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Chapter 342 The corridor leading to the underground!

Liu Qingcheng cursed in her heart, but the movements of her hands did not stop and she quickly took off her shirt.

Today, she is wearing a yellow dress, with three thousand long silk strands draped behind her head. Her black hair is swaying in the breeze, making her look elegant and pure. As the yellow dress fades, her white jade arms and slender eyes are revealed.

The legs are completely exposed to the air, adding a bit of charm to the purity.

Although she is only fourteen or fifteen years old, her figure is quite impressive. Before, she had been wrapped in a loose yellow skirt, covering her graceful and attractive figure. At this moment, she was released, revealing the white tights underneath.

The gauze, the slender waist, the towering breasts, the jade-like skin... all appeared immediately, and the whole person looked tender and touching.

In addition, her cute little face is as red as an apple, which makes people want to go up and kiss Xiangze.

It is no exaggeration to say that Liu Qingcheng at this moment, if any man in this world looks at her, his heart and soul will be stolen instantly.

However, Liu Qingcheng did not move. As a girl, she was reserved, so although she was full of expectations, she was unwilling to take the initiative. She just stood there blankly, waiting with joy.

"What are you doing standing still? Come here!"

Ye Wushuang's voice came again.


Liu Qingcheng was suddenly startled, and couldn't help feeling a little ashamed and angry.

The third brother went too far. It was just his first time to choose such an exciting place. At this moment, he actually wanted her to take the initiative. It was simply too much.

After all, she is still a girl!

Cursing, Liu Qingcheng pouted her little mouth and turned around to complain, but when she saw the scene in front of her, she was stunned for a moment.

"Three, third brother...what are you doing?"

At this moment, Ye Wushuang had taken off his coat and even his vest. He was standing shirtless under a dilapidated building ten meters away, groping up and down on the moss-covered wall with a solemn expression.

Like this, how can I be prepared to be with her...

It seems that Third Brother doesn’t mean that!

Liu Qingcheng reacted instantly, but her cheeks turned even redder, her whole body became ashamed and angry, and she stamped her feet angrily.

Third brother, you really don’t understand the style!

"Qingcheng, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Wushuang turned around at this moment, looked at Liu Qingcheng doubtfully, and asked puzzledly: "This matter is a bit dangerous. If you feel uncomfortable, why don't you go back and rest first?"

"Need not!"

Liu Qingcheng pouted and walked over. Seeing Ye Wushuang busy, his eyes were quickly attracted and asked curiously: "Third brother, what are you planning to do?"

"Find a mechanism!"

Ye Wushuang smiled mysteriously. Before he finished speaking, his right hand groping in the moss suddenly stopped and said: "It is indeed here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Wushuang pressed his right hand suddenly, and heard a clicking sound. The floor one meter away from the two of them slowly shook and slowly rose up.

Ye Wushuang looked around and made sure that no one was there. He immediately stepped forward and lifted the floor, revealing a long dark passage, with the corners of his mouth raised.

"Let's go in and take a look!"

After the words fell, Ye Wushuang took the lead in getting into the corridor.

Liu Qingcheng was even more confused, but she didn't say much and stepped in.

The corridor is very narrow and can only accommodate one person walking at most, so the two of them can only move forward slowly, one behind the other.

However, even with Ye Wushuang standing in front of her, Liu Qingcheng could still feel waves of scorching heat coming continuously, making her whole body feel hot and her forehead sweating.

Moreover, as the depth went deeper, the scorching heat continued to increase; in addition, the corridor was narrow and the air was not very circulated, causing the heat to continue to linger around the body. Therefore, within a short time of drinking tea, Liu Qingcheng was dripping with sweat, even the hair on the back of her head

The three thousand long hair became moist.

No wonder, the third brother said before that he had to take off his shirt when he came in for the first time; otherwise, with this rate of sweating, he would probably get soaked all over his body, right?

Liu Qingcheng secretly thought, thinking about his misunderstanding just now, he felt ashamed and angry again.

If the third brother knew what she was thinking just now, how would she see anyone in the future?

The corridor was winding and winding, and it was extremely dark inside, almost to the point where you couldn't even see your fingers. Therefore, the two of them were not moving very fast and could only move forward gropingly.

"Third brother, where are we going?"

After walking for a long time, Liu Qingcheng felt a little bored and asked aloud.

"Go underground!"


Liu Qingcheng was stunned, and became even more confused, and asked: "This tunnel leads to the underground? How do you know? No, what are we doing underground?"

"I guessed it too!"

Ye Wushuang stopped at this moment, took a deep breath, and explained: "The reason why this place was once the most popular place in the inner courtyard of Cangyun College, in addition to the geographical location, should also be related to the geology."

"I previously discovered on Yaowensi's map that the entire Cangyun College is actually built according to the pattern of the Nine Palaces and Bagua. And the nine districts of the inner courtyard correspond to the Nine Palaces. The location of the ninth district is located in

Above the throne."

"Li is a fire person. District 9 is supposed to be a hot place. It's impossible for the people who built Cangyun College not to know it. And since they knew it, how could they not take fire prevention measures in advance?"

"But since fire prevention measures have been taken, why do fires still occur?"

"Didn't Miss Lin say that it was because there was an earthquake here a hundred years ago?"

Liu Qingcheng blinked and said doubtfully: "Under the earthquake, everything was destroyed. It is normal for the fire prevention measures set up by Cangyun College to be destroyed in that situation and unable to prevent the fire!"

"Yes, if the fire was really caused by an earthquake, it can be explained. But have you ever thought that someone who can build Cangyun College according to the pattern of the Nine Palaces and Bagua would choose a place prone to earthquakes?"

Ye Wushuang smiled and said: "What's more, natural disasters are ruthless. Once they occur, they will cause disaster for hundreds of miles, or even tens of thousands of miles away. But why is the earthquake that occurs here only limited to the ninth district?"

"Even if the shock wave is not strong and cannot destroy the entire academy, the first and eighth districts, which are similar to the ninth district, will definitely not be spared, right?"

Hearing this, Liu Qingcheng suddenly fell into silence.

Indeed, from the beginning to the end, whether it was Yao Wensi, Lin Ruoer, or that weird old man Chen, they only said that the earthquake caused by the mutation a hundred years ago destroyed the ninth district.

But if it is really a simple earthquake, it is impossible to destroy only the ninth district; under the earthquake, the entire inner courtyard, and even the entire Cangyun College, will definitely not be able to survive alone.

How could it only destroy the ninth district?

At this moment, Liu Qingcheng felt that she seemed to understand something, and asked: "Third brother, what you mean is that what happened here hundreds of years ago was not an earthquake?"


Ye Wushuang nodded slightly and said: "At least, it won't be a naturally occurring earthquake."

"What's the reason for that?"

"The strong fight!"

[The author has something to say]

Third update!

This chapter has been completed!
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