"This is really rude to be the prime minister's son. The prime minister shares his worries for the emperor day and night and works hard for the country. Since you are the prime minister's son, I must send you and a few people safely to the prime minister's mansion!"
General Liu said in a polite manner, and a vicious look flashed across the corner of his eyes. It would be fine if this person was really the prime minister's son, but if it was fake... At that time, I'm afraid Zhu Junxuan would not be able to protect them anymore. The prime minister's son appeared. The prime minister himself would deal with them. At that time, he would deal with them again. Who told them not to pretend to be the one whom he hated the most?
"This old boy said it nicely that escorting his own safety. Do he think he is really stupid? Isn't he just afraid that he is pretending to be his identity randomly?"
Chang Sheng cursed in his heart, and led the horse with Piaomiao and others, and walked all the way into the imperial city under the escort of General Liu!
Chang Sheng felt the world of the imperial city and felt very strange. The world of the entire imperial city was a ruler, after all, it was also an imperial city. Even if the public security is chaotic, there is nothing strange about this place. The problem is that the Chang family, the one who owns his family, has no world in the imperial city!
Chang Sheng was strange and followed General Liu all the way through the imperial city. The entire imperial city was divided into inner city and outer city. Only the royal family could live in it. No matter how much credit you made or how high your official position was, they were not qualified to live in the imperial city. Even Chang Sheng's father, the prime minister of the current dynasty, also lived in the outer city.
Walking along the way, General Liu and his men were about to walk to the edge of the inner city and the outer city, in front of a huge palace gate, he finally stopped.
Chang Sheng looked forward with attention.
At the gate of the mansion, on the plaque at the vermilion gate between two huge stone lions, there are three big characters written in the prime minister’s mansion!
Before General Liu could speak, Guo Feng suddenly stepped forward, walked to the guard standing at the door, and said, "Go, report to the Prime Minister, and say that the young master is here."
"Young Master..."
When the guard heard Guo Feng's words, he was obviously stunned. Then he reacted instantly, turned around quickly, and ran towards the courtyard. The Prime Minister once said that the eldest young master would come today.
Not long after the guards walked into the mansion, Chang Sheng heard a burst of rapid footsteps coming from the mansion.
In a moment, a figure appeared in his eyes.
"It seems!" Chang Sheng looked at the figure who rushed out of the mansion and looked very similar to him. His blood in his heart was uncontrollable and began to boil.
Chang Sheng looked at the person coming in front of him. Although the person coming hurriedly walked out, he could give people a very calm feeling!
"Well? What a strong Haoran spirit! A master of Confucianism?"
Chang Sheng was stunned. When he saw the person in front of him, he obviously felt that he was connected by flesh and blood. He should be his nominal father in this life, but in his memory, he had no cultivation at all!
Chang Shengzheng was questioning, and in his mind, the ancient demon suddenly spoke: "Chang Sheng, you are wrong. He has no cultivation at all. He is not a master. The Confucian spirit in him is not from Confucianism, but good qi cultivation skills!"
"The qi cultivation skills are good?" Chang Sheng was a little puzzled.
"Yes, there are many literary masters on the mainland, and they don't have any cultivation. However, because they read books every day and adhere to the moral standards of sages in their hearts no matter what they do, they will naturally form a kind of energy."