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Chapter 122: Big Brother

Xie Songhua heard the man say calmly: "Madam, please rest assured for the time being. The order we have received is that no one in your house is allowed to go out for the time being. I would like to ask the old lady to send someone who knows how to inform the entrance and exit of the house.

We also save a lot of things. The rest will wait for the orders later."

These words made everyone's hearts fall steadily back to their stomachs. In other words, no real evidence against the Xie Mansion has been found for the time being, and travel is only restricted at the moment.

The old lady also breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly asked the chief steward to come over and reply, and said politely, "Thank you for your hard work, Commander Huang and all the ministers. If you don't mind, why don't you just sit in the room?"

When Commander Huang heard this, he blocked his hand and said, "I'm on an errand, old lady, don't be polite. Besides, it will cause too much trouble. Please order everyone to strictly abide by the rules. We, the Jinyi Guards, are all a bunch of roughnecks, and we have never been very talkative."

To be reasonable, let's explain the matter clearly now, and then we can't say anything about misunderstanding or misunderstanding later."

There was no smile in his tone, and there was only seriousness on his face. After such rejection, the old lady and everyone else did not dare to say anything more.

It was Mrs. Yu who boldly stood up and said, "May I ask this commander, if he knows where our master is now?"

The man's dagger-like gaze scratched across Yu's face, which made Yu tremble with fear, but in the end he could only say four words, "No comment."

After saying that, he immediately turned around and took away all the royal guards with his head held high.

After everyone had disappeared, there was finally a human voice in the Shou'an Hall, and everyone felt a sense of joy as if they were surviving a disaster.

But no one dared to go back to their own yard, they only guarded the old lady.

Qi said: "I don't know how long this trap will last, and I don't know where the master's end is. What should we do?"

While talking, Xie Changqing came over with a few nephews. When he saw one of the tall young men, An suddenly stood up and said, "What are you doing here?!"

It was Xie Wenhua from Xie's parents' room who came back.

When Xie Songhua first returned to Xie's home, this eldest brother fell off a horse and broke his leg. It is said that he was raised in a camp in the countryside and never returned home.

The first time Xie Songhua saw him was at Xie Qian's wedding. He came back once, carried Xie Qian out of the house, and then disappeared again.

Counting this time, it was also the second time that Xie Songhua saw him.

Different from the common image of weak men in the Xie family, this grandson of the Xie family is not only tall, but also has an extremely heroic appearance, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. Walking next to the fat Xie Changqing, the contrast is particularly clear.

Xie Wenhua said matter-of-factly: "This is my home, why can't I come back?"

"You...you want to make me mad to death?! Normally, I don't see you coming back even after urging me and inviting you, but now you are so stupid that you don't know how to hide from the limelight. Why do you come back here to pretend to be a hero?"

Mrs. An actually ignored the presence of her mother-in-law and husband and scolded her son on the spot.

Xie Wenhua also refused to give in, "If you didn't stuff those portraits of noble ladies in front of me every day when I came back, I wouldn't sleep in the barracks every day."

"You are almost 20 years old and you still don't look at each other. Could it be that you want to be single? If you don't read a good book, you just run away..."

"Okay!" The old lady looked like she had a headache from the quarrel between mother and son. She shouted loudly to stop them, "When is it!"

Xie Wenhua made a face at Mrs. An and hurried to the old lady, "Grandma, don't be angry. My mother is so ignorant and always so noisy. Don't be as knowledgeable as her."

"You..." An just sat down and became so angry that he jumped up again.

The old lady then patted the eldest grandson's hand hard and politely, "Have you learned all the rules from a dog? Have you ever said that about your mother?"

"No, no, no," Xie Wenhua didn't care and waved his hand quickly, "My dad has many rules, and I have imitated them all."

"Pfft...cough cough cough..."

Xie Songhua couldn't hold it back and almost laughed, but he could only hold it in and hurriedly coughed to cover up his gaffe.

Fortunately, few of the other people present were really patient. Even though they didn't laugh out loud because of Xie Changqing's face, they all endured it hard.

I didn't expect that the eldest brother of the Xie family would have such an out-of-the-box temperament.

Not to mention, because of his return, the atmosphere in Shou'an Hall is much better now.

"You can't go out in the house now. What can you do about the news from outside?"

Everyone fell silent after hearing the old lady's question.

Only Xie Wenhua said: "Why else would I have come back? I was bored in the camp some time ago to recuperate, so I simply trained a few pigeons. I'm not in the house, how do these little darlings of mine know to come to me?"

"Big brother still has a way!" A smile suddenly appeared on Xie Langhua's face, obviously he had been worried about this matter before.

The old lady couldn't help but praise: "Da Lang is always doing nothing on weekdays, but when it's critical, you still have to rely on him!"

A whole family of old, weak, women and children couldn't come up with any useful information together.

Even if there was something really important, they would not discuss it with them. Little girls like Xie Songhua were naturally driven back to their own courtyards.

As soon as she came back, she told the people at Yanchuntai about the current situation, and everyone felt relieved.

Xie Songhua was not reassured. The person just now made it clear that this was only a temporary order.

If something is really found, no one knows what kind of orders will be issued later.

But she found that she couldn't do anything, not even save herself.

Xie Songhua returned to the room, thought carefully for a while, and took out a piece of paper.

First write down a story about King Chen, and then he is assassinated, and then deduce it later.

First of all, King Chen was assassinated. What is the situation now? Is he dead or not?

If he is not dead, there is still much room for improvement. After all, he is at stake, and he must be able to get more information than these people in the capital.

If he dies, who will benefit?

Furthermore, Xie Yuncang is just forty and has already reached the Wenyuan Pavilion. In the officialdom, apart from being the senior assistant, what other big pursuits can he pursue that would put him at risk?

What's more, what kind of quarrel could he have with King Chen?

Xie Songhua knew nothing about the current structure of the court, but this did not affect her divergent thinking.

The warning this incident gave her was that even if she was born in an era when women could not get out of school, they could not be a frog sitting in a well.

Otherwise, it would be like her now, with her eyes darkened and her future uncertain.

After listing all the information about the outside world that she knew one by one, Xie Songhua stopped writing and waited until she could slowly complete it in the future!

It's a pity that Yu Ruzhuo is not here. He can go to the palace and the information he knows is definitely not comparable to ordinary people. Why didn't you think of asking him more about this aspect at that time?

Xie Songhua regrets it!

It was already late at night, and a hook-like clear moon rose from the east, hidden behind layers of melting clouds, giving people a bit of a chill for no reason.

Xie Songhua looked at the ring on his hand, and he didn't know why. Even though Yu Ruzhuo had left, the ring still didn't move and couldn't be taken off.

It's just that the fluorescence is gone, and now it looks almost the same as what I saw at the beginning.

Alas, Xie Songhua sighed quietly.

If it weren't for the various rumors circulating in the mansion, people in the inner house would hardly realize that they were trapped in the mansion.

Deliberately ignoring the uneasiness in her heart, the days passed peacefully as usual. Xie Songhua even really started to read the books that Xie Langhua had brought for her seriously.

However, this peace only lasted for three days, when news came from Shou'antang.

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