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Chapter 148: Scared to Death

The seventh prince immediately exclaimed, "Oh my God!"

The emperor was also so frightened that he almost couldn't stand still. Fortunately, the third prince and the prince on the side had quick eyesight and quick hands to support him.

Concubine Gao couldn't help but take a step back, "Fourth, fourth girl, you are... you are..."

Xie Songhua quickly closed his hood again and quickly ducked behind the old lady, bowing slightly and lowering his face, as if he had nowhere to hide.

The old lady hurriedly came up to apologize, "Because it happened today, I don't know what's causing the rash on my face, and I'm afraid it would be rude not to come over, so I had to ask us four girls to come over first.

It’s just that it’s really inconvenient for our four girls to attend the banquet in such a state, so I asked the empress to arrange a place for her to rest temporarily.”

Concubine Gao finally recovered from being frightened by the rash on Xie Songhua's face, and said hurriedly: "Okay, okay, I, I'll ask them to clean it up right now."

She actually forgot to address her as "I", and I couldn't help but blame the Xie family for not knowing to say hello in advance so that she could be mentally prepared. This scare really scared her to the point where she no longer even had an appetite.

Emperor Yufeng also frowned slightly. Even though Xie Songhua had already wrapped himself in a cloak, the look on his face was still a little uncontrollable. He quickly turned to Xie Yuncang and said, "Everyone, come in!"

Xie Songhua also quickly bowed and thanked her, then left, and followed the two maids to the side hall.

Qi and Xie Shuhua haven't come to their senses yet. They are fine, but why do they have rashes on their faces?

When they saw Xie Songhua's face just now, it could almost be described as terrifying.

That is to say, the area around one pair of eyes is slightly better, but other places are covered with large and small red pimples, and some places are even swollen into lumps.

Mother and daughter both suppressed their fears secretly and helped each other into the inner hall.

The Queen came over in a sedan chair just now, accompanied by the Crown Princess who looked respectful.

Although pressed with powder, it can still be seen that the queen's face is a little uncomfortable, with a sickly sallow complexion.

It's just that his expression is particularly urgent at this moment.

After bowing to the Holy Master, she hurriedly said: "Now that things are like this, why don't you quickly ask an imperial doctor to come over and give Miss Fourth a look? This child is the same. She should tell her if she is not feeling well, and she must abide by the rules like this.


Concubine Gao was a little unhappy. The queen was in poor health and she was in charge of all the affairs in the palace. Now it seemed that she was not doing it properly.

It was Emperor Yufeng who said: "Okay, everyone is here, please take a seat!"

This incident of Xie Songhua is a turning point.

Without Xie Songhua, today's banquet will only consist of Xie Shuhua, a girl. However, in front of the Tian family, naturally there is no need to pay attention to the defense between men and women.

Everyone in the world is a citizen of the heavenly family.

However, Xie Shuhua obviously prefers such occasions, and she is also polite and generous in her speech. Although she has some shyness of a little daughter, overall, she is still admirable.

Regardless of whether it is poems, songs, or opera reviews, she can speak clearly and logically, which truly reflects her good upbringing at home.

I was so excited that I even played a song "Mountains and Flowing Waters" in front of everyone. The clang was clear and the lingering sound echoed in the beams. Coupled with Xie Shuhua's figure and appearance, it really made people intoxicated and won the whole house.

Everyone in the Xie family was very happy, except for Xie Yuncang's eyes, which looked a little worried.

When Emperor Yufeng saw Xie Shuhua sitting down again, he gave her a glass of wine and said, "My lady doesn't drink the same wine as us. There was some wine made from lychee in the palace earlier. Seeing that the imperial concubine seems to like drinking it,

Then take it out and give it to your girls!"

Concubine Gao was even more happy when she saw that Emperor Yufeng liked Xie Shuhua. She had already heard a lot of good things about the third girl of the Xie family from her niece, and now that she saw her, she felt good about her.

Then he deliberately said angrily: "We have only obtained three jars, and the Holy Father said that we were not allowed to give them to other palaces, but only to my concubine! Today we are going to give them away."

Concubine Gao has taken good care of herself and has a good foundation of beauty. Even now that she is getting older, such a gesture will not make people feel artificial. On the contrary, she has some charm that young girls do not have.

Emperor Yufeng then smiled and said, "Is the song played today by the three girls of the Xie family not worth your wine?"

Then he turned to Xie Yuncang and said, "It turns out that not only is Xie Aiqing outstanding in talent, but the children he raised are also outstanding. The three girls in your family are indeed good."

To be praised personally by Emperor Yufeng, how glorious it is that cannot be expressed in just one or two sentences.

Xie Shuhua's face showed a bit of shyness, but she still picked up the wine glass generously and toasted to the emperor, empress, concubine and others.

She had dressed up carefully today, and the dignity of a common girl and the softness of Pingting girl were perfectly combined. Even though her beauty was only 70% or 80% on weekdays, her performance today was still 10%.

In the Chonghua Hall, people were talking and laughing, and it was very lively.

It's just that there's so much excitement here, but the side hall where Xie Songhua is sitting seems deserted.

After all, Concubine Gao is the concubine who is in charge of the Sixth Palace, and she handles things in a flawless manner. The people who serve here arrange the meals appropriately.

He even invited the Imperial Hospital’s envoy Zhuo to come over and treat her in person.

In the palace, there were not as many taboos as outside. What's more, she had a disease on her face, so there were no curtains or screens, so Xie Songhua showed him directly.

In fact, she was also very curious about what results the chief of the highest institution in the medical field would give her in this era.

In fact, she just gave it a try, but she didn't expect that this body would be allergic to dust just like her previous life, and it was a severe allergy.

She happened to take advantage of yesterday's banquet to clean up the dust, so she went to have a good experience. Sure enough, at night, her face began to itch. When she woke up this morning, her whole face was as swollen as a pig's head.

The old doctor carefully checked her pulse, looked at her tongue coating, eye color, and asked many questions before he said in deep thought: "Judging from the girl's pulse, she is still a little weak, and her energy and blood are not enough, but

This doesn't seem to be related to the rash on my face.

May I ask if the girl has come into contact with anything that she doesn’t usually come into contact with in the past few days, or has she been in a similar situation in the past? I look at it, the girl seems to have some kind of addiction."

The question actually got to the point. Xie Songhua couldn't help but feel in awe. He stopped hiding it and told about yesterday's dust removal.

Zhuo Yuan envoy nodded and said: "This is it. Although it is not common, I have seen it in other people's medical records. Here, I gave the girl two prescriptions, one for external application and one for internal use. The girl remembers that these rashes should be cut before they are cured.

Don’t put on makeup or powder, and don’t put on anything to cover up your appearance.”

Xie Songhua looked at his prescription and found that it was the same as the way to treat skin allergies in later generations.

It seems that in this era without Western medicine, the charm of traditional Chinese medicine is far greater than that of later generations.

Xie Songhua suddenly remembered that the girl who asked him to treat the disease had been studying Ma Fei San and the possibility of surgical operations in this era for a long time.

The man in front of him was a master of medicine at this time and place, which really made him feel a little itchy. After thinking about it, he suddenly came up with a plan, "Mr. Zhuo, my daughter heard that Hua Tuo, the miracle doctor in the Eastern Han Dynasty, invented a kind of medicine."

Something called Ma Fei Powder can make patients unconscious after drinking it, and even disembowelment will not hurt, but is it true?"

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