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Chapter 273: Everything is over

The old lady was horrified when she heard this. Although she didn't know why Xie Shuhua suddenly fainted, she vaguely felt that something was wrong here. But there were so many guests here, so naturally she had to cover this matter up first.

When I heard that the doctor was here, I couldn't help but be surprised and confused. Who invited the doctor?

Before I could ask a question, another person hurriedly pulled a doctor who was about fifty years old over.

His movements were so fast and urgent that he almost pushed the old lady aside.

From the time when the little maid shouted "The doctor is here" to the moment when the doctor has arrived in front of Xie Shuhua, everything happened so fast that there was no time for anyone to react.

When Xie Songhua tried to stop her, it was already too late. The doctor had already felt Xie Shuhua's pulse.

At this moment, Xie Songhua suddenly figured out everything here.

She was deceived by Xie Shuhua! Xie Shuhua clearly knew that she was paying attention to Banxiangzhou and deliberately set off a smoke bomb to mislead her thinking direction.

After thinking about what was going on here, Xie Songhua hurriedly pushed the doctor away, not wanting to ask her to treat Xie Shuhua.

But it was too late. The doctor obviously didn't touch Xie Shuhua's wrist before he opened his mouth and started complaining, "This grandma is already more than two months pregnant. How can she still drink like this? You guys

How come you, such a fastidious person, don’t even care about this?”

One sentence directly wiped out the sound of the entire banquet hall, and everyone had only one expression on their faces at this time - astonishment.

Then everyone slowly came to their senses, and the expressions on their faces began to change.

The old lady's face turned pale and she could hardly stand with her hand holding the peony.

Ms. Qi rushed in, pointed at the doctor's nose and yelled, "Where are you from, doctor? Who let you in? Why are you talking so nonsense here and ruining my daughter's innocence!"

The doctor had a look of astonishment on his face. Before he could speak, the old lady said in a deep voice: "Absurd! Fourth girl, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Yu helped Mrs. Zhou forward and said: "When I went out, the prince kept asking me to go back early. He said that he would go to the palace to see the imperial concubine in the afternoon. It is already getting late now. I

I was afraid that the prince would be impatient, so I went back first, so please don’t blame me, Madam."

Although I said earlier that I would go back early, the banquet has just started...

The old lady tried several times but failed to smile, so she could only nod.

When Zhou Yu opened his mouth, everyone else also stood up and left.

Although he didn't say anything on the outside, everything was clear in his expression.

Xie Shuhua fainted today, the doctor suddenly broke in, what was going on here, maybe there was something hidden, no one cared about it, everyone knew one thing.

Xie Shuhua is pregnant.

A young girl who had not yet left the court was diagnosed to be two months pregnant at her engagement party.

This is Xie Jiaming's scandal, and it was exposed in front of everyone in this way.

The British princess directly grabbed her son's hand and almost half pulled and half dragged Ye Rongshi away.

Mr. Shang was completely stunned, as if he still hadn't realized what had happened.

Mrs. Shang looked at the Xie family and didn't say a word, so she left with her son and her daughter, who was here as a guest today.

Soon, only the Xie family was left in the banquet hall.

The old lady couldn't hold on anymore and fell down.

This awakened everyone present from their silence. Xie Wenyuan and Yu immediately rushed over and supported the old man. Xie Yuncang and his brothers also quickly gathered around.

The old lady leaned in her daughter's arms, her lips trembling with anger, she pointed upward and said, "Why don't you just strangle me to death with a rope!"

After exhaling this breath, the person fainted, and for a while he was in a panic again.

An immediately asked someone to bring the sedan and chariot over to take the old lady to Shou'an Hall.

Xie Yuncang immediately said: "Fourth girl, please visit your grandmother first, and then ask someone to invite the envoy from Zhuoyuan."

Xie Songhua has been in chaos after all this happened. She should have thought of it earlier!

How could she be confused by Xie Shuhua's methods?

Thinking about it carefully, it was impossible for her to have something happen with a certain prince or someone else at her engagement party.

She is today's protagonist, and her actions are being watched, so those methods will never have a chance to be used.

The so-called sneaking out, hiding things, and being sneaky were clearly staged for yourself, or in other words, for other interested people to watch, in order to draw other people's attention away.

Her real purpose was to expose her pregnancy under circumstances like today.

Even before that...

She had to think of the last time she came down from the attic at the Princess's mansion and saw Xie Shuhua again.

In fact, I was obviously suspicious at that time. As a young woman, no matter how strong she is and how forbearing her temper, it is difficult for her to avoid revealing some clues in her actions.

At that time, Xie Songhua had already had suspicions in this regard, but the thought passed away and he threw it away. After all, this kind of thing is too unthinkable in this era...

Thinking back to the way she looked after a fall in the pavilion, she wasn't protecting her chest with anything at all, she was using her wide cuffs to protect her stomach...

Thinking about it this way, he didn't sneak out of the house to get anything. It was probably to confirm her pregnancy.

She then thought about Xie Yuncang saying that Xie Shuhua bought those secret medicines from shady places...

Could it be that she was sure that she would get pregnant that time?

So, all the things that happened after being imprisoned in Banxiangzhou were actually just a cover-up?

Thinking about it this way, everything seems clear.

In fact, everyone believed that she would not accept the merchant's marriage easily, and she did make a fuss and only accepted it after the fuss was over. Looking back now, the fuss was very limited and did not really start.

Even this time, she made arrangements for the engagement party.

The names of the princes on the list were clearly shown to them on purpose.

She didn't want to invite any prince at all. All she wanted was such an engagement party. The more people came, the better. It didn't matter whether they were from the royal family or not.

Xie Songhua felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar. She did not dare to think further. She did not dare to think about what today's incident would mean to the Xie family.

Until Xie Yuncang called her, she was still a little dazed.

Under Xie Yuncang's stern eyes, she finally came to her senses and quickly followed the old lady's group of people.

The other girls in the Xie family were still standing there, with only two words in their minds - it's over.

Xie Li had the biggest reaction. The Su family was so sincere that even Mrs. Su was already on her way to Beijing.

After this experience, everything was over, and her marriage was in ruins.

Xie Sihua was so angry that she almost stepped forward to bite Xie Shuhua, who was still on the ground pretending to be dead. With a look from Yu, she immediately asked her wet nurse to come forward and drag her away.

Once she left, it was hard for the others to stay, so they all hurried back to their rooms. This matter was a life-long matter for them, but they had no hand in the final decision.

Soon, only Xie Yuncang and Qi, who was still holding Xie Shuhua and crying, were left here.


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