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Chapter 344 Nine Serenity Earth Flames!

The red wave retreated, and a hot breath that seemed to burn the world to the ground swept forward, filling the entire underground world.

At this moment, Liu Qingcheng felt like she was in the flames, and it was burning with pain. Her pretty face was red, but her eyes were staring at Yuandi, trembling slightly.

There, as the red heat wave dispersed, the scene below gradually became clear and unobstructed.

I saw a huge body a hundred meters thick, winding and coiled; it had the head of a horse and a tail of a snake, and was covered in scales. It was graceful, elegant and magical, but its whole body was flashing with raging flames.

It's like a burning dragon!

At this moment, the dragon seemed to be awakened by the movement above his head. The mountain-like head of the dragon suddenly raised, and its eyes as big as copper bells suddenly locked onto Ye Wushuang and Liu Qingcheng.


Liu Qingcheng was frightened by Jiaolong's hot and terrifying gaze. She didn't hear Ye Wushuang's words beside her at all and froze in place.

"Long time no see, Jiuyou Diyan!"

Instead, Ye Wushuang laughed and said slowly: "I didn't expect that after ten thousand years of seeing you, this little guy like you has actually given birth to spiritual wisdom and started trying to condense it into shape!"

Jiuyou Earth Flame?

Could it be...earth fire!

Hearing this, Liu Qingcheng, who was in a daze, suddenly trembled and was stunned.

In the past three years, she has read countless books and covered a wide range of topics, so she naturally knows that the Jiuyou Earth Flame is a type of Earth Fire!

There are many flames in this world, such as wood fire, animal fire, earth fire, sky fire, and divine fire that has only been heard in rumors.

Among them, wood fire and animal fire are both ordinary fires. Although they are also strong and weak, they can often be directly annihilated with the help of conflicting objects or strong strength.

And above the ordinary fire is the fire of heaven and earth from which the Great Dao was born; it is divided into two types: earth fire and sky fire.

The fire of the great road is born on the earth and is the fire of the earth; the fire of the great road is born on the sky and is the fire of the sky.

The fires of heaven and earth are all born at the right moment, so they have the ability to be immortal and last forever; even the annual rings that are enough to turn the sea into mulberry fields cannot destroy it in the slightest, but will make it stronger.

Of course, on top of the two, there is the legendary divine fire.

It is said that once the divine fire comes out, it can burn the heaven and the earth, destroy the eight wastelands, swallow the sun and the moon, and annihilate all living beings... It contains the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. It is also born with spiritual intelligence and knows how to practice transformation. It is so terrifying!

However, divine fire has only appeared in legends; even Ye Wushuang, who was the Unparalleled Sword Emperor back then, had never seen it.

Therefore, on the Sky Sword Continent, the most advanced flame became the Sky Fire.

Although the sky fire is not as terrifying as the divine fire, it is also innately intelligent and can transform and practice, wander between the heaven and the earth, and devour the sun, moon and stars.

Earth fire is naturally far different from heavenly fire and divine fire, and it cannot enlighten one's spiritual intelligence as soon as he is born; however, it is precisely for this reason that earth fire is more suitable to be controlled and utilized.

Especially the earth fires that were born with spiritual wisdom, because they are not civilized by heaven and earth, and live in seclusion underground all year round, they are often difficult to distinguish between deep evil, do not understand true and false, and have extremely low intelligence, so they are very easy to be domesticated and used for one's own purposes.

Although earth fire is not as good as sky fire and divine fire, it still surpasses the existence of animal fire. For some alchemists and weapon masters, it is simply a priceless treasure. Even for some warriors who can control flames, it is definitely a lethal weapon.


Therefore, the emergence of a kind of earth fire, especially the emergence of the earth fire that gave birth to spiritual wisdom, will often cause a huge sensation.

Not to mention the warriors of the Cangyun Empire, even all the warriors in the important areas of Zhongzhou and even the entire Tianjian Continent would probably fall into madness!

Liu Qingcheng was extremely shocked at this moment.

Having read poetry and books, she naturally knows how precious earth fire is, and she is even more aware of the sensation caused by the advent of earth fire.

It was precisely because of this that she found it hard to believe that what appeared in front of their eyes at this moment was actually a streak of earthly fire!

"I wanted to take you in back then, but I just left temporarily because of something else. I didn't expect that after wandering around for thousands of years, you are still here."

At this moment, Ye Wushuang was still saying slowly: "However, if you just stay here to practice, that's all. Why do you want to rush out of the surface and commit murder?"

"Could it be that you really think that with the body of earth and fire, no one can annihilate you?"

Speaking of this, Ye Wushuang's voice suddenly turned cold.

The temperature within the entire abyss unexpectedly dropped suddenly at this moment, becoming much cooler.


The blazing flame dragon suddenly let out a low cry, and with a sudden kick of its four legs that shone with sharp energy, the dragon's body of a hundred feet immediately rose into the air and flew directly in front of Ye Wushuang. In the big eyes of the copper bell,

But there was a strong color of doubt, and he kept glancing at the two figures as small as ants.

Slowly, it opened and closed its mouth and spit out human words: "Who...are you?"


Seeing this scene, Liu Qingcheng's face suddenly turned pale and she froze in place.

This earth fire not only gave birth to spiritual wisdom, but it could also speak human words?

It was like seeing a ghost!

However, Ye Wushuang did not explain to Liu Qingcheng, but just snorted coldly.

Generally speaking, Earth Fire is not born civilized. Even if spiritual wisdom is born later, it can only make babbling sounds to express various emotions, just like Xiao Hei.

But Liu Qingcheng didn't know that the earth fire in front of him was unusual.

Not only was he a leader among the Earth Fires, he was born from Jiuyou; he was also encountered by Ye Wushuang at the beginning of his birth, and incorporated a trace of the Wushuang Sword Emperor's thoughts into him, preparing to tame and recover him.

It's a pity that Ye Wushuang had just integrated into his mind and before he had time to do the next thing, he was lured to the Western Desert by the sudden appearance of the Wushuang Divine Sword; and then he never returned, and in the blink of an eye he was gone for thousands of years.

If Ye Wushuang hadn't joined Cangyun College and discovered Xin Mi in District 9, Ye Wushuang would have almost forgotten that Zeng Jin had such an incident.

"After thousands of years, it's normal that you don't remember me. But..."

Ye Wushuang put his hands behind his back at this moment, with an indifferent expression, and said coldly: "Pu Ruozhi, you should still remember, right?"

At that time, he rushed to the Western Desert to seize the Unparalleled Divine Sword, but he had no time to subdue the Nine Nether Fire; therefore, he handed it over to Pu Ruozhi to take care of.

Today, the name of Pu Ruozhi is still circulating in Cangyun Empire, which means that Pu Ruozhi passed away not long ago, so this Jiuyou Earth Fire should have an impression.

Sure enough, upon hearing these words, the flame dragon's huge body suddenly trembled, and a trace of anger flashed in its big eyes that were originally full of doubts, and then turned into overwhelming murderous intent.


Suddenly, the flame dragon looked up to the sky and roared, letting out a roar of anger, which shook the entire cave and caused rocks to roll down.


What's going on?

Seeing this scene, a trace of doubt flashed in Ye Wu's eyes.

I originally thought that mentioning Pu Ruozhi's name would allow the dragon to recall some information about him; but now it seems that it seems to have been self-defeating.

This flame dragon has indeed stirred up some memories, but they don't seem to be good memories. Instead, they are full of angry hatred.

Outrage of hatred!

"Death...I'm going to die..."

The next moment, the flame dragon became completely violent. Its body of a hundred feet was winding in the void. Its four sharp claws flew up and down, shooting out claws wrapped with hot breath, as if it wanted to tear the void apart, and tear the abyss apart.

Destroyed, splashing everywhere.


Suddenly, the entire abyss was shaken wildly, the earth trembled, rocks flew, and the cave was about to collapse!

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Wushuang's pupils shrank, and before he had time to think about the reason, he took a step forward and rushed directly towards the flame dragon.

"Thousands of years have passed, has your temper gotten better?"

"Be honest with me!"

After shouting loudly, Ye Wushuang waved his palm directly, and a complex palm print rolled down with powerful spiritual energy and landed on the dragon's head in an instant.


[The author has something to say]

There are only two updates today.

First of all, I still haven’t been able to get rid of my sadness recently. I am depressed, my consciousness is decadent, my thoughts are naturally confused, and I can’t write.

Secondly, there are a lot of things to explain next, especially Su Muxue’s settings and Pu Ruozhi’s settings, which are related to the subsequent plot and need to be written with full concentration.

Therefore, go to bed early today, try to adjust, and strive to have a new look tomorrow!

Thank you readers for your great support and love. Whether you like this story or not, it is my honor to click in. Thank you!

This chapter has been completed!
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