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Chapter 375: There is something here

When Mrs. Huayang's post reached the Xie family, Xiao Yu also got the news.

Huang Zicheng's face looked a little ugly, "Mrs. Huayang has a close relationship with Han Jian. Last time, Han Jian used Mrs. Huayang to force the prince to agree to the marriage.

In these extraordinary times, it might not be a good thing to summon Miss Xie here again. Your lord, what should we do?"

Baiyue originally hated Xie Songhua very much, but now that the marriage has been decided, to a certain extent, Xie Songhua and Xiao Yu can be regarded as both prosperous and disadvantaged.

This made him feel very unhappy, but he had no choice but to do anything about it. When he heard this, he muttered: "It's okay if it's just a embarrassment. I'm afraid that Miss Xie will recognize him as a good person and be used against the prince."

Huang Zicheng glanced at him, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but still didn't say anything.

"Are your days in Qin Tianjian over?"


Baiyue was telling him about Xie Songhua and didn't react for a moment.

Huang Zicheng's eyes lit up, and his expression suddenly became much more relaxed, "I've figured it out, I've already sent it over."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Huang Zicheng immediately responded and walked out, while Xiao Yu also turned around and entered the inner room.

Only Baiyue was left standing there with a blank look on his face.

When Xie Songhua came, Huimin was also there.

She was nestling in Mrs. Huayang's arms and saying something, "Auntie, don't be deceived by that man. He is really full of evil, with a coffin face. He may be holding something evil in his heart!"

Mrs. Huayang smiled and listened to her words while eating the fruit signed by the maid next to her.

When I heard that Xie Songhua had arrived, I quickly asked someone to come in.

Huimin whispered something into Mrs. Huayang's ear.

Mrs. Huayang only glanced at her, the smile on her face not diminishing.

Xie Songhua politely bowed to the two people sitting at the top, and then was called by Mrs. Huayang.

"The Xie family is indeed blessed. Such a well-behaved and smart daughter can be found when she is living outside. I don't know how good the fortune will be in the future!"

Xie Songhua hurriedly said politely: "Madam, this is an unreasonable compliment. I am ashamed that I cannot deserve it."

"You cured my illness. This is your greatest skill. Not only in the world, but also in the entire capital, where can I find another girl like you?

But the most blessed one is our King Chen. He can’t blame himself for refusing to get married in the past. It turns out that Yue Lao has chosen a beautiful wife for him a long time ago.”

Hearing this, Princess Huimin, who was leaning on Mrs. Huayang, froze slightly. Looking at Xie Songhua, a bit of resentment flashed in her eyes, but she still didn't dare to show any clues.

Mrs. Huayang seemed to feel something, and patted the back of her hand gently.

When mentioning marriage, Xie Songhua lowered her face slightly. This is a normal behavior for women nowadays, and it is not rude.

Mrs. Huayang laughed again when she saw this, "This child is so shy. We are destined to be together. Here, there is no need to be so outspoken. As for King Chen's child, I have watched him grow up since he was a child. This child is so shy."

Seeing that he is almost thirty, I am also worried about his life. Now that I see that his future is settled, I feel really happy."

After saying that, he waved to her gently, "Sit over here, don't be so far away from me, we are all one family from now on."

Xie Songhua was quite uncomfortable, especially when Huimin was still there.

What's more, she was really not familiar with Mrs. Huayang.

But she was in a high position, and there was no room for her to refuse at the moment, so she had no choice but to sit over to her.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Huayang suddenly took her and Huimin's hands and folded their hands together.

Xie Songhua was startled and just about to take his hand back, Mrs. Huayang's eyes turned red and she looked at her with a bit of hope, "I already know what happened in the past few days, and this matter is indeed true.

It's Huimin's fault. She has been like this since she was a child. She has been spoiled and does things without thinking about the future.

You don’t know that she has a special relationship with her uncle Chen Wang. When Wang Chen saved her life in the paddock, the child has always been grateful. But your uncle Chen Wang has a cold and aloof temper. Huimin wants to repay her.

One or two but no way out.

I wanted to get close to you in my heart, but I was afraid that you wouldn't accept it, so I took you there by force. After all, it's because this kid doesn't handle things well."

She spoke every word with sincerity.

Xie Songhua lowered his head slightly and listened quietly to each sound.

When Mrs. Huayang saw that she didn't say anything, she continued: "I specially called you all here today, and I also want to be the middleman to help you clear up your misunderstandings.

After all, by chance and coincidence, these two things happened, causing Miss Xie and Mr. Xie to almost have an accident, which is really frightening."

As she said this, she nodded to the palace maid, who soon came over with several trays in her hands, "These are some gifts I specially selected. As an elder, I would like to say sorry to you on Huimin's behalf.


Xie Songhua immediately had a look of fear on his face, quickly withdrew his hand, walked to the front and knelt down, "I don't dare, my lord."

Mrs. Huayang also let go of Huimin's hand and pulled her up with a smile, "So you are not angry with Huimin anymore?"

What is this?

Xie Songhua gritted her molars and forced her to tell the story?

From this point of view, Huimin may not be able to think things through.

Aren’t there still Jin Yiwei?

On the carriage that day, Xiao Yu made it clear to her, didn't he just tell him not to pursue the matter?

What else is scary about her?

Today, Mrs. Huayang is asked to come over and say something like this again?

Seeing that she didn't speak, Mrs. Huayang's expression turned cold, "What? I'll tell you in person, why don't you forgive Huimin?"

I’m afraid this is what Emperor Yufeng meant!

Let Mrs. Huayang come forward, everything is just right, it will not make people feel that the royal family is protecting Huimin, and it will be easy to completely erase the events of that day.

She took a breath quietly, with a bright smile on her face, "Madam, I misunderstood. I was just flattered for a moment. Princess Huimin is a very affectionate person, and she is also the golden branch of the eldest princess's palace.

Even if you think about what happened that day, you should know that it was an accident.

My brother and I were just a little frightened, nothing really happened, how could we deserve to be treated so solemnly by Madam today?"

When Mrs. Huayang heard this, she put her hands on her hands and smiled. She pulled Huimin and said, "Look what I said? I just said that Miss Xie understands righteousness and will not care about it!"

After saying that, he looked at Xie Songhua with a smile and said, "Since Miss Xie already knows that it is a misunderstanding, I would also like to trouble Miss Xie to go to the Zhenfu Division and talk to the Jinyi Guards.

You don't know, King Chen is good, but the people under him like to get to the bottom of things the most, and they also try to force confessions with their words and deeds. If you don't know, those people will make random inquiries.

Just tell them and let them execute the people they arrested that day without further investigation."

So, did you really find something?


Why did Xiao Yu say those words to her that day?

Since he was determined to protect Huimin, why would he let Jin Yiwei retrial him?

Before Xie Songhua could think about it, the palace maid brought three bowls of cheese. Mrs. Huayang handed one to her, "This is newly developed by the imperial kitchen. I ate it yesterday and it tasted good. Miss Xie, try it."

After saying that, he handed another bowl to Huimin.

As soon as Xie Songhua picked it up, his eyes changed. There was something in it.

Free to read.

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