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Chapter 34 Offense and Defense

"Beat the drums and attack the city." Zhang Jiao said angrily.

Chi You was not only his adopted son, but he also trained Chi You as the future leader of the Yellow Turbans.

In Zhang Jiao's view, Chi You was not only the best in the world in terms of military force, but he was also good at commanding troops, and even handled the Yellow Turban government affairs. Chi You was capable of both civil and military skills, and was both wise and courageous.

But now that Chi You was actually wounded by an enemy general's secret arrow, how could Zhang Jiao not be angry? Therefore, he directly ordered an attack on the city.

However, Zhang Jue was worthy of being Zhang Jue. He could develop the Yellow Turban to the extent it is today, so he was certainly not a mediocre person, so he quickly calmed down his restless mood.

Almost 99% of the Yellow Turban Army were from poor backgrounds, and they still had some courage, but their professional level in commanding troops was far inferior to that of the Han Army.

However, this was the situation in original history. Now, due to the existence of several balances, the Yellow Turban Army also has top generals, although the number is very small. The two most famous among them are Zhang Jiao's two

Zhang Dingbian, the adopted son, married Chi You.

However, now that Zhang Ding was facing Huangfu Song on the battlefield in Yanzhou in the Central Plains, it was naturally impossible for him to rush over immediately to help Zhang Jue lead the army to attack the city. Therefore, Zhang Jiao had to let Chi You, who had just bandaged up and rushed to Zhang Jiao's side, continue to work.

The current Yellow Turbans are not like the Yellow Turbans in the original history. The only siege equipment is some simple ladders. There are two high-ranking generals, Chi You and Zhang Dingbian, and Li Zicheng, a momentary hero. Naturally, it is impossible not to pay attention to sieges.

Construction and storage of equipment.

As early as the beginning of the Yellow Turban Uprising, Zhang Jiao took the opportunity to rob some government craftsmen at the suggestion of several people. He also harassed the private craftsmen and specially made ordnance for the Yellow Turbans in a secret place.

Although due to time and the large number of Yellow Turbans, the Yellow Turban Army's armor and equipment are still far inferior to those of the Han Army. Only the hundreds of thousands of elites specially trained by Zhang Jiao have the soldiers, armor and weapons that can be seen through. But the attack

However, Zhangjiao had a lot of city equipment in reserve, and the Yellow Turbans also looted some of them when they attacked the government offices of various states.

The Yellow Turbans were well prepared for this siege, with chariots and ladders in place, and there were even a large number of wells and catapults being slowly pushed forward in the distance.

Chi You raised his head and looked at the fortified city in front of him, murderous intent flashed through his heart, and he said loudly, "Catapult troops, prepare for the first wave of attack."

In an instant, more than a hundred catapults advanced slowly under the escort of 20,000 Yellow Turbans. They did not start throwing stone projectiles until they were within sufficient attack distance. In an instant, under the control of a thousand Yellow Turban soldiers, thousands of stone projectiles were thrown.

The bullet flew towards Yecheng.

Many people think that the catapult was invented by Liu Ye during the Battle of Guandu. In fact, this is not the case. Liu Ye did not invent the catapult at all. Liu Ye just made some improvements to the catapult.

In fact, catapults have been used as early as the Spring and Autumn Period. The structure of the original catapult was very simple. It was a huge lever, with stones loaded in a leather sheath or wooden basket at the long end, and dozens of ropes tied to the short end.

, when the order is given, dozens of people pull the rope at the same time and use the lever principle to throw the rocks. A single throw can shoot dozens of kilograms of flying rocks at once. Different masses can shoot hundreds of meters.

The distance can be called the cannon of the leading weapon age.

The first large-scale use of catapults in the history of Chinese warfare should be during the Warring States Period when Qin general Li Xin attacked Chu. At that time, the Chu army secretly prepared a large number of catapults. When the Qin army crossed the river, they suddenly launched them at the same time, and countless sharp stones and dark clouds were launched.

The 200,000 Qin army was completely defeated, and Li Xin himself was defeated and committed suicide. Later, Wang Jian, one of the four generals of the Warring States Period, led an army of 600,000 to capture the Chu State. This shows the power of the catapult at that time.


In fact, even though the Yellow Turbans have more than a hundred catapults, which can fire thousands of stone bombs at a time, the lethality of the catapults is extremely limited. After all, with the current level of technology, how accurate can this catapult really be?

During the Han army, they were able to hit a few more people.

But the real use of the catapult is to suppress the morale of the enemy troops to assist one's own siege operations. Think about it, if there are stones constantly flying towards you from the sky on the battlefield, although the chance of hitting yourself is very small, how can you not avoid it?

It's scary. Especially when someone is shot and bleeding, how can the surrounding soldiers not be afraid after seeing it?

However, fortunately, the Han side also had some catapults. Although there were only less than twenty, they also caused a lot of losses to the catapult troops of the Yellow Turban Army by taking advantage of their commanding position.

It's a pity that after all, the Yellow Turbans' numerical advantage is too obvious. Even if the Han army has geographical advantages, it can't change the overall situation.

After Chi You saw the initial achievements of the catapult troops, he also began to carry out the second step of action.

Following Chi You's order, tens of thousands of Yellow Turbans began to carry ladders and push carts onto the city walls and rush towards the city gate one after another. After that, the Jinglan troops of the Yellow Turban Army were ready to move and were ready to go.

In the past few days, the casualties suffered by ordinary Yellow Turban troops were not meaningless. In addition to losing a lot of manpower in Yecheng, the moat under Yecheng was naturally filled in early, but it facilitated the attack of the Yellow Turban army today.

"Send the order, when the Yellow Turban Moth Thieves approach, roll wood and thunder stones from near, and throw bows and arrows from far away."

Facing the Yellow Turban Army's attack, Lu Zhi remained calm and issued orders one after another calmly.

Siege battles are always the most cruel. When the Yellow Turbans approached, countless rolling logs and thunder stones were thrown at their heads. The Han archers on the city fired thousands of arrows. For a time, countless Yellow Turbans soldiers roared in pain.

A sound, or an unwilling waning sound.

But after the ladder was erected, the Yellow Turban soldiers climbing on the ladder were even worse. There were still many ways to deal with the ladder in a siege.

Some officers and soldiers of the Han Dynasty used push poles in their hands to force the ladder down, but the Yellow Turban Army on top suffered a disaster. It was a trivial matter that they were turned into a puddle of flesh.

Some Han officers and soldiers also poured a basin of kerosene on the ladder and then shot it with a rocket. Unlucky soldiers would even be burned alive.

Of course, the worst thing was the yellow scarf soldiers who were poured with golden juice, which is boiled feces and urine, and is also known as "golden juice". Gold juice was very commonly used in ancient city defenses. It could not only burn the enemy, but also

The feces is dirty and the wounds are rotten and difficult to treat.

If the Yellow Turban morale who was poured with gold juice did not die on the spot, it would definitely not be luck, it would only be despair. Because once he was poured with gold juice, not only would he have to bear the pain of burns all the time, but the wounds infected by gold juice would also be injured in ancient times.

of medical conditions are nearly impossible to treat.

This chapter has been completed!
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