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Chapter 271: Just leave

As expected, Xie Tu was just cautious in her words. As a girl from Shou'an Hall, it was not difficult for her to get the list drawn up by the Qi family, and she didn't even need to alarm the old lady.

But when she got the list, she was indeed a little unhappy. The Qi family actually planned to invite several adult princes from the royal family to come and watch the ceremony.

I don’t know how this list passed in front of the old lady. When she handed the list to Xie Songhua, she seemed to have a rare resentment, "Are you going to stop until you trick all of us?!"

Xie Songhua held the list thoughtfully. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows in surprise and glanced at Xie Tu.

Xie Tu was too lazy to pretend now, "Third Sister, to put it nicely, is a scheming person, to put it worst, she is selfish. I don't know anything else, but I can be sure that her marriage is now decided.

Merchant, if she is happy in her heart, then she is a ghost.

Now she has the idea of ​​holding a lively engagement party, haha... If she really wants to have a lively and lively party with people she has known before, what can she do with a few princes? It is suitable for our family to have a relationship with a few princes

Is it too close? If she didn’t hide her bad intentions here, I would have written my name backwards!"

Xie Songhua thought for a while and then told her some things he discovered, "I dug it out secretly. I didn't know what the young prince and the young prince were hiding that day. We are not welcome in Banxiangzhou either.

I really don’t know what kind of medicine she sells in this gourd.”

Xie Tu thought for a while, then grabbed Xie Songhua's hand and smiled, "It doesn't matter what kind of medicine she sells, don't worry, I won't let her succeed. I'll go talk to my grandmother."

Indeed, as Xie Tu said, I don't know how this list was approved by the old lady, but it is obvious that the old lady did not notice that there were several princes in the guest list.

After Xie Tu told her about the incident in a subtle way, he kept Qi and Xie Yuncang together that day. I don't know what they said. I only know that Qi felt aggrieved when she came out.

That night, the little girl Cuiliu brought with her said that Banxiangzhou had smashed two more vases.

Xie Songhua shook his head helplessly. Sure enough, he still had money, so he would just throw away such an expensive thing.

Obviously, Xie Shuhua's wishful thinking had come to nothing, but she felt really depressed and uncomfortable in her heart.

Are you really angry with Xie Shuhua?

She raised her hand and saw the scar on her right index finger. It had been two days since the latest wound was made, and it was now slowly starting to scab.

It is estimated that in a few days, there will be only a small scar, hidden in the middle of the fingertips. I apply a good muscle-building cream every time, and I don’t know if there will be any traces in the future.

Her eyes fell on the drawer where the medicine bottles were kept. There were all kinds of expensive and rare medicines in it, and there were seven or eight bottles of muscle growth ointment hidden in it.

As for where Yu Ruzhuo got so many muscle-stimulating creams, Xie Songhua no longer asked. After all, he could get the medicine from Siam last time. Getting a few more bottles of muscle-stimulating creams seemed to be nothing.


She stared at the scar, then looked at the empty table opposite, and the depressed feeling in her heart became more and more obvious.

Xie Songhua became agitated for no reason and simply stood up and opened the window.

It's already May, and the weather has completely warmed up. Even the night wind that blows in has a bit of the fragrance of flowers. It doesn't have the coolness that the night breeze should have on your face, but adds a bit of ambiguity and haziness.

This made her feel even more uncomfortable, so she had to close the window again.

Turning around and seeing the empty table again, he couldn't help complaining: "We've been together for almost a year anyway, and we should have a farewell ceremony before we leave! Just saying that he can go back means he really went back.

She thought about Xie Shuhua's engagement party again. Look, even if she wants to bid farewell to her current life, she will still try her best to make some noise!


Okay, what kind of analogy is this?!

Xie Songhua shook his head and forced himself not to think about these things. He lay down on the bed and closed his eyes to force himself to fall asleep.

She still has her own beautiful life, and when she is about to marry Ye Rong, she has her great and bright future!

Well! That's it, Yu Ruzhuo is just a passer-by after all.

Thinking this in her heart, she seemed to slowly accept this, and fell asleep like this.

Probably because of the deletion of guests, Banxiangzhou was silent for a long time, and the entire Xie Mansion seemed very quiet. Even when the Qi family moved in the dowry prepared by the Qi family, no one seemed to be very interested.


The days passed like water, and during this period, people from the Qi family came. Xie Songhua didn't know how to behave, so he just followed Shen's mother's instructions and just kept his head down and was shy.

The British princess couldn't hide things. After both parties had a tacit understanding about the marriage, she went to visit her personally. While talking to the old lady, she looked at Xie Songhua carefully and praised her again and again.


However, the Ye family and the Xie family are both well-known families, and Ye Rongshi is the heir apparent. Naturally, his marriage cannot be casual. The British government is planning to hire a highly respected man to be a matchmaker, and it is not willing to involve the two families in their marriage.

The departure was too hurried and chaotic, but I still hope to wait until the Xie family and Xie Shuhua's affairs are over before we can have a formal ceremony.

On the fifth day of the sixth lunar month, Qi's whole body felt like she was in high spirits on happy occasions. It can be seen that although she was not satisfied with Xie Shuhua's marriage, it was a lifelong event for her daughter, so she still spent 120 points.

of enthusiasm.

The wedding banquet was held in Huanchun Pavilion, where all the windows were opened in order, and one could enjoy the colorful flowers in the garden at this time, but this place had a unique tranquility.

In addition, the space is spacious and can accommodate many people.

Two large screens were used in the middle of the room to separate the men's and women's seats, and three tables were arranged on each side.

Xie Shuhua also dressed up like a fairy concubine today and helped entertain the guests in the Shou'an Hall early in the morning.

Seeing her smiling and chatting with her former female companions, the merchant's wife was relieved. To have a daughter from the Xie family as their daughter-in-law was something their family had never dreamed of.

When they knew that the Xie girl was not happy, although they were a little embarrassed, they seemed to think that this was an excusable thing, after all, they were not a good match due to their family background.

So now that I saw Xie Shuhua entertaining guests in such a gentle and decent manner, I felt that I had really gotten a big deal.

When Mr. Shang was being pulled by Xie Langhua and Xie Wenhua to talk to some young people in the yard, he couldn't help but turn his head frequently to look at Xie Shuhua inside. The red on his face never faded.

Xie Songhua has been secretly observing Xie Shuhua, mainly because he is really afraid that she will do something inappropriate.

But I didn't expect that she was actually doing what she was supposed to do the whole time.

But when that face saw Zhou Yu, the third girl of the Zhou family, she still couldn't control her expression. She froze for a while before she managed to reveal a smile.

Zhou Yu had married into the third prince's house half a month ago. Now that the third prince was not invited, she didn't have to come.

But her comment was obviously because of the relationship between Xie and Zhou's family.

But when she arrived, everyone had to stand up to greet her. The old lady personally greeted her at the door, "How dare you bother the third princess to come to the door in person for a small matter at home!"

The third prince and the fourth prince had their grand wedding on May 18th. According to Daqi's usual custom, the two princes were also granted royal titles by the Holy Emperor on the day of their wedding. However, the titles have not yet been decided, so now

Everyone only calls them by their rank.

Zhou Yu changed into a woman's attire, wearing all the clothes made by the imperial court. Her appearance, which was not very outstanding at first, became a bit more noble under the background of these clothes and jewelry.

She quickly helped the old lady in, "Old madam, please don't be so polite. You have watched me grow up, so it's best if you just treat me like a little girl in your mouth."

After saying that, he turned to look at Xie Shuhua and said with a smile: "I haven't congratulated the third sister on her big wedding yet. I heard my sisters at home talking about it, so I said that I must come over today to congratulate you. The wedding of the third sister is quite important."

Set quickly.”


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