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Chapter 16 The third brother will definitely cure you!

At this moment, Ye Wushuang's mood suddenly became heavy.

Others only know that since the incident three years ago, he, Ye Wushuang, has been stigmatized as a loser, suffered numerous looks at him, and suffered humiliation.

However, who would have ever remembered that Ye Wushuang was not the only victim in that accident three years ago.

There was another victim who was even more miserable than him, Ye Wushuang; not only was his legs broken by a mysterious man in that accident, but he was also criticized and scolded by the Ye family afterwards, and he was unable to step out of the house for three years!

Liu Qingcheng!

Ye Qingtian’s adopted daughter and Ye Wushuang’s younger sister!

"It's been three years and you haven't come out yet?"

Ye Wushuang sighed, and then said lightly: "Second brother, I want to talk to Qingcheng alone!"


Ye Wufeng nodded without thinking and said: "In the past three years, even though you have explained that it is not her fault, and her father has come to comfort her many times, but she has never been able to get over the hurdle in her heart and refuses to leave the house.

He refused to open the door and refused to see anyone."

"Now, third brother, you have recovered your cultivation. If Qingcheng knew about it, she would be delighted; maybe she could overcome the hurdle in her heart and come out!"


Ye Wushuang nodded slightly, and only breathed a long sigh of relief after Ye Wufeng left.

Now, he has awakened the memory of his past life, and his vision and ambition are far different from those of the past; but when he thinks of his sister Liu Qingcheng, he still feels a little guilty and heartbroken.

Although Liu Qingcheng was picked up by Ye Qingtian, the three brothers of the Ye family have long regarded her as a relative, and she is also their most beloved sister.

Three years ago, Liu Qingcheng was bullied in school and was in a bad mood. In order to make her happy, Ye Wushuang took her hunting in the mountains to catch a hare.

Unexpectedly, he was suddenly attacked by a mysterious man. Ye Wushuang's muscles and bones were crippled, his sword power was destroyed, he was unable to practice martial arts, and he became a useless person.

For a time, everyone in the Ye family accused Liu Qingcheng and blamed everything on Liu Qingcheng. What's more, they thought Liu Qingcheng was a lone evil star and wanted to expel her from the Ye family.

But who would have cared that Liu Qingcheng, who was only twelve years old at the time, was also knocked down a mountain stream. Although he was lucky enough to save his life, he broke his legs and could no longer stand, and thus cut off his martial arts.

Although after the incident, his father Ye Qingtian and the three brothers Ye Wushuang fought against all odds and saved Liu Qingcheng.

But after Liu Qingcheng learned about Ye Wushuang's situation, she felt guilty and blamed all the incident on herself. From then on, she was depressed and stayed in her small room all day, staying behind closed doors and disappearing.

No one said anything.

Now, three years later, Liu Qingcheng has become almost invisible in the Ye family; only three brothers, Ye Qingtian and Ye Wushuang, still visit her from time to time.

Although every time, Liu Qingcheng was turned away...

Stepping forward, Ye Wushuang quietly came to the door. Ye Wushuang collected her thoughts and reached out to knock on the door.

"Qingcheng, third brother is here to see you!"

The door was closed, and as always there was no response.

"Qingcheng, third brother has something to tell you!"

Ye Wushuang hesitated for a moment, but decided to push the door open and enter.

"I'm in!"

There was a squeaking sound, and the door was abnormally not closed, but opened as soon as it was pushed.

Ye Wushuang stepped into the room. There was no one in the room, and there was a freshly painted landscape painting on the table.

The entire painting has three tones of gray, white and red. There are no flowers, trees, or figures. What is left is just cliffs and jagged rocks; and a waterfall dyed red with blood, flying down, impacting the earth, and stirring up countless blood-red waves.

, like human hands grabbing something into the void; it looks weird and desolate.

This was the scene when Liu Qingcheng fell into the mountain stream three years ago.

"You still can't forget it?"

Ye Wushuang reached out and touched the painting gently, feeling as if needles were pricking her heart.

The sound of wheels turning was heard, and a figure emerged from the inner room.

The long skirt, as black as ink, could not cover the thin and frail body sitting in the wheelchair; a pair of white and slender hands slowly pushed the wheels that were thicker than her arms, which seemed laborious and difficult.

This is my sister!

No matter who you are, no matter what the future holds, the girl in the wheelchair in front of you will always be your sister and your relative!

"Third brother, are you here?"

The girl's face was so pale that almost no blood could be seen, and there was a faint smile on her face. Her big, smart eyes flashed, making her look innocent and pure.

"Qingcheng's paintings are becoming more and more realistic!"

Ye Wushuang smiled slightly and said: "It seems that before long, the most powerful painter in the Cangyun Empire will be my sister!"

"Third brother is just joking!"

Liu Qingcheng smiled sweetly, but there was an imperceptible sadness in her eyes: "Sit down quickly, I haven't seen my third brother for a few days; counting the days, it's the wedding day, right?"

"So it's because of this that you are willing to see your third brother!"

Ye Wushuang stepped forward, pushed Liu Qingcheng out, and joked: "If the third brother doesn't get married, do you plan to never see me again in this life?"

"how could be?"

Liu Qingcheng smiled sweetly and said, "No matter when or what happens, you will always be my third brother!"

The eldest brother, Ye Wenfeng, is extremely talented and has aspired to the essence accumulation realm early on. He is valued by the Tengjian Sect in the Imperial Capital and is appointed as a disciple. Now that he has reached the age, he has gone to the Imperial Capital and entered the Tengjian Sect.

The second brother, Ye Wufeng, although not very talented and somewhat cynical, was quite business savvy and controlled many of the Ye family's industries, making his life worry-free.

The third brother, Ye Wushuang, was also extremely talented three years ago. Not only was he known as the number one genius in Qingyun City in a century, he was also directly admitted to Cangyun Academy, the most powerful warrior academy in the Cangyun Empire. He was very high-spirited.

Only she, Liu Qingcheng, was not only an orphan picked up by Ye Qingtian when he went out to train; she had never been able to enter martial arts, and her status in the Ye family was not high.

However, his father Ye Qingtian and his three brothers loved him very much and doted on him; they almost gave him what he asked for and never treated him badly.

Three years ago, it was because of my own playfulness that I had to drag my third brother Ye Wushuang up the mountain to catch hares, which led to the third brother's misfortune and his being attacked by a mysterious man, which resulted in him losing his cultivation.

How could she deny this third brother?

"It's good to know!"

Ye Wushuang pushed Liu Qingcheng to the table, then walked around to the front and slowly squatted down.

"The past three years have made you suffer!"

"What did Third Brother say? Qingcheng is the one who feels sorry for Third Brother!"

Liu Qingcheng trembled all over and said with a somewhat dim look: "If it weren't for me, third brother wouldn't have..."

"That person was originally targeting me. Even without you, he would have attacked me sooner or later. On the contrary, it was the third brother who dragged you down!"

Ye Wushuang directly interrupted Liu Qingcheng's words, stared at her with a somewhat distressed look, and said seriously: "So, stop blaming yourself, okay? Everything is over, we all have to cheer up! We still have to catch hares together.

Well, don’t you like rabbits the most?”


Liu Qingcheng nodded heavily and said: "If third brother survives the catastrophe, he will be blessed later! Unfortunately, I...may not be able to catch rabbits with third brother again in the future..."

"Who said that?"

At this moment, Ye Wushuang stood up with a solemn expression and said seriously: "As long as Third Brother is here, I will definitely cure you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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