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Chapter 242 Let's take a look at your big brother first!

Ye Wushuang naturally didn't know what happened in the inner courtyard.

At this moment, he was leading Liu Qingcheng and three others towards Elder Lieyang's residence.

"That Song Qi seems to value you very much?"

Ye Wushuang looked back at Lin Ruo'er and said lightly: "Did you tell him that you are the Divine Phoenix Treasure Body?"

"How come?"

Lin Ruo'er quickly shook her head and said, "I have always kept in mind what the young master said before; I didn't even tell my father."

"The reason why Song Qi values ​​me so much is probably because of the competition between Tengjian Sect and Cangyun Academy in recent years."

"Seize the power?"


Lin Ruo'er nodded slightly and explained: "Although Tengjian Sect seems to be powerful, it is a foreign sect after all. Its development in the Cangyun Empire has been quite hindered, and it has never been recognized by the Chu royal family.


"On the contrary, Cangyun Academy, as a local force of the Cangyun Empire, not only has unique advantages in the Cangyun Empire, but also has the trust and support of the Chu royal family. It has always surpassed the Tengjian Sect for many years."

"However, in recent years, there seems to be a gap between the Chu royal family and Cangyun College, and they no longer trust each other as much as before. This naturally gives Tengjian Sect an opportunity to take advantage of it, and they are always thinking about suppressing Cangyun College and getting rid of it.

With the status of being the second oldest person in a century, he has become the largest sect force in the Cangyun Empire."

"As for the competition between sect forces, apart from the foundation, the most important thing is the disciples; the better the disciples are, the better it will be for the development of the sect forces in the empire. In recent years, the disciples of Tengjian Sect have

This is the reason why we often do joint trials with students from Cangyun College!"

"I see!"

Ye Wushuang nodded slightly and soon understood the reason.

Although the Tengjian Sect and Cangyun Academy are known as the two leaders of the sects in the Cangyun Empire, in fact, as an outsider, the development of the Tengjian Sect in the empire is not as smooth as Cangyun Academy.

Not only is its reputation slightly inferior, but its development is still limited.

Especially when it comes to recruiting disciples, they can only pick up the leftovers from Cangyun College. For example, most of the new disciples seen outside the sect failed to pass the review of Cangyun College and then transferred here.


This undoubtedly limits the development of Tengjian Sect and will only prevent them from ever catching up with Cangyun Academy.

At this time, the Tengjian Sect naturally wanted to recruit some of the empire's outstanding beauties and take them under its sect. Firstly, they could act as a front and promote their reputation; secondly, in the competition between the two sides, the difference between the disciples of the Tengjian Sect and the students of Cangyun College was

time, the gap will not widen too much.

Especially recruiting a young generation like Lin Ruo'er, who has become very famous in the imperial capital, to join the Tengjian Sect will definitely bring the Tengjian Sect to a big step in the hearts of all the warriors.

Otherwise, if things go on for a long time, the gap between the disciples of the two sides will become wider and wider; sooner or later, the Tengjian Sect will decline and completely lose the ability to compete with Cangyun Academy!

After all, the future strength of a sect is mostly determined by its disciples; the disciples that Tengjian Sect recruits every year are the ones that Cangyun College eliminates, so they are basically at a disadvantage, so why not?

Fight with others?

"The foundation and strength of Cangyun Academy are indeed much stronger than that of Tengjian Sect; however, everything still needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis."

Ye Wushuang said with some seriousness at this moment: "For example, if your major is swordsmanship, the Tengjian Sect will naturally be more suitable for you!"

Is this a hint for her to join the Tengjian Sect?

Upon hearing this, Lin Ruoer's pupils suddenly shrank and her eyes flickered.

"Ruo'er understands!"


Ye Wushuang said no more and stepped away.

After all, the Tengjian Sect was a sect founded by his six disciples. Now that it was encountering difficulties, he, as the master, could help, so naturally he would help.

What's more, Lin Ruo'er has now begun to practice the Zhirou Sword Art he taught. When he enters martial arts in the future, he will definitely major in swordsmanship. As for swordsmanship, the Tengjian Sect, which inherited Ye Wushuang's inheritance, doesn't know how to get rid of him.

How many streets are there in Cangyun College!

Therefore, although Tengjian Sect may not look as good as Cangyun Academy, it is actually definitely more suitable for Lin Ruoer.

The four of them said no more and soon arrived at the pavilion pointed by Song Qi and stopped in front of the door.

"What do you do?"

At this moment, an inner court disciple wearing a sword robe in front of the pavilion saw the four people and immediately shouted and asked.

"Brother, we are here to see Brother Ye Wenfeng Ye!"

Yao Jiaxuan was the first to explain.

"Looking for Ye Wenfeng?"

The disciple frowned, as if he thought of something, and his eyes suddenly brightened: "Are you...Ye Wushuang and Liu Qingcheng?"


"Oh, you are finally here; follow me in quickly, Elder Lieyang has been waiting for many days!"

The disciple was so surprised that he quickly invited the four of them into the pavilion.

The entire pavilion is three stories high and hundreds of square meters wide. At this moment, there are several disciples coming and going, walking in a hurry, not knowing what they are busy with.

The inner court disciple didn't say much, and led the four of them straight to the second floor. They stopped in front of a room at the corner, raised his hands and shouted: "Elder, Senior Brother Ye's family is here!"

After the words fell, there was no response from the room, but the closed door quietly opened with a creak.

The inner court disciple quickly motioned for the four of them to go in.

Ye Wushuang nodded in thanks and led the three of them directly into the room. Suddenly, a strong aroma of red dandelion came to their faces, making the four of them feel shaken.

Not only that, the aroma of the elixir also contains a trace of spiritual energy fluctuations; obviously the elixir that exudes the aroma of elixir has at least reached the level of treasure elixir!


In the room, an old man wearing a red robe and with red hair was sitting on the edge of the bed and turned his head to look at him; however, his expression looked quite vicissitudes of life, and there was a trace of decadence among the dense wrinkles.

and sadness; it actually gives people a feeling of old age.

"Elder Lieyang!"

Ye Wushuang frowned slightly and immediately bowed his hands.

This has nothing to do with age, let alone status; it is entirely because, if Elder Lieyang had not spared no effort to save the life of his eldest brother Ye Wenfeng, all he could see at this moment would be a cold corpse.

Therefore, Ye Wushuang deserves to pay homage!

"You are Ye Wushuang, right? You are indeed a young talent!"

Elder Lieyang nodded slightly, waved his hand and said: "You don't need to be polite. Although Wenfeng and I are masters and apprentices, we are more like father and son. We have been close to each other for many years. However, this time because of my negligence, Wenfeng suffered a disaster. It's really

I feel extremely guilty!"

"Well, you have come all the way here, so let's see your big brother first!"

After the words fell, Elder Lieyang stood up a little tiredly and walked aside.

Ye Wushuang nodded slightly, and immediately stepped forward with Liu Qingcheng, eager to come to the bedside.

On the bed, a man was lying quietly with his eyes closed and his breath weak. On that pale and bloodless face, the eye sockets were sunken and the cheekbones were protruding. At first glance, it looked like a skull covered with quilts.

It seemed to be covered with a thin layer of skin, making it look shriveled and thin, terrifying and desolate.

Under the two jaws and on the exposed neck, the loose skin droops, pale and transparent. You can clearly see the intricate blood vessels on it like old tree roots, which makes it even more ferocious!

What's even more frightening is that as he gets closer, Ye Wushuang can't feel the slightest trace of life; what's left is just an extremely rich and heavy death aura!

This chapter has been completed!
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