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Chapter 334: I can't get involved

"I..." Xie Songhua suddenly felt that this person's eyes had become dangerous again, which made her unable to answer with certainty, "I'll try."

"Try?" It was that tone with a touch of mockery again.

"You have an infectious disease," Xie Songhua said at this point, not caring whether the other party could understand. "The symptoms you listed are different because different people have different constitutions and different concentrations of the virus they are infected with.

The symptoms displayed after infection will also vary, but if this disease is not treated in time, ordinary people..."

At this point, Xie Songhua suddenly stopped talking. Her eyes suddenly opened wide and she subconsciously took a step back, but accidentally tripped herself to the ground.

The severe pain of falling again failed to pull her out of her emotions. She sat half-sitting on the ground and looked at the slumped man in horror, "You... that time... that time outside the city...


For a moment, she forgot how to organize her words, but judging from Han Jian's indifferent and matter-of-fact reaction, she guessed it right.

That time she saw him committing atrocities outside the city with the eunuchs from Dongchang. It was clear that he discovered the source of infection and eliminated it directly!

No wonder I smelled a strange smell in the air at that time...

But she still couldn't forget that child, that living life running towards her. He clearly had a chance to survive.

Seeing her frightened look, Han Jian seemed to find it very interesting. He sat up and looked at the person on the ground with a faint smile, "So, can you still cure it?"

This was the first time Xie Songhua saw this man's smile, but there was clearly bloodthirsty cruelty in this smile.

She couldn't help but tremble slightly and had no way of answering.

Human life is worthless in front of this man, because after discovering this infectious disease, he can kill a whole village from top to bottom without blinking an eye, not even sparing the children.

Xie Songhua felt like she was being strangled by an invisible hand. She couldn't be sure. She had no way to be sure.

This man was a devil. She did not think that the massacre of the village was a helpless act for the country and the people. The most likely reason was that the village was infected with the disease and blocked his way.

So what will happen if she gets involved in his affairs?

Is it really as simple as just seeing a doctor?

She didn't have much contact with government affairs, but from what Yu Ruzhuo told her in the past and what Xie Yuncang revealed, she clearly knew how much power this person held.

Last year, because of the assassination of King Chen, even the home of the second minister of the court was besieged for more than ten days, and several court officials in the court were implicated.

And here, in addition to Jin Yiwei's handiwork, the involvement of Dongchang's power cannot be underestimated.

Now that King Chen has recovered and returned to the capital, the dispute between Jinyiwei and Dongchang is obvious to all. These two notorious institutions are acting as the left and right minions of the current Holy Emperor. With her current status as Princess Chen, if she is involved in such politics

She had no ability to predict what consequences the vortex would bring.

Seeing that she was speechless, Han Jian sneered again, and then Shi Shiran lay back and said, "If you can't be a Bodhisattva, I won't have to pretend to be compassionate and let you come to see a doctor. Just treat the doctor honestly."

By the end of the sentence, the warning inside had become very strong.

Xie Songhua took a deep breath to calm down. This time, she got up from the ground with more effort and stood for a while before she was finally able to control her hands from shaking.

Han Jian is right, she is not a Bodhisattva and should not show false compassion.

All living beings suffer, she can only take care of herself.

What's more, she is not alone now. No matter how bad the Xie family is, it is still her home now. There are people she cares about and people who care about her.

If she got involved, she would drag the Xie family into it too.

She couldn't make this decision.

Brainwashing himself over and over in his mind, he calmly pulled out the needle from Han Jian's body.

But the look in that child's eyes kept recurring in my mind.


If there had been a person at that time who could ask for orders in front of Han Jian and come up with effective isolation and treatment methods, this person who was as cold as a snake and a scorpion might not necessarily have taken the lives of those innocent people, right?

The last and most important needle was pulled out, and the person on the soft couch groaned, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

A foul smell immediately came out from the spittoon next to the soft bag.

Xie Songhua frowned and thought for a moment, "What kind of poison did you get?"

She took out a mask and put it on, then put on gloves, then picked up the spittoon and examined it carefully under the light, and was shocked again.

Here she actually saw an extremely secret poison technique that she had read in ancient medical books some time ago.

That book was not written by someone from the Central Plains, and many of the words in it were general and inaccurate. If she hadn't borrowed several related materials from Xie Langhua, she wouldn't even be able to understand it.

The mouthful of purple-black blood spit out, and Han Jian's face looked better, but his originally pale face turned a little whiter. Under the light, it even smelled a little transparent, but when he looked at Xie Songhua's eyes

The white part of the eyes became more yellow and cloudy.

Xie Songhua stood in front of a lamp. After the initial surprise on her face, she became serious and focused. She would ponder for a while from time to time, which surprised Han Jian, "Do you recognize it?"

Xie Songhua did not answer him immediately. Instead, she took out the spittoon in her hand and ordered the people outside the door to dispose of it according to her method. Then she brought a clean one over, removed the gloves herself, and washed them carefully.

Hand, then walked in.

"As far as I know, although Eunuch Han is a eunuch and eunuch, he is not allowed to leave Beijing without any purpose. The poison in my father-in-law is not from the Central Plains, but from southern Xinjiang. Could it be that my father-in-law has recently had contact with people from southern Xinjiang?


Without waiting for his answer, Xie Songhua continued: "Southern Xinjiang was included in the territory of our Daqi by Emperor Taizu as early as the founding of our country. However, its customs are very different from those of the Central Plains, so it is not like our Daqi territory.

In addition, the two capitals and the Thirteen Roads are generally managed, but have their own independent military and political systems. It is precisely because of this that southern Xinjiang has always been a politically sensitive place, Eunuch Han..."

After Xie Songhua finished saying this, she raised her eyes to meet his gaze. Then when he was about to speak, she immediately smiled and said: "Of course, this has nothing to do with me. I just came here today to check on my father-in-law's illness, right?


Being threatened by this man every day, Xie Songhua felt somewhat relieved when he saw his words stuck in his mouth.

"My father-in-law, there are enough people here, so I won't be polite." As she said this, she turned around and went into Han Jian's study at the back. She immediately used her pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and quickly wrote two or three prescriptions.

"I have clearly written down the medicines for external application and internal use, as well as medicinal baths and soups. My father-in-law can just ask people to take the medicines and boil them according to the medicines listed above.

In addition, here are the daily precautions and precautions for everyone in the house. According to the above, it should be able to effectively prevent the further expansion of the infection area. This is all I can do, and the rest is really beyond my control."

After speaking, she put the things in her hands on the coffee table aside, "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

After saying that, he started to pack his things. Han Jian kept looking at her indifferently, without even changing his posture.

It wasn't until she packed up the medical kit that she suddenly heard his faint voice, "What did you say was Zhao Mengfu?"

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