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Chapter 264: Ms. Xie has to put her thoughts aside for a while

Who would have thought that Ye Jinxi hadn't spoken yet, but Ye Rongshi spoke first, but when he spoke, he clearly came directly to cause trouble, "My cousin has only met you a few times, how can you say anything about your daughter's family?

You and I still don’t know, when did you become such a well-behaved person? It’s just sitting in the pavilion, what can I do to you?”

When Xie Songhua heard this and turned to Ye Rong suddenly, he raised his eyebrows disdainfully, but there was clearly provocation in his eyes.

Xie Songhua also stared at him without hesitation, almost as a warning with his eyes.

But the other party's attitude was unyielding.

The young prince and Ye Jinxi looked at them with big eyes and small eyes.

After a while, the little prince turned to Ye Jinxi and asked, "What's wrong with these two people?"

In the end, Xie Songhua was defeated. He just sat there and sat there. Could he still be afraid?

Unexpectedly, as soon as I sat down, I heard a soft and sweet female voice, "Hey, this is a distinguished guest. I just walked out and met him."

Xie Shuhua has obviously dressed up carefully, her clothes are elegant and exquisite, she has a set of purple water jade hairpins in her bun, and her makeup is just right.

Even Xie Songhua was a little surprised when he saw her like this.

She knew that the ban on Banxiangzhou had been lifted, but she did not go to the Shou'an Hall to pay her respects. She thought she planned to remain silent like this forever, extinguishing her former competitive spirit and waiting to be arranged to get married!

Until now, seeing her look, Xie Songhua knew that Xie Shuhua's mind had never really rested.

Just thinking about what she did to him in the eldest princess's mansion, he subconsciously felt a bit disgusted with her, so he ignored her at all.

The little prince's character was originally unpredictable, but when faced with this sudden woman, he just glanced at her and looked away.

Ye Jinxi seemed to have something on her mind since she came here today. Although she barely socialized with Xie Songhua, she always looked melancholy.

As for Ye Rongshi, he didn't know what he was thinking. He just nodded lightly when he saw Xie Shuhua.

Among the people in the pavilion, she was the only one who showed any affection to her.

Xie Shuhua couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and the expression on her face seemed a little stiff.

She heard that Ye Rongshi and the little prince were here today, so she dressed up deliberately and came out. Originally, she was in a hurry to stop them before they left the Shou'an Hall and went to the front yard.

Who would have thought that we would meet here, and I subconsciously thought that this was probably a destiny destined by God.

Who knew that I would be so cold, I felt a little suspicious for a while.

Could it be that someone told the Xie family about choosing a husband for her?

Could it be that they already knew that the Xie family wanted to marry her off to that poor and poor man?

Xie Shuhua felt her face burning, and she could almost imagine everyone laughing at her secretly.

However, Ye Jinxi noticed something was wrong with her, "Why is the third girl's face so red? Could it be that she feels uncomfortable somewhere?"

This sentence attracted the attention of others, and sure enough, both sides of her cheeks were blushing.

This was because she felt ashamed and annoyed because she thought everyone knew something that was difficult for her to talk about.

But in the eyes of the little prince, he had other understandings. He touched his cheek and asked, "Am I so good-looking? You won't be so embarrassed after just one glance at me, right?"


Ye Jinxi was really shocked by his words and could only cough to cover up her strangeness.

Ye Rongshi was just the opposite, he actually laughed out loud.

Xie Songhua was the only one who kept an eye on his nose and his heart. After all, there were no two normal people in this pavilion. Whatever happened seemed to be within a reasonable range.

Xie Shuhua had never heard someone say such contemptuous words to her. Her face turned redder and redder. It was just that she was embarrassed and annoyed now.

It happened that the little prince didn't have enough words, so now he said again, "But I haven't married the princess yet! Miss Xie has to put her thoughts aside for a while."

Ye Jinxi suddenly coughed again.

And Xie Shuhua's tears were almost in her eyes.

The words of the young prince were too insulting. Not only did he reject a beauty like Xie Shuhua, but the reason was that he had not yet married his wife.

This means that even if you want to consider it, it can only be a side house at most!

Xie Shuhua's face was really colorful at this moment. She suddenly turned from crimson to bluish white. She gritted her teeth and said, "Is this the attitude of the little prince when he comes to visit?"

When the young prince heard this, he frowned and said, "Who are you?"


"I'm here to be a guest at Xie's house and want to talk to the fourth girl. Who are you to come here to stir things up?"


Ever since she was a child, Xie Shuhua has been able to interact with her peers like a duck in water.

If you meet a girl, you will do the same thing: win over, exclude, and flatter.

If she meets the young master, it will be even simpler. As long as she stands there and shows off her carefully cultivated temperament, there is basically no one who will not automatically show her kindness.

Even if they are a little reserved, they are definitely polite.

With this method, you can enjoy your meal wherever you go.

She had never suffered such grievances before. No matter how strong her mental endurance was, she couldn't help but have red eyes and finally cried out of anger.

Then he turned around and ran out.

Unfortunately, the skirt she was wearing today was too complicated, and the hem was too big and long. She was running so fast that she didn't even notice that she had to lift up the hem of her skirt, so she got tripped by her own hem.


Just as she was about to fall, the attendant on the side had quick eyesight and quick hands, and hurriedly pulled her up. The master and the servant fell back together, but the attendant was under the cushion, so Xie Shuhua did not hit the stone directly.

On the road.

But the pile of hair accessories on her head fell apart with a clang, and her bun was also messed up.

Xie Songhua was stunned, and the little prince on the side took a step back, with an exaggerated expression on his face, "This, this is not what I pushed you! You won't make false accusations!"

After all, the brothers Ye Rongshi and Ye Jinxi still couldn't stand it, so they stepped forward to help him get up.

Xie Songhua had no interest in being a Lei Feng, so he just stood aside and watched coldly.

Xie Shuhua knew that she had lost enough face and had no intention of staying. She turned around and left without even saying thank you to the Ye brothers and sisters.


Xie Songhua's eyes fell on Xie Shuhua. She felt that there was something wrong with Xie Shuhua's posture, as if she was protecting something in her arms.

Xie Songhua thought of Xie Shuhua's character all the time and couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

"Third sister!" she suddenly shouted.

Xie Shuhua in front stopped, turned her face, and looked at her coldly.

"I see that you fell hard just now, otherwise you'd better sit over here and I'll take your pulse!"

Xie Shuhua's expression suddenly changed, and then she sneered: "Don't bother!"

After saying that, he held Shi Shu's hand and left quickly, with his hand still on his chest when he left.

This only aggravated Xie Songhua's suspicion.

While I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard the young prince saying in surprise: "The other day I heard that the fourth girl can set bones, but I didn't expect that you can actually check people's pulses."

Xie Songhua was just about to think of a way to get rid of this troublemaker, but when she turned around, she found his probing eyes on her.


This chapter has been completed!
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