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You will be outside, and your orders will not be accepted.

What's more, according to Xiao Yu, the situation on Darong's side is actually completely in his hands. He has a lot of room for manipulation to how far the war will drag on.

If Emperor Yufeng wanted to recall him again, it would not be that easy. He had to take the people's emotions into consideration.

But the fact that things have developed to this point is enough to show the seriousness of the matter.

"Your Majesty, when are you leaving?"

Xiao Yu looked at her with a bit of reluctance in his eyes, and after a while he said: "We will leave early tomorrow morning, and the military report is already on its way."

Xie Songhua just nodded, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he didn't know what to say at this time.

"After all, I still worry you." Xiao Yu gently hugged her into his arms and sighed silently, "Before I decided to marry you, I was worried about the arrival of this day."

Xie Songhua felt his nose was sore, but he managed to smile and said, "Is it possible that husband and wife are really like birds in the forest? Now that we are married, there is no reason to enjoy happiness together.

Life is so long, and there will always be a few rough things. Your Majesty, you can’t trust me?"

Xiao Yu couldn't refute these words, but he disagreed with them from the bottom of his heart, "I can't bear to ask you to be so scared with me.

After I leave tomorrow, Huang Zicheng will come over to take you to the Xie family. Your father's matter has been properly handled. There is no strongest evidence for the prince to move him.

And although that person does not rely heavily on the chief assistant, there is nothing to say about his trust in the chief assistant. Just remember to remind your father-in-law that no matter what changes happen to my affairs, don't stand on my side and be yourself.

Just do your duty.”

Xie Songhua gritted his teeth and said, "I will go with the prince."

Xiao Yu let go of his arms and looked at her in surprise, "What did you say?"

Then he immediately rejected her idea, "No, this time it's not just a formality. Da Rong was just suppressed by me before.

A war between the two countries has actually been inevitable for a long time. Now that all these things are released, the intention is to use this war to weaken the domestic conflicts and at least stabilize the excessive power in the court.

It's too unsafe for you to follow me. No one can do anything to you if you stay at Xie's house, so I feel more at ease."

"Your Majesty is wrong," Xie Songhua shook his head resolutely, looked at him seriously and said, "If I were in the capital, I would be your weak point. No matter whether it is the prince or someone else, they will only try their best to control me.

You are blind on the battlefield and must not be distracted.

I just said that if I am summoned by the palace, even if I can escape once or twice in the Xie family, can I still hide forever? At that time, I will not ask the prince for his crime, but I will make arrangements for the Xie family first."

Xiao Yu had no way to refute this, which was exactly what worried him.

Xie Songhua took the opportunity to say again: "But if I go to Datong with the prince, the world will only praise us as husband and wife for serving the country and the people. I am a doctor myself. When the time comes, I will make the preparation of medicinal materials bigger, and everyone will know me."

I went to the front line as a military doctor, who can tell me?"

"No!" Xiao Yu still refused, "You have never been to a place like that, and you don't know what a real battlefield is like. You can't stand those bloody scenes, and there is no way to talk about fighting.

It’s a given, I’m afraid…”

"Your Majesty!" Xie Songhua interrupted him, "The situation in Beijing is so complicated now. It's very likely that I won't be able to find out the news about you at the front. Don't you think I won't be worried?"

These words made Xiao Yu fall silent. He looked at the woman in front of him whose eyes were already dyed red, and found that it was so difficult to refuse again.

Xie Songhua took this opportunity and continued: "Your Majesty has already said that we are a real husband and wife. I don't know what kind of relationship is a real relationship between husband and wife in His Majesty's heart, but in my case

, husband and wife should support each other.

When it comes to danger, it's not dangerous anywhere, but if two people are together, no matter how dangerous it is, I just feel at ease."

She held Xiao Yu's hand firmly and said, "Don't leave me alone in this place. I can only wait for your news. I don't want to be the one who keeps waiting."

Xiao Yu stared at her eyes for a long time, and then suddenly said to the back: "Get ready to salute your princess."

Aunt Lan and Ding Xiang in the distance naturally heard their conversation.

Although it was a bit confusing, I didn't know what happened.

But if Xie Songhua wanted Xiao Yu to go to the front line with him, they would still understand.

The two of them were equally frightened, but they did not dare to disobey the master's wishes. They quickly turned around and returned to the banquet stage to help Xie Songhua prepare things for going out.

Now that we have decided to go together, many things need to be arranged first.

The Xie family will naturally send a message, but the timing is a problem.

Naturally, you can't say anything at this time, otherwise you will be discovered soon if you make too much of a show of it.

Xie Songhua hurriedly wrote the letter and gave it to Aunt Lan, asking her to deliver it to Xie's house early tomorrow morning.

Ding Xiang's marriage has not been decided, but she can't care about that much now. She can only leave it to Butler Huo. We can't delay the life-long affairs of a good girl's family just because of their affairs.

Aunt Lan and Ding Xiang could not go with them. Bitao stayed to help Aunt Lan guard the house. Xie Songhua quickly decided to take Cuiliu and Xiaoqing with him.

Cuiliu is attentive, and she will be able to help with many detailed tasks when she goes out in the future. Xiaoqing will not talk about it, but she needs to be guarded like this when she is away from home.

As for the other people, the two of them are not in the palace, and there are only a few servants left, so no one will come to provoke them.

And in the house over there, Gu Jinyuan wrote a letter to Lin Ruoxi. She was now running business outside and had made up her mind not to treat herself as an official lady.

Xie Wenyuan also left her completely, and the two elders entrusted her to her. Xie Songhua felt relieved and asked Xie Qionghua to help take care of it.

The most important thing is that the things in Dongkua Courtyard really gave Xie Songhua a hard time.

The things here are all priceless treasures to Xie Songhua. If she just throws her hands away, everything will be in vain.

Xie Songhua had mixed feelings in her heart and was really hesitant about what to do.

"Take it away!"

Xiao Yu suddenly appeared behind her and startled her.

Then she smiled helplessly and said: "How can you take away so much? But keeping it will be a disaster after all. It's better to just burn it."

"Send them away. You should sort these things out now. In two hours, I will ask someone to arrange for them to be sent away first. It is not easy to research these things. Maybe they can be used in the future, and it is even more likely that they will be used.

It’s a magic weapon to win unexpectedly.”

Xie Songhua was hesitant, always feeling that he was trying to comfort himself by saying this, because he was afraid that he would feel that it would be too much of a burden to bring him here.

But she clearly saw the seriousness in Xiao Yu's eyes.

After thinking for a while, he finally couldn't overcome the reluctance in his heart, so he called Cuiliu in, and the master and servant packed all the things into different categories.

At this time, the city gate was not open, and he didn't know what method Xiao Yu said. Xie Songhua didn't ask, and just carefully placed his important things.

By the time everything was done, it was already the darkest time before dawn.

Aunt Lan brought two bowls of noodles over, with a bit of reluctance on her face, "Your Majesty, Princess, we are going to leave in a short while. We are on our way. We don't know where to eat our next meal. Let's prepare it first."

Let’s talk after your stomach is full!”

Seeing the worry and tears in Aunt Lan's eyes, Xie Songhua patted her hand gently and said, "Don't worry, we may be back soon."

This chapter has been completed!
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