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Chapter 272 Poison Leech Forging!

"Although Beast Mountain is the relic of the Cangyun Mountain Range, its area is also very vast; and because its internal environment is suitable for monster beasts to live in, it has over time become the largest gathering area for monster beasts in the entire Eastern Wasteland."

"And it is precisely because of this that the types of monsters in Beast Mountain account for almost 80% of the entire Tianjian Continent."

"There are countless ninth-grade and eighth-grade monsters in it; and there are at least hundreds of thousands of seventh-grade and sixth-grade monsters. Even the tyrannical fourth- and fifth-grade monsters, there are many

"It's just that high-level monsters have extremely high intelligence and have a stronger ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil. They often hide deep in the mountains and know how to divide their territories and protect themselves."

In the assessment area, Ye Wushuang led everyone deeper while talking, and said slowly: "Of course, in the assessment area outside the hinterland, there are not many monsters, and they are generally seventh or eighth grade.

If you occasionally encounter one or two seventh-grade people, you are considered to be very lucky."

"However, it is precisely because of this that there is a low-level monster here. For warriors who have not yet entered the martial arts, it can have a special effect in improving their cultivation and laying a solid foundation."

"That's what I'm going to take you to find... Hanjian poisonous leeches!"

"Poisonous Leech in Cold Stream?"

Lin Ruoer frowned and spoke in surprise.

"Oh? You know?"


Lin Ruo'er nodded slightly and immediately introduced: "The Cold Stream Poison Leech is a ninth-level monster that lives in extremely cold mountain streams. It moves very quickly and can swim in waves and move like an inchworm; generally

In the water, even seventh-grade monsters are difficult to capture."

"Furthermore, it is said that this Hanjian Poison Leech is a special kind of monster that lives by sucking blood. It is also a gregarious monster and is known as a vampire in the water. Even Tianchong realm warriors will be sucked dry once their spiritual energy is exhausted.

Died by blood!"


Ye Wushuang glanced at Lin Ruo'er with satisfaction at this moment, nodded slightly and said: "The head and tail of Hanjian Poison Leech have a special kind of suckers; and on the suckers, there are countless things that are difficult to see clearly with the naked eye.

Small spikes, whether they are humans or monsters, as long as they are sucked by the suckers, those spikes will instantly pierce the skin and suck blood."

"Although Hanjian Poison Leech is only a ninth-grade monster, and its small size makes it almost indestructible. However, because it is a gregarious monster, there are often thousands of poisonous leeches in a cold pond.

Leeches, if someone or a monster falls into it, they will swarm up and be drowned in an instant."

"Even a warrior in the Tianchong realm will soon be drained of his blood and die if he does not have enough spiritual energy to resist."

As soon as these words came out, Li Dawen and others were stunned.

Is there such a weird monster in this world?

Moreover, what does such a terrifying monster have to do with their improvement in cultivation?

Ye Wushuang turned to look at Li Dawen and the others at this moment, and said with a smile: "You can think about it, what would happen when a person's body is covered with poisonous leeches that suck blood..."


"Boss Ye, stop talking..."

"So disgusting!"

Hearing this, Li Dawen, He Xiaoshuang and Meng Tian suddenly shuddered, their hairs stood on end, and there was an inexplicable itching sensation all over their bodies. Goosebumps fell all over the floor. They waved their hands repeatedly, interrupting Ye Wushuang's words.


Even Liu Qingcheng screamed "Yeah", grabbed Ye Wushuang's arm suddenly, and looked around in horror, as if he didn't even dare to walk.

"Don't worry, Hanjian poison leeches are aquatic monsters. Once they leave the water source, they will die soon. Therefore, they generally will not come ashore. It is very safe here."

Seeing this scene, Ye Wushuang laughed and quickly comforted a few people, saying: "However, the world only knows that this Hanjian Poison Leech is a terrifying vampire, but few people know that it is actually a weapon for warriors to hone their bodies and improve their cultivation.

The ultimate treasure!"

"When Hanjian Poison Leech sucks blood, it will secrete a special liquid; that liquid can not only speed up blood circulation, but also stimulate the warrior's meridians, allowing spiritual energy to circulate faster and increase faster."

"At the same time, the spikes on the sucker of Hanjian Poison Leech can also have an excellent effect on invigorating the physical body!"

"Sir, do you mean..."

Lin Ruoer paused at this moment and looked at Ye Wushuang with a surprised look: "Poison leech body training?"


As soon as these words came out, several people shuddered and their hair stood on end.

The method Ye Wushuang mentioned to quickly improve their cultivation level was actually to let a disgusting monster like Hanjian Poison Leech suck their blood?

This... is simply unbelievable!

Ye Wushuang did not explain any more, but directly led everyone to speed up.

Slowly, several figures came to a mountain stream deep in the assessment area, and a cold pool came into view.

The cold pool is located at the foot of the mountain, and there is a waterfall hanging above it. The rumbling sound of water makes the ground shake slightly under your feet; a bone-chilling chill rushes towards your face.

"Here, that's the Cold Poison Leech!"

Ye Wushuang smiled faintly, walked directly to the waterfall, and pointed at the yellow-striped monsters swimming in the cold pool, which were only as long as the index finger.

Most of these monsters are dark green in color, with a large, flat body and a spindle shape; the front end is pointed and the rear tail is blunt and rounded.

There are five vertical stripes on the back of each poisonous leech, consisting of black and light yellow stripes. However, the abdominal mass is light yellowish white, and through the clear water, you can vaguely see many different patterns on it.

Regular dark green spots.

In the rolling pool, they are either firmly attached to the rocks, or they are drifting with the current, densely packed, looking weird and terrifying!

The stomachs of everyone watching were churning, they felt like vomiting, they were frightened, and their limbs were trembling.


Lin Ruoer frowned even more tightly at this moment, looked at Ye Wushuang, bit her red lips and said: "There are too many poisonous leeches in Hanjian here, I'm afraid we will be sucked dry of blood as soon as we get down; and, these

The water flow contains extremely strong cold air, and even a warrior in the Tianchong realm may not be able to withstand it, right?"

"No problem!"

Ye Wushuang waved his hand and said with a smile: "Although the cold here is strong, it is nothing. Don't forget, I have a lot of dragon blood and tiger essence in my body!"

Dragon blood and tiger spirit?

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Although they are not alchemy masters, they have heard of the strange existence of the dragon-blooded tiger spirit that combines the blood of the Tribulation Dragon and the tears of the six-eyed demon tiger.

That thing is not only rich in fire energy, but also extremely valuable; even in Zhongzhou, it is extremely precious!

Where did Ye Wushuang get such a good treasure?

Moreover, judging from the meaning of his words, it seems that there are many more?

Only Lin Ruo'er looked pale at the moment, her eyes flickered, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

She and Ye Wushuang obtained the Dragon Blood and Tiger Essence together, so she would not be surprised; but, in this case, she would have no reason to refuse to go into the water, right?

Looking at the cold poisonous leeches as thick as a thumb in the cold pool, Lin Ruoer felt that every pore in her body was resisting!

"Third brother..."

At this moment, Liu Qingcheng spoke, her face was also a little pale, and she shouted to Ye Wushuang with evasive eyes: "Sister Ruo'er and I didn't bring enough clothes, so it would be inconvenient to go into the water with a group of grown men like you; why not,

Let's just watch from the shore..."

Upon hearing this, Lin Ruoer quickly cast a grateful look at Liu Qingcheng.

She is just a maid, so naturally she does not dare to refuse Ye Wushuang directly; but Liu Qingcheng is different, she is Ye Wushuang's sister, even if she refuses, Ye Wushuang will not blame her!

Ye Wushuang laughed at this moment and said: "I didn't say I wanted you to go down together..."


Lin Ruo'er and Liu Qingcheng were stunned for a moment, looking at each other with confusion on their faces; but soon, they suddenly woke up.

Indeed, what Ye Wushuang said from the beginning was to help Li Dawen and the others improve their cultivation, but he did not say anything about helping them.

However, they had preconceived ideas and subconsciously grouped themselves with Li Dawen!

"What's more, you both have special physiques. If you go into the water, I'm afraid the monster blood will directly attract all the poisonous leeches. How can we practice?"

"So, even if you want to get into the water, I won't agree to it."

After hearing this, the two women breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily.

If Ye Wushuang really let them go down there and experience the poisonous leech sucking blood, they would probably die of nausea.

However, the smile on Lin Ruoer's face suddenly froze, and she glanced at Liu Qingcheng beside her with a strange look.

What did Ye Wushuang say just now?

All have special physiques?

So, Liu Qingcheng also has monster blood in her body?

When she discovered that Ye Wenfeng had a special physique, she wondered whether Ye Wushuang might also have a special physique.

But now it seems that Ye Wushuang does not have a special physique, but his sister Liu Qingcheng does!

Doesn't that mean that the Ye family now has two warriors with special physiques?

Lin Ruoer's pupils immediately shrank, and her heart was horrified.

Although the four major physiques of Fanlingbaoxian are not rare, they are also extremely rare; but now two of them appear directly in the Ye family, and there is also a pervert like Ye Wushuang...

What is the background of the Ye family in Qingyun City?

At this moment, Ye Wushuang, who had comforted Liu Qingcheng and Lin Ruoer, took out a Dragon Blood Tiger Essence and held it in his hand. His other hand reached out to Li Dawen and the others, and said with a smile: "Give me your hands, and let's talk to each other."

pay close attention."

"The poisonous leech body training is still dangerous at the beginning; therefore, I need to take you with me, just in case."

When Li Dawen and the other three heard that Ye Wushuang was going to join them in the water, they immediately became convinced and immediately grabbed hold of them one by one.

Ye Wushuang's mind moved, and the hot breath from the dragon's blood and tiger essence spread immediately and spread into everyone's body.

Gradually, everyone felt their bodies becoming slightly hot; drops of sweat overflowed and kept dripping from the foreheads of Li Dawen and He Xiaoshuang.

"The inflammatory energy of the dragon-blooded tiger essence can not only help you resist the cold, but also reduce the blood-sucking speed of the poisonous leeches in the cold stream, so that you can withstand the poisonous leeches' physical training for a longer period of time."

Ye Wushuang said at this moment: "The longer you can endure it, the more beneficial it will be to improve your cultivation!"

After hearing this, the three people, who were already so hot and unbearable, immediately gritted their teeth and persisted; even though they were sweating profusely, they did not let go.

Gradually, more than half of the dragon-blooded tiger essence in Ye Wu's hands dimmed, and before it turned into ashes, Li Dawen and the others reached their limit and could no longer bear it.


Ye Wushuang put away the dragon-blooded tiger spirit at the right time, pulled the three of them, and took the lead into the cold stream.

As soon as he entered the water, the poisonous leeches that had been wandering in the cold stream swarmed in as if they had smelled something delicious.

Even those who were quietly adhering to the stone walls of the pool started to move and rushed towards Ye Wushuang in an instant!

This chapter has been completed!
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