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Chapter 329 Cangyun Academy!

The next morning.

After checking the body of eldest brother Ye Wenfeng again and confirming that the injury had completely recovered, Ye Wushuang took Lin Ruoer and others and left the Tianjing Building.

A few days ago, Ye Wushuang told Ye Wenfeng everything that happened in the martial arts field that day, and asked Ye Wenfeng if he wanted to leave Tengjian Sect together and join Cangyun Academy.

Unfortunately, Ye Wenfeng rejected it.

Lin Ruo'er, Li Dawen, He Xiaoshuang, and Meng Tian all just joined the Tengjian Sect; and they spent most of their time with Ye Wushuang, so they didn't have much of a sense of belonging.

But Ye Wenfeng is different. He has stayed in Tengjian Sect for more than three years and has already regarded Tengjian Sect as his second home.

What's more, Cangyun College is indeed very good, but finding a good teacher is even more important.

In the three years since he joined Tengjian Sect, Ye Wenfeng has been very aware of the care and love his master, Elder Lieyang, has given him; it can be said that Ye Wenfeng treats Elder Lieyang like a father, and Elder Lieyang also treats Ye Wenfeng as a son.

Taking care of her, the relationship between the two has already been extremely deep.

Therefore, Ye Wenfeng thought over and over again and decided to stay in Tengjian Sect.

Ye Wushuang did not object to his elder brother's decision, but chose to leave with the assurance of Elder Lieyang.

Everyone has the right to choose, and everyone has their own path to take.

Although if you stay in Tengjian Sect, you will definitely be targeted and even have some dangers; but now, Ye Wushuang has basically killed all the enemies in Tengjian Sect, and Elder Lieyang is enough to deal with the remaining ones.

If Ye Wenfeng continues to stay in Tengjian Sect, even if it is dangerous, his life will not be in danger.

After walking out of the Tianjing Building, Ye Wushuang and his party went straight to Cangyun College without saying much.

Cangyun Academy is located in the southwest of Cangyun Imperial Capital, across the city from Tengjian Sect.

Unlike the Tengjian Sect, an outsider, Cangyun Academy, as the largest force in the local area, has obviously a stronger foundation and richer financial resources.

The building area of ​​the entire academy is not only more than twice that of the Tengjian Sect, but the various buildings and living environment are also comparable to the palace, and are extremely luxurious.

The courtyard gate facing the imperial capital and opening to the north alone has as many as five doors, two more than those of Tengjian Sect.

Moreover, each door is decorated with carved beams and painted beams, and is hundreds of meters wide; shining in the morning light, it looks majestic and magnificent.

At this moment, four of the five courtyard doors are closed, and only the largest and most majestic door in the middle is open.

Even though the admissions meeting has ended, there are still a lot of people passing by inside the gate, and it seems quite lively.

There are many dignitaries, princes and generals vaguely visible among them; every move of these people outside is enough to cause an uproar in the imperial capital, and the stamping of their feet can make the entire empire tremble; but at this moment, in front of Cangyun College, there is

Nodding and bowing, he was polite and looked extremely respectful.

There is no other reason. Cangyun Academy is not only the largest force in the Cangyun Empire, but also a place for selecting civil and military talents in the court. Many officials in the empire today, especially those military generals with outstanding military exploits, are mostly from


Moreover, most of the senior members of the big families in the counties of the entire Cangyun Empire graduated from Cangyun College.

Therefore, even if the Emperor of Chu comes in person, he still has to dismount and walk, just like ordinary people, let alone these dignitaries?

Although Xiao He did not come to wait, he sent a disciple to wait at the courtyard gate.

"Your Excellency must be Ye Wushuang, Mr. Ye, right?"

That disciple seemed to know Ye Wushuang. Before the group arrived at the gate, he quickly walked up to greet them and respectfully said, "I am Lu Liangcai, a disciple of Elder Xiao He. I have met you all!"

"Elder Xiao is temporarily busy and is not in the college. Therefore, I have been specially ordered to wait here and be responsible for the admission of several people."


Ye Wushuang nodded slightly, looked at Lu Liangcai with some curiosity, and found that he was just a warrior in the late stage of energy accumulation. He was probably not Xiao He's disciple, but the disciple of the outer courtyard who was responsible for Xiao He's daily life.

There are such people in all major sects and forces; their cultivation talents are generally average, but their character is excellent, they have no evil intentions, and they are extremely loyal.

Therefore, although he may not have much attainments in martial arts, he is often valued by some high-level sects and kept around him as a personal servant.

Of course, even if they are just the personal servants of the sect elders and are not considered true disciples, their status is still much higher than that of ordinary outer courtyard disciples.

Moreover, once such disciples gain the trust of the sect's senior leaders, they will be regarded as confidants and considered by them to be the most reliable servants.

The fact that Xiao He was able to send Lu Liangcai to receive him in person showed how much he valued Ye Wushuang and others.

"Master Ye, Elder Xiao has arranged everything, but I still need a few of you to accompany me to the Ling Pavilion to collect clothing and identity tokens before you can check in."


Ye Wushuang didn't say much, nodded, and followed Lu Liangcai into Cangyun College.

From the outside, Cangyun Academy is extremely luxurious and majestic; but when you actually walk in, you find that it is even more magnificent inside, many times more powerful than the Tengjian Sect.

The group of people walked silently on the road in Cangyun College. Li Dawen and the other two couldn't help but look left and right, looking at the surrounding buildings with sighs.

A month ago, they were just junior warriors who had just entered the realm of life cultivation; even though they were stronger than most warriors, they still had not yet reached the qualifications to enter Cangyun Academy, and could not even pass the most basic preliminary examination.

But now, not only have their cultivation levels advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching the middle or even late stages of life-cultivation realm; they have also suddenly become students of Cangyun College, the largest sect in the Cangyun Empire and the holy place in the hearts of countless warriors.

Until this moment, Li Dawen and the three of them still felt like they were in a dream.

As for Lin Ruo'er, she still looked cold and frosty, looking neither sad nor happy, but in fact she was numb to all this.

During this period of time, following Ye Wushuang, she has seen too many incredible things happen; now even if someone tells her that Ye Wushuang is actually the successor of a big family or a big force in Zhongzhou, she will not


But Liu Qingcheng didn't have too many thoughts. She returned to the way she had left Qingyun City before, constantly looking left and right, up and down, as if she was full of curiosity about everything around her.

On the contrary, he didn't pay the slightest attention to the series of things that happened recently, and he even forgot about them.

She has admired Ye Wushuang greatly since she was a child. Although Ye Wushuang was decadent in the past three years, everything she does now is natural to her.

After all, third brother is the best!


Looking at a majestic palace in front of him that almost towered into the clouds, Lu Liang stopped, smiled warmly at Ye Wushuang and the others, and said: "This is the place where all the students' chores in Cangyun College are in charge, the Ling Pavilion!"

"It is also the place where Cangyun College assigns tasks to students and exchanges for elixirs, martial arts, and weapons. It can be regarded as Cangyun College, an extremely important place."

"Don't look at how tall and majestic it is on the outside, and think that it is very spacious on the inside; because this place contains almost all the chores of the students of Cangyun College, so there are many kinds of things inside, but it is very messy."

Speaking of this time, Lu Liang smiled, stretched out his hand again to make a gesture of invitation, and said: "Guys, come with me in!"

Six figures immediately followed Lu Liangcai towards the main gate of the Ling Pavilion.


At this moment, a cold shout suddenly came from the side.

[The author has something to say]

Third update!

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