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Chapter 69: Is there a thief?

Xie Songhua really couldn't understand Xie Li's thinking.

Why did she think that she would be frightened by her, that she would willingly give her extra lessons, and that she would honestly spend all her money to teach her?

But Xie Li really thought so, and kept chattering along the way, "I'm telling you, don't show off your power as your legitimate daughter in front of me.

My wife doesn't like you. She only has the third sister in her heart. At best, you are just like me, or even worse than me!

There are still days to come, if you help me now, I will no longer embarrass you in the future, otherwise, we will wait and see how long you can stay in the house peacefully."

With this kind of brain, you actually have the nerve to threaten yourself?

Xie Songhua was almost dumbfounded.

She couldn't help but look at Cui Lu on the other side of her, and then at Xie Li, who had a pale face.

He shook his head helplessly. This man didn't even surrender to the maid next to him. He was simply living in a dream.

Xie Songhua said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll teach you how to teach you, let go! I won't run away."

Xie Li didn't really believe it, "Really?"

"Otherwise?" Xie Songhua resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "If I say I won't teach you, will you let me go?"

Xie Li then let her go and took her arm to go to Huanchun Pavilion together.

There is no one in Huanchun Pavilion today, except for a few maids cleaning the room.

But when they saw Xie Songhua and Xie Li coming over, their faces became panicked.

Xie Songhua noticed the closed door at a glance, and suddenly became suspicious.

"What are you doing?" Xie Li was a little nervous and shouted immediately, "Why do you look like we've seen ghosts? What are you doing in there with the door closed?"

She didn't control the volume at all, and Xie Songhua heard a sound coming from inside, and then it immediately fell silent again.

Xie Li reacted faster than her, "There's a thief?!"

When the two people entered the room, they didn't see anyone there. The room looked the same as it did after Grandma Ying finished class yesterday.

Xie Songhua walked around the room casually, and his eyes fell on the book on the desk at the front.

"This seems to have been turned over."

Xie Li was looking out from the window. Hearing this, he came over and said, "Maybe the maids came in to clean and looked through it out of curiosity, right?"

Xie Songhua glanced at the booklet for a few times and said nothing.

But Xie Li couldn't wait any longer, "Oh! You have so many things to do, so hurry up and teach me the things I always do wrong.

Seeing that she was so enthusiastic about studying, Xie Songhua felt a little uncomfortable.

But if you think about it a little, you can understand it.

Whether it was the drowning incident or the fight between Xie Sihua and Xie Shuhua, Xie Li did not behave well in the eyes of her elders.

At present, it took some human effort for the government to invite Nanny Ying to teach them. If Xie Li's performance is too bad, it may have a big impact on her future.

Fortunately, Xie Songhua originally had to go back to review these things, so now he just does one good deed every day.

Xie Li really studied hard. After practicing hard for more than an hour, he finally passed the test. Although it was not very graceful, it was not a big mistake.

However, this person's character is really a bit unpleasant. After accepting Xie Songhua's kindness, his first words were, "Don't tell anyone to go!"

After he finished speaking, he added, "If I tell people, I won't admit it."

"Actually, you don't have to threaten me like this."

Xie Songhua had a half-hearted smile on his face.

Xie Li was a little confused, "What do you mean?"

"How do you think I taught you just now?"

Xie Li did not answer, but obviously recognized her teaching.

"Let's do it! One tael of silver per lesson, as long as I'm free, I can come and give you extra tutoring, but you have to give me one tael for one day of tutoring."

Xie Songhua's words stunned Xie Li, "Are you crazy?!"

Just when she was about to refuse, she saw Xie Songhua walking away and was immediately left standing.

"You should think about it yourself! As for whether to tell it or not, it all depends on my mood."

Xie Songhua went to the Spring Festival Terrace in a good mood. Sure enough, not long after he walked out, Xie Li caught up with him, "You said it yourself, then I paid the money, you can't shirk it."

The two of them had just agreed. Xie Songhua could only sigh in his heart. Sure enough, knowledge is Ma Ning. Xie Li must have paid for knowledge!

From this day on, whenever Nanny Ying was not in class, Xie Songhua and Xie Li would make an appointment to take tutoring classes at Huanchun Pavilion.

Xie Li was happy to give the money, but Xie Songhua discovered something interesting.

"Isn't it a bell used in military music? How can it be a cymbal?"

Hearing Xie Li's question, Xie Songhua looked at her with a half-smile and said, "Since you know the content of rituals and music very well, why do you want me to recount this section again?"

Xie Li was stunned when he heard this, with a little panic flashing in his eyes, and then said: "I'm asking for your help because I'm not very familiar with it. Aren't you allowed to know one or two important points?"

"Is this really the case?" Xie Songhua sneered, "Isn't it just to steal someone's advice? Given your financial situation and your daily expenditure of one tael of silver, I would like to know how you manage to give it to someone.

It must be so refreshing.”

Xie Li was about to refute, but when he saw her eyes that seemed to see everything, he couldn't say anything to refute.

"I'm too lazy to argue with you. Since you are willing to pay and I am willing to teach, then everyone will benefit. However," Xie Songhua looked at the window against the wall, "If I teach two people by myself, then the money will be

Shouldn’t I give you double portion?”

Xie Li looked in the direction of her gaze and was stunned for a moment, "You..."

Xie Songhua ignored her and still looked in the direction of the window, "Why don't you come out yet?"

But there was still no movement on the other end, so Xie Li hurried over and said, "Where is there anyone? How come you are so easily suspicious?!"

Xie Songhua sneered, "Even if rules and etiquette can improve a person's self-cultivation, the real self-cultivation has always been the moral quality of a person's heart. If the root is broken, no matter how beautiful the face is, it will be empty. Fifth sister, what do you think?

Yes or no?"

Xie Li was not a fool. How could he not understand the meaning here? He could only laugh awkwardly from the side.

Seeing that the person on the other end still refused to show up, she sighed and said: "Since I don't admit it, then I have nothing to say, so be it! Next time, you go to my banquet platform, I will keep all these things anyway

Take notes carefully.

Second brother did not do well in the exam this time. Everyone is prone to bad luck. It is always better for us to be more careful, otherwise if others see it, they will just think that we are rummaging through Grandma Ying's things in private."

After saying that, he went out directly, greeted Ding Xiang and walked out, ignoring Xie Li's call behind him.

When Xie Shuhua came in from the side door, Xie Li couldn't help but feel annoyed, "Third sister, I... what should I do? She won't complain, right?"

"Complain?" Xie Shuhua raised her eyebrows and sneered, "Did she see me? Did she question my wife for letting me out privately?"

Seeing that Xie Li still had worry on her face, she added: "She taught you this in private, and there's nothing to say about it. Didn't you return the money? Could she still talk about it to others?"

Xie Li felt relieved after saying this, and then asked: "Then...she is not willing to teach me here now, what should I do?"

Xie Shuhua glanced at her, but there was no unpleasant look on her face. Xie Li even seemed to see a hint of smile in her eyes.

But when she looked at it seriously again, the smile disappeared again.

"It's okay. I'll be out in two days. I'll just work harder then."

After saying that, he walked down the path and left, as if he really didn't care that Xie Songhua didn't want to let her steal his lesson.

As soon as they arrived at Yilan Garden, Dongxue walked over quickly and said, "Girl, everything has been arranged."
This chapter has been completed!
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