these people as well as important figures in the enemy’s forces in the shortest possible time!”

"The last general takes command!"

After hearing the specific content of Wei Qing's mission, and hearing that Wei Qing not only sent himself, but also the strongest generals in the army under him, how could Ran Min not understand this?

The importance of this task. Therefore, when answering, Ran Min's tone was quite serious and dignified.

After hearing Ran Min's answer, Wei Qing smiled a little.

The powerful military generals of the opponent must have followed Nurhaci to fight in Youzhou. Even if Nurhachi still has any powerful military generals left in his lair, there must not be many.

Wei Qing still didn't believe it. He had sent out all the most powerful generals among his one-time generals. How could the enemy stop him?

This chapter has been completed!
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