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This slight cough reminded Mrs. Qi why she came here now.

So he had no choice but to swallow his anger again, with a little embarrassment on his face, and then he walked in and sat down directly on a chair nearby.

"Although I know that your place has never welcomed me, in fact, before today, I never thought about coming to your place to cause trouble."

"There's no need to say that." Xie Yuncang finally came to his senses and sent someone to make tea. Then he sat down in front of the desk and put all the official documents in front of him aside.

"There's no need to be hypocritical," Ms. Qi subconsciously wanted to quarrel again, but when the words came to her lips, she held back, "I won't beat around the bush. I came here today because of Brother Lang's affairs."

Xie Yuncang raised his eyebrows slightly, guessing that the words he had said to her before had some effect.

"you say."

"Before, I really didn't know that Brother Lang chose this path because of me. I won't mention the previous things, but no matter what, Brother Lang is my son after all.

As a mother, I may not be fulfilling my responsibilities in many ways, but I cannot delay my child’s life-long events.

So, I don’t mean anything else. You are the chief minister and you can have the final say on most matters in the court. So it shouldn’t be difficult to transfer your son back, right?

Between myself and Brother Lang, I will naturally make it clear that no matter what, I will never ask my children to leave home thousands of miles away just for a stupid idea."

The maid just served tea.

Ms. Qi stood up directly, "No need for tea, that's all I have to say. If you are really doing it for your child's sake, don't care about your official reputation. If you really don't want to be criticized for your son's sake,

, then just pretend I haven’t been here today.”

Xie Yuncang didn't say a word yet, but seeing her leaving in such a hurry, he couldn't help but sigh.

In the past, he had naturally resented the Qi family in his heart.

That was the person he had held close to his heart since he was young, and the child that person had conceived for him.

Although it can't be said to be the love of a lifetime, after many years of companionship, the feeling is really deep.

Just because of Qi's jealousy, she was killed twice without even doing anything wrong.

This kind of regret that has lasted for many years will only become more and more intense with the passage of time.

For the person who caused this regret, Xie Yuncang really couldn't really treat him with all his heart.

The series of things that happened after that were more like a catalyst that catalyzed all the grievances and grievances over the years, both important and unimportant, and formed a big tree called resentment.

The big tree took root and became more and more lush.

It's just his responsibility as a husband and wife that allows him to continue the relationship between the two in name only.

After the Qi family was imprisoned, he felt happy, as if he had finally let go of all the bad energy he had been carrying for so many years.

It seems that when that regret happened, I finally felt a little more at ease.

But time always has magic power. It moves forward step by step, and some things are quietly rotating again.

Even if they are a bitter couple, due to some subjective or objective reasons, the two have gone through so many years and have two children.

Even if the Qi family is nine points worse, she is still at least one point good in this family.

The most important thing is that because of this relationship between husband and wife, the fate of the two people is intertwined after all. Even if they don't want to admit it, even if they don't want to accept it, there is nothing they can do.

And this kind of entanglement deepens the bond between the two people.

Now, he gradually looked away.

Seeing Mrs. Qi again, even though she was still furious at times, she was more relieved.

So when he saw Qi's attitude, he didn't feel at all emotional and even wanted to laugh.

I don’t know how I got the feeling of wanting to laugh.

"Since everyone is here, let's have a cup of tea anyway. Even if a guest comes, there is no reason to leave immediately after coming."

Mrs. Qi simply thought she had heard wrongly. She looked at the man over there who called her husband in surprise.

Xie Yuncang then smiled and said: "This is the tea that was just offered as tribute. Each person in the cabinet got a little bit. Except for my mother and eldest brother, it's just a little bit here, and there's nothing from the third brother's place."

Qi felt very unfamiliar with Xie Yuncang's attitude. He always felt that there was something wrong with him, so he immediately wanted to ridicule him.

Then I heard Mother Liang’s cough under the window.

Needless to say, these reminders from Liang's mother are still very effective for today's Qi family. In the end, she still tolerated her temper.

But just sitting down like this seemed a bit spineless, so I wanted to say something.

But after searching for a long time, I couldn't think of the right words, so I could only sit down dryly like this.

Then I saw Xie Yuncang had picked up his tea cup and started to taste tea.

You can't show more nervousness than him, Qi thought, and picked up the tea cup.

Even though I’m not in the mood, I can still tell how good this tea is in one sip, so there’s nothing bad about this first batch of tea.”

She thought this in her heart, and then waited for Xie Yuncang's next words.

Even if two people don't get along, they should understand each other no less than other couples.

After all, for a long time, the Qi family really wanted to live a good life with Xie Yuncang.

Thinking of this, she felt a little boring, so Qi simply turned her gaze out the window.

"I'm very happy that Madam can come here today."

Sure enough, Xie Yuncang spoke first.

This is also the tone he always speaks in. Whenever there is something important, he always says a concluding sentence to express his feelings.

She silently cursed and said what she had to say.

But nothing has come to light just now.

Xie Yuncang put down the tea cup and then continued: "Our house, or rather, just our second room, has always been a mess. Later, there were several opportunities to put things right, but you and I missed it."

It was not stated clearly, but it was said that Xie Songhua and Jiang Shuhua made a mistake in their report.

The so-called reversal is to reverse the relationship between two people.

This is a hurdle that Qi cannot get over, and it is also her deepest obsession.

When Xie Yuncang saw her coming today, he decided that this was the best opportunity to talk everything out.

What surprised him was that when Qi family heard these words today, her expression didn't change much, nor did she get angry immediately like usual.

This made Xie Yuncang feel slightly reassured before he could continue.

This chapter has been completed!
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