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Chapter 460: Inquiry

Erhong hesitated for a moment, but did not express his guess directly. He only told the truth, "I don't know this slave. The house is very deep. It seems that it was specially guarded for fear of being discovered. Only people living in it

A couple."

Mrs. Qi was confused when she heard this, but she didn't understand the key point of these words.

Er Hong then spoke more clearly, "Although a house with a second entrance is not big, after asking about it, I found that you can get two to three thousand silver in that place.

When did the third girl spend so much money and bother to buy a house and just leave it for nothing, just arrange for a couple to live in it?"

These words really reminded Mrs. Qi that she didn't know how much money Xie Songhua had in hand, but there was no way she could squander it like this.

She didn't subsidize and give her too much money.

Xie Yuncang might give it, but given his temperament, he probably wouldn't think about it often.

It is unlikely for the old lady, but Qi is still sure of this.

I'm afraid only Xie Tu can get a little bit from the old lady, and even the girl from the Lin family can't make a few bucks.

For Xie Songhua, such a house is not a small deal. Thinking about it this way, such an arrangement is indeed a bit strange.

Her eyelids twitched and she quickly asked: "Who are that couple? Can you tell me?"

Erhong shook his head, "It's hard to ask. The house is very deep and there are not many people around. Asking the neighbors can't find anything. The couple are also very cautious and rarely go out. Occasionally the man goes out.

When I go to buy and sell bamboo utensils, I rarely talk to anyone."


Erhong nodded, "Yes, it's good for the couple to live in the third girl's house, but they seem to have their own business."

Qi's eyelids twitched when he heard this. He had his own business, which meant that it wasn't Xie Songhua who sent them the money. Who could that be?

"Wait in two days and let's go take a look sometime."

Aunt Lan was also worried about this matter, "Girl, the master and his wife over there refuse to ask for money. The master of the Jiang family said that it is not easy for the girl to be in the Xie family. He knows that the slave is the girl, so he is very kind to the slave.

Thank you, Mrs. Jiang’s family still needs money for this slave!”

Xie Songhua couldn't help but have a headache. In his memory, Jiang's parents had such a temper.

Although he came from a low background, he was never one who was greedy for money.

For them, Jiang Yaoniang, the only child in the family, is the most important.

In the past, they wanted to give everything to their daughter, but now they suffered a lot on the road, and they heard a lot about her suffering at Xie's house, which made them think from the bottom of their hearts that Xie Songhua's life was not easy now.

He also believed that everything Xie Songhua said was just to comfort the two of them.

This made Xie Songhua feel moved and helpless.

There was still a sum of money given by Jiang's mother in their hands, but the old couple still relied on Jiang's father's bamboo craftsmanship to make a living.

Seeing through her girl's thoughts, Aunt Lan comforted her: "But don't worry too much, girl. Everything in our house is complete. The girl in my slave's family originally planned to wait until next year to work in the house.

Now that the identity of the slave and the whole family is in the hands of the girl, the slave has asked her to run errands with Mr. and Mrs. Jiang family. My girl also helps with some small things."

Having said that, Xie Songhua still felt uneasy, "I still have to go take a look at it sometime."

"I don't think it's appropriate," Aunt Lan said quickly. "The most important thing for the girl right now is to go out on the eighth day of next month. The Jiang family's master and wife treat the girl sincerely. I naturally know it in my heart, but if she calls

If the old ladies and gentlemen in the mansion find out about this, I'm afraid there will be another disturbance.

When it comes to taking care of the two elders, there will be plenty of time when the girl comes out of the palace, so don't let anything go wrong at this stall."

What she said made sense, so Xie Songhua had no choice but to give it up.

I'm afraid he and his wife really won't be able to take the money for the time being, so Xie Songhua made detailed arrangements for Aunt Lan and his wife to take over the money in the house.

Add things.

Now that the couple lives there, I have to postpone my original plan.

Although the wedding date has been decided in a hurry, the etiquette department has actually been planning it for a long time.

So the auspicious clothes were delivered in the middle of the month.

Naturally, this was for the old lady and others to spend time together. The palace sent a special maid over. As soon as the box was opened, everyone was amazed.

Although it is a wedding dress, it is made according to the regulations of the princess, and countless pearls, gold and silver threads are used.

At first glance, you can tell that it was carefully made by the embroidery department. Even Xie Tu was full of praise for the embroidery work.

"Although it is made according to the princess's figure, there may be some imperfections in the details. Please try it on the princess first, and then the slaves can make changes."

People from the palace were still waiting for Xie Songhua to put on her wedding clothes.

Even though he didn't take this marriage seriously from the bottom of his heart, Xie Songhua couldn't help but feel a little dazed looking at this bright red solemn dress.

She seems...

I really want to get married.

"The princess is really beautiful, but only a person like the princess can wear these clothes!"

The aunt who came from the palace was very eloquent, and her face was full of festive smiles, which made people feel good just looking at her.

Xie Songhua didn't take it seriously, but when he saw his own appearance in the tall mirror, he still felt a little surprised.

Her appearance was originally quite bright, but now it has grown completely, and she doesn't even show it off even if she doesn't dress up much on weekdays.

At this time, set off by this bright red wedding dress, the whole person is as breathtaking as a delicate begonia tree.

This was the first time she had seen herself like this after traveling through time.

As they led him out, everyone outside couldn't help but look dumbfounded.

The old lady nodded repeatedly, with a proud smile on her face, "Very good, very good. The third girl should wear brighter clothes, otherwise she will always live up to her appearance."

Xie Sihua followed her mother and walked in the door. What she saw was Xie Songhua in her wedding dress, and she couldn't help but stop in her tracks.

She hadn't slept well during this period, and she felt very haggard.

But when I saw Xie Songhua again, he no longer had the aggressive sharpness before, but only a feeling of being helpless about everything.

When she saw Xie Songhua's appearance now, she couldn't help but be surprised.

Xie Sihua knew that Xie Songhua was born well. In the past, everyone said that she was the prettiest among the sisters.

But after Xie Songhua came, the original rusticity in her body was washed away day by day, and the demeanor of a lady came out.

Then the tone in the house changed again, saying that the third girl was as good as the sixth girl.

She knew she was good-looking, but she didn't care much about her appearance. She just ignored the rumors in the house.

It was only then that Xie Sihua discovered that his cousin, who had returned from the countryside, had already been reborn.

If she had discovered that Xie Songhua was good-looking before, then it can be said that she only discovered today that Xie Songhua's temperament was no worse than that of any noble lady in the capital.

I don't know if it was because of this change in mentality, but she suddenly found that it didn't seem that difficult to accept Xie Songhua to marry the prince.

Ms. Yu looked at her daughter from the side, worried that she wouldn't be able to bear it.

I felt angry and regretful, why didn't I, as a mother, discover my daughter's obsession earlier?

She pulled Xie Sihua's sleeve, and her tone contained a bit of dignity that she rarely used on her daughter, "My cousin is getting married, and you, the younger sister, should also express yourself!"

This chapter has been completed!
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