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Chapter 787 Breaking into the Valley!

The falling rocks rolled and roared.

These rockfalls are quite large, each piece is half the size of an adult.

Therefore, even though the speed of rolling down is extremely fast, it is not secretive. Instead, it makes a deafening noise as it continuously collides with the mountain wall.

Unless there are a large number of people, causing the valley to be crowded; otherwise, it is almost no threat to warriors with quick reactions!

It was precisely because of this that Chu Yuntian felt that such ambush methods were useless and useless.

But Ye Wushuang obviously has a different view.

As a former unparalleled sword emperor, an old monster with tens of thousands of years of memory; his vision is broad and his eyesight is ruthless. He can see places that Chu Yuntian and others cannot see with almost a glance.

For example, right now...

The loud rumbling noise gradually subsided.

The already narrow valley was completely covered by countless boulders; and because the rocks were so large and numerous, the entire valley was quickly and completely blocked.

It's like a stone wall, dozens of feet high!

Chu Yuntian, who was about to ask Ye Wushuang about it, suddenly froze when he looked at the pile of rocks that stood in front of him, blocking the way. He was completely dumbfounded.


Chu Yuntian was "doing this" for a long time, but in the end he couldn't say the next words; instead, he suddenly woke up and cursed directly: "That old boy Sikong Yan didn't even think of seriously injuring us with some ambush, but he planned to do it from the beginning.


"Block the road and won't let us pass!"

At this moment, even without Ye Wushuang's explanation, he somewhat understood the purpose of Sikong Yan and others!

Those huge rocks, solid and thick, were piled together so densely that they almost completely blocked the valley in front of the three people.

Moreover, due to the impact of falling from a high altitude, each falling stone is very solid, almost the same as a piled stone wall.

In addition, the cliffs on both sides of the valley are rugged but smooth; so now, unless you can fly, you can't cross it at all!

"This, perhaps, is Sikong Yan's true purpose!"

Ye Wushuang withdrew his gaze at this moment, looked at Chu Yuntian and Lin Ruo'er, and said lightly: "He has fought with me, and although he lost, no matter whether he is convinced or not, he will definitely have some fear of me, and he will definitely be a little afraid of me.

There will definitely be some understanding of his strength."

"In this case, he should also know that with his formation skills, it is difficult to trap me or hurt me with the prison formation or killing formation. Therefore, as long as his brain is not flooded, he will

You will not simply lay out some traps or formations just to stop me."

"So, his initial idea was not to ambush and attack us, but to block our way there!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Ruoer and Chu Yuntian fell into silence, their eyes flickering, but they lowered their heads and said nothing.

Indeed, if Sikong Yan really laid some formations and traps in this valley, although there would be some risks for the three of them, as long as Ye Wushuang is around, this risk can be almost ignored.

Of the Three Thousand Dao, Ye Wushuang was not only knowledgeable in martial arts, but also had great attainments in many small paths such as the Dao of Formation, the Dao of Weapons, and the Dao of Alchemy.

But human power is limited after all. In this vast sky and earth, one is as small as a drop in the ocean. Some methods cannot threaten Ye Wushuang, but they can use the natural and dangerous terrain to stop Ye Wushuang.

For example, at this moment, you can use the formation to control the rocks on the mountains on both sides to fall down and block the valley; you can directly take advantage of the geographical advantage and completely cut off Ye Wushuang's path to the past.

This plan is just right and will work once and for all!


At this moment, Lin Ruo'er suddenly raised her head, looked at the piles of rocks hundreds of feet high in front of her, and then looked at the cliffs on both sides, frowning and said: "These piles of rocks are indeed blocking the valley; but

But it didn’t completely block our way.”

As she spoke, she stepped closer to the pile of rocks, stretched out her dragon scale sword, smashed the rocks in front of her, and turned around and said, "Look, these rocks have almost smashed together because of the fall. They are very strong. We are completely

You can climb up and climb over the rocks!"


As soon as he said this, Chu Yuntian immediately looked around and said in surprise: "These stones rolled down from both sides. They are not specially piled, not smooth, and there is no seal carving formation. We can just climb up.

, turn over."

“Although it’s a bit troublesome, it’s still a good idea!”

Stones falling from the sky and piled up randomly will naturally become uneven; therefore, even if they are dozens of feet high, it is not difficult for a warrior to climb over them!

"I'm afraid things are not that simple."

Ye Wushuang smiled faintly at this moment, as if he had seen through everything a long time ago, and said: "Such an obvious thing, what you can think of, would that old fox Sikong Yan not think of it?"

"If my guess is correct, these rocks are just the first step of his plan, and his second step is to let us climb these piles of rocks."

As soon as these words came out, the two of them were instantly confused and looked at Ye Wushuang with confused expressions.

Ye Wushuang didn't say much, but waved to the two of them and ordered: "You go back first and follow me out of the valley!"



Although Chu Yuntian and Lin Ruo'er were confused, they still nodded, stepped away from the stone pile, and exited the valley with Ye Wushuang.

"Go and cut that tree down."

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the valley, Ye Wushuang pointed to a crooked-neck tree not far away and ordered: "Peel off the branches and leaves, leaving only two meters of trunk, and then carry it over!"


The two of them were stunned, nodded in confusion, and quickly walked up to the Crooked Neck Tree.

Lin Ruo'er activated her energy and cut off the tree with one sword; Chu Yuntian quickly stepped forward, drew out the rusty sword, flew up and down, and quickly cut off the branches and leaves, leaving only a two-meter trunk.

Then, the two men carried the tree trunk back.

Ye Wushuang was already prepared. He took a step forward, grabbed the tree trunk with one hand, raised it directly above his head, and nodded slightly: "Well, the weight should not be different."

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his right arm and threw the tree trunk directly towards the pile of rocks.


The tree trunk instantly hit the pile of rocks, knocking off countless rocks and inserting them diagonally into the middle of the pile of rocks.

Puff puff puff...

At the same time, in the originally peaceful valley, gleaming spikes suddenly appeared on the ground and on the cliffs. They were densely packed, almost all over the valley except for piles of rocks, like a sea of ​​thorns.

Moreover, these spikes are all flashing with cold light and are extremely sharp, not to mention that they are about a foot long. Once someone steps in, they can easily pierce the soles of their feet and break their legs!


Seeing this scene, Lin Ruo'er and Chu Yuntian were both shocked and frightened.

"Sure enough, I guessed right, this is Sikong Yan's real purpose!"

Ye Wushuang was not surprised, but as if he had expected it, he nodded and said with a smile: "Blocking the road with rocks is only the first step for Sikong Yan; he knew that it would be difficult to trap Sikong Yan with these thorn formations alone.

So, we used the rock formation to attract our attention, so that we could ignore the thorns and climb up the rock pile without knowing it."

"And once we climb up the pile of rocks, our weight, plus the weight of the pile of rocks, will directly trigger the ground thorn formation in the valley and shoot out the ground thorns."

"This old guy Sikong Yan is really insidious!"

Chu Yuntian nodded at this moment and said: "Fortunately we didn't climb the pile of rocks, otherwise we might have been pricked into hedgehogs by now...eh...that's not right..."

Before he finished speaking, Chu Yuntian was suddenly startled. He looked at the stone pile wall in the valley and said doubtfully: "Sir, look, there are no spikes on those stone piles!"

Lin Ruoer heard the words and quickly looked around; sure enough, the entire valley was now covered with thorns, even the cliffs on both sides were densely covered with them; but on the pile of rocks blocking the valley, there was no one.

Root apex.

"This is why I say Sikong Yan is an old fox."

Ye Wushuang smiled again and explained: "Although these thorns are sharp, dense, and may pose a threat to you, they cannot hurt me."

Speaking of this, Ye Wushuang stepped into the valley and kicked a sharp thorn.

There was just a click, and the spike broke on the spot and fell to the ground!

"I said, Sikong Yan has fought with me, so he should know my strength; even if these thorns suddenly emerge, it is not difficult to destroy them with my strength."

Ye Wushuang looked back at the two of them and explained: "Therefore, these thorns alone are not enough to hurt me; even, as long as we are fast enough, we can climb over the pile of rocks the moment the thorns appear.


"Then what is Sikong Yan's purpose in arranging these?"

"To trap me!"

Ye Wushuang smiled coldly and said: "These thorns are refined with special techniques. If you want to destroy them, you can only attack from the roots. But you see, the thorns beside the piles of rocks are not only like other places,

They are densely packed; and almost all of them have spread under the pile of rocks.”

"In this case, if we are on a pile of rocks and want to destroy the ground thorns, there is no way we can do it!"

"And if I guess correctly, there are probably spikes everywhere on the other side of the pile of rocks right now."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Ruo'er and Chu Yuntian suddenly woke up; you couldn't help but look at me and I looked at you, both of them were dumbfounded.

These thorns are very dense, and they gradually become compact from the outside to the inside; when they get under the pile of rocks, they are almost dense one by one, and they spread directly to the pile of rocks. This situation

It can't reach the bottom at all, so naturally it can't be destroyed.

If they were not outside the valley at this moment, but on the pile of rocks, facing such dense spikes on both sides, they would definitely be completely trapped on the pile of rocks, unable to move forward or retreat!

"What a vicious strategy..."

Chu Yuntian couldn't help but sigh at this moment: "This Sikong Yan is planning to trap us to death directly on the pile of rocks!"

He never expected that Sikong Yan not only set up a formation of rocks in the valley, but also set up an formation of ground thorns; except for the piles of rocks, they almost covered the entire valley.

Obviously, Sikong Yan's plan was to force Ye Wushuang and others onto the pile of rocks, then use ground thorns to completely block the way out, and then trap a few people on the pile of rocks.

Fortunately, Ye Wushuang saw it through in advance, otherwise once they got on the pile of rocks, they would really be in trouble!

"The idea is good, but the method is still a little weak."

Ye Wushuang nodded, then frowned and murmured: "No, if that's all, then Sikong Yan's method is too simple..."

"Since he knows that I am very skilled in formations, he should know that I can think of ways to break the ground stabbing formation. In this way, the plan to trap us on the pile of rocks will only be able to block us by one or two at most.

It’s only an hour, and it doesn’t have much effect.”

"Perhaps Sikong Yan didn't expect that Young Master could see through his plan at a glance?"

Chu Yuntian said indifferently at this moment: "I have dealt with those people from Shangguo before. They are very arrogant and often use their nostrils to look at people. Maybe Sikong Yan doesn't take us seriously at all?"

"If he really doesn't take us seriously, why would he spend so much effort on Stonehenge first and then on the Earth-thorn formation?"

Lin Ruoer snorted directly and retorted: "Besides, although this valley is narrow, it is still five or six meters wide and several thousand meters long; even if the stone walls on both sides are not included, such a large area

, if you want to deploy all the ground stab formations, you will need at least hundreds of formations, hundreds of people, and dozens of hours to do it, right?"


As soon as these words came out, Chu Yuntian was immediately speechless.

Ye Wushuang nodded slightly and said: "Ruo'er is right. Sikong Yan can spend so much energy and even set up a trap in the entire valley, which shows that he attaches great importance to and fears me."

"But that's why I feel strange."

Speaking of this, Ye Wushuang paused, glanced at the valley full of spikes, and frowned: "Using such a huge force is just to trap us, or delay us for an hour or two. This is obviously


"Did the young master discover anything?"

Lin Ruoer immediately asked.


Ye Wushuang shook his head and said: "Sikong Yan still has some attainments in formations. At least he is quite good at hiding formation fluctuations. If it weren't for the strange pile of rocks before, I would not have been able to discover the existence of the ground stab formation.


"And now, apart from the piles of rocks and the ground thorn array, I haven't seen any other traps yet."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Ruoer and Chu Yuntian fell silent.

Things that even Ye Wushuang couldn't figure out, they were naturally even more unable to figure out!

"Then young master, what should we do now?"

Chu Yuntian hesitated for a moment and then asked: "Are you still coming?"


Ye Wushuang nodded without hesitation and said with a smile: "Sikong Yan spent so much time ambush us, and if he just leaves like this, wouldn't it be a waste of all his efforts?"

"Besides, the core stone that controls Ten Thousand Beasts Ridge is at the end of the valley; if you don't go there, you won't get the core stone!"

Hearing this, Lin Ruo'er was suddenly startled and hurriedly raised her head and said, "But Young Master..."

"What are you afraid of? The soldiers will come and cover up the water and earth."

Ye Wushuang directly interrupted Lin Ruo'er and said with a smile: "Just be careful later, I want to see what else this Sikong Yan can do!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his right hand and commanded: "Open the way!"


Seeing this scene and hearing these words, Lin Ruoer hesitated to speak, but finally nodded.

Then he and Chu Yuntian stepped forward together, drew their swords and stabbed the ground, starting to open up the road bit by bit.

Ye Wushuang did not destroy the ground thorns, but walked behind the two of them, squinting his eyes slightly and carefully looking inside and outside the valley as he walked.

In this way, it took more than half an hour for the three of them to pass through the dense thorns and return to the pile of rocks.


Chu Yuntian took a long breath at this moment, turned to look at Ye Wushuang, and asked: "Master, are you going to climb up next?"


Ye Wushuang nodded slightly, withdrew his gaze, and ordered: "I'll go up first, and you guys will follow."

Before he finished speaking, his waist sank, he tapped his feet, and suddenly he rose into the air like a flying dragon, landing behind a pile of rocks.

Then, he kept tapping the protruding rocks with his feet, using his strength to move upwards, and slowly climbed to the top of the pile of rocks.

Chu Yuntian and Lin Ruoer followed closely behind. Although they were not as quick as Ye Wushuang, they climbed up the rocks one by one easily.

"Sure enough, as the young master said, the other side of this pile of rocks is also covered with spikes!"

As soon as he climbed up the pile of rocks, Chu Yuntian saw that the opposite valley was also densely packed with spikes. He couldn't help but sigh: "If we had climbed directly onto this pile of rocks before, we would really be in a dilemma now."

Before he finished speaking, a breeze suddenly blew from the end of the valley.

Immediately afterwards, a pungent smell hit their faces and enveloped the three of them instantly.

"Ah sneeze..."

Chu Yuntian suddenly sneezed, rubbed his nose, and complained: "What is this smell? It's a bit choking... sneeze!"

Before he finished speaking, Chu Yuntian sneezed again.

But this time, he seemed to have exerted too much force, his body staggered, and he suddenly fell down the pile of rocks!

This chapter has been completed!
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