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Chapter 839 God Level Summoning

 Chapter 839 God-level summons

Calculating his net worth, Li Xiang became more and more satisfied. So many summoning cards and summoning points were enough for Li Xiang's power to achieve a huge development.

Not to mention anything else, those 6 god-level talent summoning cards alone are enough for all the princes in the world to drink a pot. 6 god-level talent summoning cards are 6 god-level talents. In this world, except for him, Li Xiang,

How many people can take it out?

"System, use a god-level talent summoning card to summon god-level political talents!" Li Xiang couldn't help but feel a little crazy as he thought about the chaos in the two prefectures of Yongliang after the war.

There is no way, this war has caused a lot of trauma to the two states of Yongliang and Liang. Even if there is a blood transfusion in the three states of Bing, He and Si in the future, it will definitely take a long time to recover.

Moreover, disaster victims are everywhere in Yongliang Prefecture. In order to relieve these victims, I am afraid that Li Xiang will have to live in peace for a while. According to the estimates of counselors such as Wang Meng, I am afraid that he will not be able to expand again in the next three years.

In order to get the digestion and recuperation of the two states of Yongliang back on the right track as soon as possible, a high-quality political talent is needed. Fortunately, the gains in this aspect of this war are not small.

Among Yang Jian's forces, not counting the all-round talent Gao Jiong, others such as Yang Rong, Yang Pu, Yang Shiqi, Zhang Ji, etc. all have great talents. However, these talents still need time to be conquered by Li Xiang.

Among the aristocratic families in Chang'an City, there were also talents like Du Ji.

In addition, Li Xiang needs to be summoned. This time Li Xiang is preparing to summon a god-level political talent to contribute to the recovery of Yongliang Prefecture.

"Ding, god-level political talents are being called,

The first person, Xiao He, has 62 in command, 55 in force, 94 in intelligence, and 103 in politics.”

The reason why Liu Bang conquered the world has a lot to do with three people, they are Xiao He, Zhang Liang, and Han Xin! Zhang Liang strategized and made suggestions for Liu Bang, Han Xin was like a sharp knife when he captured cities and territories, and Xiao He did not show off his strength.

Responsible for logistics support work.

So far, although Xiao He, Zhang Liang, and Han Xin have not been born, their attribute data have been revealed one after another. Undoubtedly, these three are all talents who have reached the level of gods. Moreover,

, they are not just as simple as entering the god level for the first time.

Historical records record that "the meritorious officials all said: I was so strong that I fought for more than a hundred battles, and for a few dozens of battles, I conquered cities and territories, each with different sizes. Today, Xiao He has not done much work. He only talks in writing and does not fight."

What's wrong with you, my ministers and others?"

During the ceremony of awarding the heroes, Liu Bang ranked Xiao He first among the heroes, and the heroes expressed dissatisfaction. When fighting for the world, military generals are naturally the most popular, and military generals risk their lives to fight with the enemy, so they should receive the highest reward. But even among the generals,

General refused to accept it, but Liu Bang still made Xiao He the number one hero.

So why is Xiao He ranked first on the merit list?

On the one hand, Xiao He followed Liu Bang with his family as a close confidant. Liu Bang once compared the generals who charged forward to hunting dogs, and Xiao He to hunters. This is roughly like the difference between planners and executors. The reason why leaders

As a leader, he is naturally higher than others. As Liu Bang's right-hand man and the core of the Han army, Xiao He must be higher than ordinary generals.

On the other hand, Xiao He ran the logistics support work impeccably. Liu Bang commanded the operations on the front line. Due to the complicated situation, deserters often appeared. At the same time, Liu Bang also fought many defeats. Not only the soldiers could not find a commander, but even Liu Bang

I have been chased to the point of losing my shit.

Defeat will definitely result in the loss of a large number of troops. If you want to make a comeback, you must recruit troops again. However, Xiao He in Guanzhong can provide help when it is time. Once Liu Bang needs troops, Xiao He will continue to transport soldiers to the front line. The most important thing is

The strange thing is that Liu Bang did not order Xiao He to recruit soldiers, Xiao He did all this on his own initiative.

If in the game, Xiao He is like a priest who adds health to his teammates. He not only bears part of the offensive responsibility, but also constantly adds health and defense to frontline personnel. In a team, the main attacker is indeed very important, but it is absolutely impossible

Due to the lack of medical personnel, Xiao He played an important logistics role in the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony and played a decisive role in the war.

In addition, Liu Bang was often trapped in a certain place. Enemy troops besieged the city, and food and grass often became a big problem. Liu Bang was trapped in Xingyang for a long time, and almost always relied on Xiao He to transport food and grass to the army. Before the soldiers and horses were ready, Liu Bang was trapped in a certain place.

Food and grass come first. People are made of iron rice and steel. If they don't eat even one meal, they will starve. Liu Bang knows this truth well. Once there is no food, there will be as many troubles as there are soldiers under his command.

If Xiao He did not continuously supply food and grass to the front line, even ten Han Xin might not be able to help. If the Han army is compared to a car, the generals and soldiers on the front line are like tires and engines, and Xiao He is like the oil system.

And gasoline. Without gasoline, even a Ferrari cannot run.

"The second person, Li Shanchang, has 58 in command, 54 in force, 95 in intelligence, and 101 in politics."

If Xu Da and Liu Bowen are Zhu Yuanzhang's Han Xin and Zhang Liang, then Li Shanchang is Zhu Yuanzhang's Xiao He.

Li Shanchang also ranked first among the ministers in the early Ming Dynasty. Although his final outcome was a bit miserable, he was granted the title of Duke during his lifetime and the title of King after his death. His son married a princess, and his relatives worshiped officials. As a human minister, his status has reached


Zhu Yuanzhang once commented on Li Shanchang, "I rose from the grass, carried a three-foot sword, led thousands of people, and struggled in the cracks of the heroes. At this time, Li Shanchang came to visit the military gate, and we worked together to cross the river and settled in Nanjing."

In two years, he trained hundreds of thousands of troops, marched eastward and westward, and was good at staying in the country, transporting grain stores, and supplying equipment, and was never short of supplies. He also managed the rear area, harmonized the army and the people, and ensured peace between the superior and the subordinates. This is why God bestowed this man on me.

I am the only one who knows about his merits, and others may not know them all. Xiao He’s meritorious deeds have been praised by everyone for thousands of years. Compared with his meritorious deeds, Xiao He may not be better than him.”

"The third person, Li Si, has 65 in command, 70 in force, 97 in intelligence, and 103 in politics."

Li Si, his political foresight is mainly reflected in the many major events he did after joining the Qin Dynasty, from assisting the Qin Dynasty to conquering the world, and until the founding of the country. Each of them was enough to change the future and destiny of the Qin Dynasty.

One wrong thought can rewrite history.

Li Si spent most of his life practicing Legalist thought. After he was reused by the King of Qin, he assisted the King of Qin in completing the great cause of unifying the six countries with his outstanding political talents and foresight, and complied with the development of history.

the trend of.

After the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, Li Si was promoted to prime minister. He continued to assist Qin Shihuang and made outstanding contributions in consolidating the Qin Dynasty's regime, safeguarding national unity, and promoting economic and cultural development.

He suggested that Qin Shi Huang abolish the feudal system and implement the system of prefectures and counties. He also proposed unifying the written language, and then made great efforts to unify laws, currency, weights and measures, and vehicle tracks. These measures were all based on the Legalist approach of strengthening the central government.

Guided by centralization and monarchy.

It's a pity that he spent his life using his talents and abilities to travel around for the sake of the emperor's art. Finally, he joined the most powerful country in the world, Qin, and became the prime minister of Qin. He was a talented and statesman.

The ability of a political strategist was defeated by a treacherous minister. It must be said that he was smart for a while and confused for a while.

"The fourth person, Li Kui, has 70 in command, 61 in force, 94 in intelligence, and 101 in politics."

The appearance of Li Kui made Li Xiang sigh that the old Li family really had enough talents. This was already the third god-level political talent named Li.

Li Kui was the pioneer of the reformers in the early Warring States Period, and he also broke the convention that reformers had to bleed, because unlike Shang Yang who was torn apart by a chariot and Wu Qi who was shot to death, he did not die a tragic death after the reform, but had a good death.

Li Kui's reform in Wei State was the beginning of China's reform and had a profound impact on Chinese history. It shocked other countries at that time, triggering the first vigorous nationwide reform in Chinese history.

The transition from slavery to feudalism paved the way. Later famous Shang Yang's reforms, Wu Qi's reforms, etc. were all influenced by Li Kui's reforms.

Why did Wei become so strong and powerful in the early Warring States Period? The answer must be Li Kui's reforms. Li Kui advocated "Eating is due to hard work and salary is due to merit. Those who are capable must be rewarded, and punishment must be meted out. To seize the salary of the promiscuous people, they will bring scholars from all over the world."

Don't underestimate this sentence, because the Wei State dominated for more than a hundred years in the early Warring States Period and later the Qin State became invincible. It was this sentence that showed its power.

Li Kui also collected legal provisions from various countries, and finally compiled them into the "Book of Laws". Later Shang Yang's Reform, Wu Qi's Reform, "Qin Code" and "Han Code" were all based on this work. In addition, he also

He is the author of thirty-two chapters of "Plum", but these two works that influenced history have been lost.

"Ding, the fifth person, Zhang Juzheng, has 58 in command, 49 in force, 96 in resourcefulness, and 103 in politics."

After more than two hundred years of ups and downs in the Ming Dynasty, by the Jiajing period, it was riddled with diseases and crises. Every day, altars were set up in the Forbidden City to perform rituals, and green smoke filled the air. Emperor Jiajing, who fantasized about immortality, was intoxicated by the lyrics of "Ode to Qingyun"

With eloquent rhetoric and closed eyes, he entrusted the government affairs to Yan Song, the treacherous prime minister. Yan Song and his son took the opportunity to do evil, taking bribes and bending the law.

In this context, Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet who was born as a civilian, was pushed to the forefront of history. With his extraordinary courage and wisdom, he rectified the political agenda, consolidated national defense, and implemented a whip method, which restored vitality to the dying Ming Dynasty.

.Zhang Juzheng was also hailed as "the outstanding prime minister" by later generations for his great historical achievements.

During the ten years that Zhang Juzheng served as the chief minister of the cabinet, he implemented a series of reform measures. In terms of finance, he cleared the land and implemented the "One Whip Law", which paid taxes and services in silver. In terms of military, he appointed Qi Jiguang, Li Chengliang, etc.

In the north of the famous general town, Ling Yunyi, Yin Zhengmao and others were used to quell the rebellion in the southwest; in the administration of officials, a comprehensive examination of names and facts was implemented, and the "examination method" was adopted to evaluate officials at all levels, and the political system was solemn.

Zhang Juzheng was a far-sighted politician and a practical man who was quick to make decisions. He was ungrateful and conceited. He had the final say on all major internal and external affairs. Zhang Juzheng did not have a good relationship with the emperor and officials, so

Once he dies, the tree will fall and the hozen will scatter.

He was a capable and loyal minister, but he was too straight-forward and sharp, and even the emperor avoided it. He was a bit like Huo Guang in this regard. It was a pity that although he was famous, he was criticized when he was buried and died.

There is a great disparity between reputation and reputation after his death.

This chapter has been completed!
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