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Chapter 394: The body of an older boy

"You go to sleep first!"

After saying that, he turned around and went out.

Xie Songhua froze on the spot, what do you mean? Do you really dislike her?

After all, she is also a girl, okay?

It's really a bit shameful to be rejected by a man like this!

But the man had already gone out. Xie Songhua just curled his lips helplessly, then took off his coat and went to bed.

In my previous life, I was as busy as a war every day. When I was really busy, I could only sleep for three or four hours a day.

Such intensity of work made her develop the habit of falling asleep when she was tired.

I have been traveling on the road for two days now, and I didn't sleep well at night. I relied on the road to catch up on sleep, and I was already exhausted.

I have been riding on a horse for so long today that the seams in my bones have become big.

I couldn't stand it any longer, and fell asleep soon after, without even thinking about where Xiao Yu was hiding.

When I heard the movement in a daze, I forced myself to open my eyes, and saw that he was back and standing next to the bed opposite.

Xie Songhua squinted his eyes. Why did it feel like he had changed his clothes?

Then I remembered that when we separated today, some of the Jin Yiwei immediately carried something on their backs. Could it be a change of clothes for this person?

Isn't he a general?

Were you so particular on the battlefield before?

"I fell asleep!" After thinking about a bunch of things in a daze, Xie Songhua just said something vague to him, then tilted his head and fell asleep.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu walked up to her and said, "Give me your incense."

"You can find it yourself in the medicine box."

After saying that, she ignored him, turned over, and fell asleep with her face inward.

Xiao Yu stood beside her bed, his eyes a little complicated.

Why didn't I realize she was so neurotic before?

He was a grown man after all, but how could she sleep so unscrupulously in front of him?

When I woke up the next morning, it was raining outside.

Xie Songhua looked at the rain outside the window and frowned, "What should we do now? Can we leave?"

"They went to find the carriage."

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, Xie Songhua curled his lips. How could he find a carriage in such a remote town?

The answer is yes, but this carriage is a little different from the one they took back from the Zhenfu Division.

But finally no longer had to ride on the horse, Xie Songhua was almost moved to tears.

She was jolted hard on the horse yesterday, and today the sequelae broke out. She felt that all the bones in her body were in severe pain.

When he limped out of the inn door, holding on to his waist, the Jin Yiwei guarding beside the carriage looked wrong.

Xie Songhua intuitively felt that there was something wrong with their reaction, but he could not figure out what it meant.

After she got on the carriage, the guard outside the carriage dared to quietly poke the arm of the brother next to him, and lowered his voice and said seriously: "Hey, our prince can do it! But... this time, will it be too..."

"What do you know! Your Majesty, this is the body of an older boy. This good guy can only be evil if you can control him."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the prince is very powerful, but it's a shame..."

"Keep your voice down!"


As soon as Xie Songhua sat down in the carriage, he clearly heard their "whispering", and his face suddenly darkened.

Could they be louder?


Is there any chance to explain this misunderstanding?

When Xiao Yu came in, when Xie Songhua looked at him, he could only think of the phrase "old boy's body", so his eyes involuntarily fell on him somewhere.

A man who is almost thirty years old...doesn't he have physiological needs?

Looking further up, the clothes all over the body are well-dressed and meticulous. It really looks like there is nothing needed.

Begging for it.

"What are you looking at?"

Xie Songhua quickly came to his senses and smiled strangely, "It's nothing, you seem to have changed your clothes!"

Xiao Yu ignored her question and sat down opposite her.

It's raining outside right now, and it's naturally impossible for him, a noble prince, to ride a horse in the rain, so even if the carriage is simple, he has to condescend to it.

Xie Songhua's body was in severe pain, so she didn't care about the image or not. She just pretended that she was the only one in the carriage. She put her legs directly on the stool and half-reclined on the carriage.

Who would have thought that Xiao Yu suddenly handed over a water bag.

Xie Songhua was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand, "I'm not thirsty." Chinese website

"Put it on your knees."

His three words made Xie Songhua stop adjusting her posture, and she felt her heartbeat suddenly speed up.

I turned to look at him for a while, then asked as calmly as I could, "How did you know?"

Since the last time I knelt down, although she received timely treatment and maintained well, she still suffered from some sequelae. After her own gradual treatment, she has improved a lot.

It's just that on rainy days, I still feel a little sore, and I need to apply a hot towel to make it feel better.

But this matter, let alone outsiders, only Dingxiang and Aunt Lan Cuiliu knew about it in the Yanchundai.

And in this world, apart from the three of them, there is only one person who knows this.

Xiao Yu ignored her and threw the water bag over. Then he raised his eyes to look at Xie Songhua and said in a normal tone, "Two inches inward from your left shoulder, there is a rouge mole the size of a rice grain."

Xie Songhua frowned slightly and subconsciously glanced at his shoulder. Before he could react, he heard him say in a still calm tone: "You don't have the ability to be a Jin Yiwei?"

One sentence explained that she knew that his knee was injured, and at the same time, it also allowed Xie Songhua to come out of the impulsive emotion just now.

She chuckled, quite a bit self-deprecating.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yu turned to look at her, seemingly puzzled by her reaction, "Are you dissatisfied with Jin Yiwei?"

However, Xie Songhua responded with a ridiculous remark, "Your voice sounds like a friend of mine."

She had a slight smile, but there was no smile in her eyes. She was holding a warm water bag to apply on her knees while looking at him casually.

"What kind of friend?" Xiao Yu frowned slightly, seeming to think for a moment, "As far as I know, among the people you know in the capital, there is no man who fits this profile. Is he from Qingshui Town?"

"It seems that the prince has checked me out very clearly." Xie Songhua finally gave up and leaned back with a relieved look, then raised a corner of the car curtain, looked at the rain curtain outside, and casually replied, "It's just a chance encounter."

The sound of rain outside the window rushed in, scattering her voice into the tidal rain and mist, and then dissipated.

But at this moment, a hand stretched out, pulled the car curtain away from her hand, and covered it again.

The crisp woody fragrance hit him and quickly dissipated. When Xie Songhua turned around, he had already sat back in his seat.

He pulled out another military book from nowhere in his hand, without even looking at her. "It's troublesome to get sick on the road."

Hearing his words, Xie Songhua's eyes subconsciously fell on the water bag on his knees, "Are you... afraid that I will hold you back?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yu glanced at the water bag, and then turned his eyes back to the book in his hand, "What else?"

Thank you! Older boy!

Xie Songhua rolled his eyes and simply closed his eyes to rest.

Although this little old car was not very comfortable, luckily the road was not bad today, and the sound of horse hooves outside mixed with the patter of rain, rocked Xie Songhua to sleep.

When he woke up again, he was pulled awake by a strong force.

His body suddenly became empty, and when he opened his eyes, he was held in Xiao Yu's arms, only to see him

He looked in the opposite direction with a sullen face, and then there was a scream.

This chapter has been completed!
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