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Chapter 405: I can't accept it at all

The source of the spring is in a mountain stream. The road up the mountain is very difficult. The rocks are covered with moss. The areas without rocks are covered with thick fallen leaves, making your feet slippery when wet.

Xie Songhua started to go up by pulling the branches on both sides, but soon her hands were scratched. Just when Xie Wenhua was about to pull her up, she was almost knocked down by her own men on the side, and she yelled angrily, "You bastard"

What qualities?! Or are you just not a man?"

After scolding, he saw his sister being carried up by Xiao Yu's arms as he came down.

He still wanted to intercept the person, but was suddenly held back by his shameless subordinate.

In the end, I could only drag him by the arm and walk up.

Xie Songhua came up on his own, but he didn't want to be a drag, so he didn't speak. Now that he was being carried around like a little chicken, he had no choice but to accept his fate.

The mountain stream where the source is located is called Rainbow Drinking Stream. Legend has it that the Rainbow Bridge in the sky comes out from here.

Of course, this is just a beautiful legend. After all, looking at the obviously disturbed soil next to it, Xie Songhua knew that this must not be too beautiful.

Without her needing to say anything, Xiao Yu's people started to take action.

Needless to say, the people of the Beijing garrison dug up this mountainous area in a short time.

But when they saw the scene after it was dug open, everyone was so shocked that they were speechless.

This is not a piece of mountainous land, this is clearly a burial pit.

The air was filled with the rotten smell. Xie Songhua had already run away far away, lying under the roots of a tree and vomiting violently until tears and snot ran down his nose. In the end, he could only vomit stomach acid crazily.

In this mountainous area, all the corpses are buried, piled on top of each other, without heads.

They were all wearing the clothes of ordinary people. It was self-evident where these corpses came from.

"Drink some water?"

Xiao Yu's voice sounded beside him. Xie Songhua's eyes were filled with tears. He had vomited so much that his whole body was weak and he couldn't even lift up any strength.

When he heard her talk about water, his mind couldn't help but think of the water source in the mountain stream and those corpses, and his stomach was churning again. After all, he couldn't hold it back and vomited again.

Xiao Yu pursed his lips, but in the end he bent down and gently placed his hand on her back to help her.

The two royal guards over there were about to come over to report the situation to their prince, but when they saw this, they quickly backed away.

In such a harsh environment, several Jin Yiwei couldn't help but quarrel with each other.

It's a pity that Baiyue was ordered by the prince to do other things, otherwise his eyes would probably fall off.

Sure enough, in this regard, it is more reliable to listen to Huang's command. Baiyue is a fool, and you must not follow him.

While they were exchanging lively glances, they saw their own prince coming.

"You all know how to do it?"

In front of him, the imperial guards did not dare to be presumptuous, and immediately stood up straight and answered seriously.

Xiao Yu frowned slightly and glanced at the busy field over there, turned around and left, then picked up Xie Songhua and left.

After running far away, Xie Songhua felt that the smell disappeared, and his whole body slowly came back to life, "Where are you going?"

"Now that you've found the reason, what are you still doing here?"

When he said this, Xie Songhua suddenly realized that no, she already knew why the soldiers in the guardhouse kept getting better, so what was the point of staying here?

See the corpse?

She's not a forensic doctor.

Some of the military doctors in the guardhouse also served as doctors, and they were soon called up the mountain. Sooner or later, there would be an explanation for the corpse pit there.

The few pharmacy soldiers who were suddenly controlled also completed their interrogation at this time.

Finally, a soldier who had just joined the army was so frightened by Jin Yiwei's methods that he peed his pants. He honestly confessed that he secretly added water to the medicine every time he was responsible for delivering medicine to patients.

He only said that his family was short of money and suffered

People instruct you to do this.

As a result, two two hundred taels of silver notes and a letter were found inside his mattress.

"I just asked me to add some water and scoop some water from the creek at the back. I didn't do anything else. We used to drink the water in the creek directly, and it was living water, so I think

It seems like nothing happened, so..."

Xiao Yu ignored that person at all and directly waved his hand to be taken away.

I just held the letter and read it for a while.

In the evening, someone came to report and confirmed that the letter was exactly the same as the handwriting of one of Zhao Qingshan's subordinates.

The autopsy report on the mountain also confirmed that the people on the mountain all had military-made weapons, and the blade techniques were all consistent. Most of them were from half a year ago, but there were also many more recently, and there were even a few of them from these days.

Soldiers who died of the epidemic in the camp.

When the corpses were carried down one after another and filled the open space in front of the guardhouse, everyone in the guardhouse was shocked and speechless. ap.

Although Dengzhou Guard is a military district, it has been at peace for many years, and nearly ten years have passed since the last war. So many corpses are really a big shock to these people.

"Thorough investigation!" The fourth prince went to Dengzhou City early this morning to coordinate the medicinal materials. When he came, he happened to catch up with this matter. His face was livid and his whole body was shaking. "Bring Zhao Qingshan and Qin Sheng to this king."

Come out, I will interrogate you here!"

Although they were unarmed civilians, they resisted during the process of being killed, and part of the evidence was preserved here. It was not just Zhao Qingshan's people who committed the murder.

In Xiao Yu's hands, he already had all the evidence of Zhao Qingshan's behavior after he came to Dengzhou, including the time, address and daily travel route.

Coupled with the evidence investigated in Dengzhou City, the truth has actually been revealed to everyone.

After all, Xie Songhua couldn't stand the smell of the scene and went to treat the sick soldiers first.

By nightfall, the testimonies of Qin Sheng and Zhao Qingshan were obtained.

Zhao Qingshan was eager for quick success and wanted to make meritorious deeds in front of the East Palace, so he took risks.

Qin Sheng, on the other hand, was completely obsessed with money. From his private residence in Dengzhou, Jin Yiwei had already found a huge amount of gold and silver that should not belong to him.

Zhao Qingshan wanted fame and he wanted profit, so they hit it off and massacred hundreds of innocent people in Dapan Town, cutting off their heads to serve as mountain bandits.

After Xie Songhua heard the whole story, he didn't speak for a long time.

It's not that I'm not angry, it's that I don't know how to express it.

Such a thing was beyond her knowledge.

On the way back, I met Xiao Yu.

It was obviously cloudy all day long, but at night the moon actually came out.

The silvery moonlight fell on his shoulders, as if a layer of gauze had been spread, making him a little hazy.

Seeing her coming, Xiao Yu handed her a small porcelain bottle.


"Pure Heart Pill."

Xie Songhua raised her eyebrows. She didn't expect it to be this. She took it with a smile and ate two.

Today's scene was too powerful for her. She didn't dare to eat or drink water at all. She felt that as long as something entered her stomach, she would have a reaction.

"Let's go!"

"Where to go?"

"dining room."

"Ah?" Xie Songhua quickly waved his hand, "Forget it, I still won't eat and I'm not hungry."

"I'm hungry."

Because she still wanted to avoid thinking, and was afraid that if she stopped, she would keep thinking about it, so she came back so late. By this time, except for patrols, no one was walking around outside.

Xie Songhua followed Xiao Yu and walked into the dining room. There was only one old man left to keep vigil, so Xiao Yu sent him away directly.

This chapter has been completed!
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