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She said this, but Huimin still felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Her relationship with the prince could not be said to be very good, but it was by no means bad.

A long time ago, she remembered her mother saying not to get involved in the affairs of the two cousins ​​in the palace.

Because we haven't reached that point yet.

She is the emperor's sister. If she hurriedly takes sides when the emperor is still young and powerful, she is seeking death.

Therefore, no matter whether she is with the third prince or the prince, her relationship is neither far nor close.

Relatively speaking, she seemed to like the prince more.

Not for any other reason.

But the third prince was really a little too clingy to her.

Every time he entered the palace, if he met him, the third prince would definitely be very sticky. Huimin didn't like this feeling.

Therefore, the somewhat dull prince was shown to be much more honest.

But she never thought that such an honest-looking cousin would have so many dirty thoughts about her in his heart.

"Princess, now and then, based on His Highness's thoughts about you in the past, and now many positions in the East Palace are vacant, if the Princess can put down her body at this time, who else will be your opponent in the entire East Palace?

When that day comes, you will be the person next to the throne. Based on this, there is no reason why the eldest princess's palace should not be famous for a few more years.

Not to mention, with the beauty of the princess, it is easy to conquer the crown prince. In this case, can't the heir come from the eldest princess's house? "

She spoke one sentence after another, her voice was neither high nor low, her speaking speed was neither fast nor slow, but each word seemed to speak to the heart of people.

Huimin has been a little anxious about the future recently.

She heard a little bit of rumors, and many of the things her father had done in the past had been discovered. No one could say how big the trouble in Suhang would be this time.

Huimin was not sure whether the eldest princess's mansion, her mother, herself and her brother would suffer because of this incident.

Therefore, these words of the saint at this time really tempted her.

As for the disgusting emotion I had been feeling, it immediately disappeared under the temptation of those few words.

What's that?

She has clearly seen more disgusting things, and she has also seen things that are more difficult to look at.

It's all for the future and for my family.

She was thinking this in her mind, and when she came to her senses, she saw the saint opposite her clearing away the tea sets on the table.

She didn't take a sip of the two cups of tea. She raised her hands lightly and put them away slowly and leisurely, and there was an indescribable feeling of tenderness and beauty.

"Is this going to drive people away?"

"The princess is joking," the saint raised her eyes and glanced at her, "I'm here just to help the princess clear her doubts. Since the princess now has a choice in her mind, she should naturally go about her own business.

Now, do you still want to waste it here with me?"

Originally she was so dismissive of this person, but at this moment, for some reason, Princess Huimin subconsciously asked, "Do you really think you can do it?"

The movement of the saint's hand paused for a moment, then she looked up at her and said with a smile: "There is nothing in this world that is completely certain. It depends on the princess's choice, whether to go all out or hide it.

So, all I can say is that it all depends on human effort!”

This sentence completely touched Huimin.

The first step, of course, is to confirm the news told by the Holy Lady Laoshizi and see if it is true that the prince did such ridiculous things back then.

As for the back...

But he is just a man!

Is it possible that she still can't handle it?

With this thought in mind, Huimin stood up.

The saint also got up, with the same smile on her face, as if she was planning to send her out.

Walking all the way to the door, Huimin suddenly stopped in her tracks, "By the way..."

Just when the saint was confused, she immediately turned around and lifted the veil from her face without hesitation.

When she saw the face under the veil, she couldn't hide the surprised expression on her face. She just stared at the saint with wide eyes.

But the saint whose true appearance was suddenly revealed seemed extremely calm. She just casually covered the veil again, still smiling and said: "It's very dark at night, otherwise we should ask two people to send the princess there!"

I don’t go out much on weekdays, so I can’t send him far away.”

But Princess Huimin was still standing at the door looking at her face through the veil, "How could it be you?"

The saint raised a finger and put it to her lips through the veil, blinking her eyes, "It is naturally fate that the princess saw me today.

To be precise, everything is because of fate, don't you think so? Princess?"

What a fart!

Princess Huimin added silently in her heart, but she did not say it out loud.

At this moment, she seemed to be becoming more and more curious about the abilities of the national master.

When Huimin came out, there were very few cars and horses outside.

Seeing her coming, the maid who was guarding the carriage quickly ran over and carefully helped her get into the carriage.

The maid has already been replaced.

When Huimin arrived just now, there was only a look in her eyes, and the person who was originally waiting for her had already disappeared.

Although I like people who talk a lot, I don't like people who talk too much.

Relatively speaking, Huimin's actions are much more meticulous than before.

So after returning to my home, the first thing I did was to arrange for someone to investigate what happened that year.

This is not difficult. Since it can reach Lingxiao Temple and reach the ears of those two people, it means that this matter is not completely confidential.

With her ability in the palace, it is easy to find out.

It's just that Huimin still didn't expect that it would be so easy.

The news was sent that night, and the palace maid from Lingxiaoguan was right.

Huimin was a little surprised that the person who sent the news turned out to be Han Jian's subordinate.

She had always had a bad relationship with Han Jian, and she felt from the bottom of her heart that he was not a good person.

But his uncle trusted him, and even if he wanted to replace him, he couldn't do anything.

However, this was the time when Princess Huimin thanked Han Jian the most. After all, if it hadn't been for him and his Dongchang, no other place would have responded so quickly.

But as a result, she couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

If Han Jian knew about it, does it mean that the emperor's uncle also knew about it?

Then if I am here, it is time to enter the East Palace...

Will it make the emperor's uncle feel inappropriate?

But this thought had just arisen before Huimin suppressed it.

There shouldn't be any thoughts about it.

In this world, if a person does not serve himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth.

What's more, judging from the current situation, the emperor's uncle probably won't live long. Since he can no longer protect her, she naturally has to think of her own way out.

When you make up your mind to do something, everything becomes easier.

For Huimin, attracting a man's attention and making him want to marry her is actually a simple matter.

Even if this person is a prince, he is a prince who has seen many beauties.

She has complete confidence in this kind of thing.

When I entered the palace on the second day, my whole state was completely different.

After the last New Year's Eve banquet, the prince's trust in her was far greater than before. Even in the East Palace, she could come and go at will.

Of course, except for the prince, there is really no one in the East Palace who has the ability and status to stop her.

"Why is my cousin here?"

The prince had just come out of the side courtyard of the study, still smelling of blood. He was a little surprised when he saw Hui Min, and subconsciously took two steps back.

Huimin didn't notice such details, and the expression on her face was a little shy, "I haven't seen my cousin recently. I'm a little worried about your health. I heard that there are a lot of things going on in the court recently?"

This chapter has been completed!
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