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With this thought, Jiang Shuhua's whole figure seemed to have suddenly fallen into an ice cellar.

She suddenly felt an inexplicable fear.

This kind of fear was different from the one in the alleyway yesterday. It was not brought to her by Han Jian.

It wasn't even what Xie Songhua himself brought to her, but an indescribable chill that seemed to suddenly pour into her bones from all directions.

It made her so cold that she couldn't help but shiver.


She is not afraid!

Why should she be afraid of Xie Songhua?

Xie Songhua is nothing at all!

She is just a country girl, why should I argue with her?

Why can I compare with her in everything?

What about King Chen?

She also has a prince!


She must hold tightly to the prince, the prescription in Xie Songhua's hand...

What to do with that recipe?

Jiang Shuhua found herself in the same predicament again. If she didn't get the prescription in Xie Songhua's hand, she would never be able to wake up from such a nightmare.

But due to my relationship with Xie Songhua, I'm afraid that no matter how much I listen to her or do anything for her, I won't be able to make her let him go.

And this person cannot be killed.

In this case, she can only turn her attention elsewhere, such as...

Too hospital.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shuhua had some concerns in her heart, and her mood finally calmed down.

Ever since Ye Jinxi entered the East Palace, her whole person was like a winter orchid, losing its former vitality.

She and the prince had always disliked each other, one was unwilling to marry, the other was unwilling to marry, and there was a separation between her and her natal family, which had always remained neutral.

Now she is alone in the East Palace, living behind closed doors.

Because the British government was here, neither the prince nor the prince's women would really do anything to her.

Likewise, because of her unwillingness to make progress, others feel reassured about her.

Even Zhao Yuechan, who liked to cause trouble the most, didn't bother to pay her any attention.

In the words of Zhao Yuechan outside: What's the point of me and a puddle of mud?

But on this day, Jiang Shuhua came to this so-called quagmire in the East Palace.

Zhao Yuechan was a little surprised by her arrival. After looking at her for a while, she asked the palace maid to serve tea.

"Why is Jiang Liangdi free to come to my place today?"

Jiang Shuhua took a look at Ye Jinxi's house. Although it looked very simple, if you look closely, everything used in it was exquisite, but the exquisiteness was in the dark and not so obvious.

This is the magnanimity that can only come from a girl's family who has grown up among many beautiful things.

For a moment, Jiang Shuhua actually felt jealous of Ye Jinxi.

Everything she has obtained in the East Palace now is due to her hard work. In order to achieve her own goals, she can even be considered unscrupulous.

But after Ye Jinxi came to the East Palace, she only had one attitude - lie down.

But what is hers is never less. Even if she never leaves the house every day, the Crown Princess will not treat her unfairly.

This is the confidence that her natal family brings to her and the glory that her status brings to her.

Ye Jinxi didn't even sit down and talk to Jiang Shuhua. Instead, she sat back to the seat where she had just sat. There was a chessboard there and a volume of chess records next to it.

She was sitting alone in the room playing chess.

It can be seen that the life was really leisurely.

Jiang Shuhua herself couldn't hold back her anger, but the other party didn't seem to be worried at all.

"Sister Ye, there is a bond between us that no one else has. You don't have to be so careful in front of me."

After sitting in the room for a long time, Jiang Shuhua finally spoke, but the first sentence was so confusing.

Ye Jinxi squeezed Bai Zi's hand and paused, "I don't understand what Jiang Liangdi said.

I really don’t like playing riddles, so if you have anything to say, just say it!”

Jiang Shuhua simply stood up from her seat and sat opposite Ye Jinxi.

"When the Third Prince did such a treasonous thing, I was so anxious that I made a contribution to His Highness. Sister Ye was the only witness to this matter. In my heart, I have always regarded Sister Ye as one of my own.


Ye Jinxi's face was unmoved and she continued to make her own moves, glancing at the chess record in her hand from time to time.

"I can't understand what Jiang Liangdi said."

That incident was really like a nightmare for Ye Jinxi. She could dream about that scene for a long time.

And in every dream like that, the most terrifying thing is the look in the eyes of the woman opposite.

She could always dream that the woman suddenly turned around and stabbed her with a bloody dagger.

Ye Jinxi is not a little white rabbit. Although the population of the British government is simple, the families she has been with since childhood are also from powerful families. There are many women in the back house who are cunning and cunning.

But this was the first time she saw a woman like herself kill someone, and do it so cruelly.

This has become a worry for her for a long time.

So much so that when she saw Jiang Shuhua's face, she could not help but think of what happened that day.

Fortunately, time heals everything. Fortunately, although she hates it, the East Palace still provides her with such a secluded corner. Fortunately, the family does not need her to make others laugh.

She finally gradually forgot about the events of that day. Occasionally she heard the palace people talk about Jiang Liangdi, and she was able to calm down.

I just didn't expect that Jiang Shuhua would come to me one day.

After the palace change, when she returned to the palace, Jiang Shuhua ran up to her and tried it out real and fake. She knew she was exposed, but she never admitted it from beginning to end.

Naturally, I won't say anything more about the original incident today.

Jiang Shuhua seemed to be expecting her attitude, still smiling gently, "The concubine is from a wealthy family and is a young lady from the Duke's palace. Naturally, she is different from someone like me. Everyone knows me.

In fact, she is just an ordinary farmer’s daughter…”

"Jiang Liangdi doesn't have to suffer in front of me," Ye Jinxi interrupted her, "I don't want to get involved in any disputes now. I just want to quietly find a corner in the East Palace with me.

Jiang Liangdi is very capable, broad-minded, brainy and courageous, and her future is limitless. For this, I can only congratulate and wish her the best, that's all."

Ye Jinxi didn't know why Jiang Shuhua came here today, but she didn't like Jiang Shuhua, very much, and she wished she wouldn't be infected with the other person's dislike at all.

Therefore, no matter what the purpose of Jiang Shuhua's visit today is, she only has one attitude - not to offend and not to be involved.

It's a pity that people like Jiang Shuhua will not change their strategies because of the kindness you have released.

"It's been a long time since that incident. Not to mention you, even I can't remember it clearly now. I came here today not to ask my concubine to do something for me.

There are just some details that are very important to me now. Can you please think about them carefully together? If you can solve some of my doubts, I would be really grateful."

Ye Jinxi found it ridiculous to see her speaking so calmly.

She committed the crime like that that day, and now she is asking herself to restore the original situation with her. Is this funny?

She was thinking this in her heart, and the expression on her face also revealed a well-hidden sarcasm.

Jiang Shuhua seemed not to notice this. She smiled and said: "It was so chaotic that day. I was really worried about the little princess, so I went back to the East Palace. Who knew that when I came out, the whole palace was full of chaos?"


When I saw you, Sister Ye, I felt much relieved. Just as I was about to catch up, I didn't know that I saw Sister Ye talking to the then Third Prince.


This chapter has been completed!
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