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Chapter 896 Whoever it is, must die!

On the mountainside, the firelight swayed and the shadows of people moved.

Ye Qingtian, Ye Wushuang and others led a group of Ye family members and were walking slowly along the mountain road, but their goal was not the top of the mountain, but the Holy Land that covers the sky on the side of the mountain.

They have received the news from Ye Wenfeng and know Ye Wenfeng's plan; besides, dividing the troops into two groups will indeed be more efficient.

Therefore, after discussing with his father Ye Qingtian, Ye Wushuang directly led everyone in the direction of Zhetian Holy Land to search.



At this moment, among the people who were searching ahead, there was a sudden burst of shouts!

"What happened?"

Ye Qingtian, who was chatting behind the crowd, was stunned and immediately walked over.

Seeing this, Ye Wushuang, Lao Chentou, Lin Ruoer, Li Dawen, He Xiaoshuang and others also stepped forward and followed closely behind.

"Clan leader, a figure was found in front of us!"


Ye Qingtian was startled, and immediately pushed aside the crowd and walked forward quickly.

What he saw in front of him was not Ye Wufeng, but two men, one old and one young, sweating profusely and panting. They were hiding behind the tree trunks with frightened faces, confronting the Ye family guards.

Scan outside.

However, it was dark and the firelight flickered, so they seemed unable to see anything clearly!

"Who's in front of you? Why are you trespassing on my Ye family's land?"

Seeing that it was not Ye Wufeng, Ye Qingtian couldn't help but frown, feeling slightly disappointed in his heart, and asked in a deep voice.

"Clan leader?"

Unexpectedly, when the other party heard this, he couldn't help but be startled, and then subconsciously shouted.


Ye Qingtian couldn't help but was stunned when he heard the sound, and hurriedly took two steps forward.

At the same time, the other party seemed to recognize Ye Qingtian, and immediately stopped hiding and walked out from behind the tree, raised his hands high, and shouted: "Don't do anything to your own people, don't do anything!"

Before he finished speaking, the other party had already arrived in front of Ye Qingtian.


Ye Qingtian looked through the firelight and found that he looked familiar, so he tentatively asked.


But the other party instantly knelt down on the ground, bowed his head and said, "The patriarch is none other than the villain Ye San!"

"It's really you!"

Hearing this, Ye Qingtian was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed, his face darkened, and he shouted: "Didn't I ask you to guard the Zhetian Holy Land? How could you appear here? Don't you know that you left your post without permission, but

capital offense!"

In order to prevent anyone with evil intentions from sneaking into the Holy Land of Zhetian among the Ye family, Ye Qingtian once divided the guards of the Ye family into two groups, one responsible for guarding the Hanjian Valley, and the other responsible for guarding the Holy Land of Zhetian.

Although they are on the same level, they are not familiar with each other.

In fact, most people don't even know each other.

It is precisely because of this that something went wrong!

But whether it is the Zhetian Guards or the Hanjian Guards, they are all selected and arranged by Ye Qingtian personally, and he has personally evaluated every guard.

Therefore, they recognize each other instantly!

But this place is at least three or four miles away from the Holy Land of Covering the Sky.

As the guard of the Shrouded Heaven Holy Land, the other party shouldn't appear here either emotionally or rationally?


As soon as these words were spoken, Ye Tian, ​​the young guard who came out closely behind, suddenly lost his legs and fell to his knees, trembling.

The elder guard Ye San was also shocked, and hurriedly explained with sweaty hands: "The clan leader misunderstood, it was not that we left our posts without authorization, but something happened in the holy land. The commander ordered Ye Tian and I to rush there.

Hanjian, inform the clan leader..."

"Something happened in the Holy Land of Shoutian?"

Before Ye San could finish speaking, Ye Qingtian's expression suddenly changed slightly, he took a step forward and asked in a deep voice: "What happened? Qingcheng...what happened to her?"

Behind, Ye Wushuang heard the words. Although he did not speak, his expression changed slightly. He stepped forward and stared at Ye San closely.

Although Zhetian Holy Land is precious, everyone in the Ye family has not yet entered cultivation, and only Liu Qingcheng lives there alone. Now that something happened in Zhetian Holy Land, the father and son naturally and subconsciously thought of Liu Qingcheng's safety!

"Miss is fine, Miss is fine for now..."

Ye San was shocked and hurriedly explained, "But...but it won't be easy to say later."

"Everything starts from the time we found a severed arm at the entrance of the Holy Land covering the sky half an hour ago..."

Immediately, Ye San quickly told the story of the broken arm, Ye Wufeng's arrest, and the coercion of Liu Qingcheng to go to the back mountain alone.

The immediate surroundings fell into dead silence.

The faces of Ye Qingtian and Ye Wushuang, father and son, changed drastically and their expressions became gloomy.

Especially Ye Wushuang, although his face was expressionless, a fierce killing intent quietly spread from his body and filled the entire forest!


Sensing the fierce murderous intent around her, Lin Ruoer suddenly trembled all over and let out a soft cry subconsciously.

Ye Wushuang came back to his senses immediately, nodded slightly to Lin Ruo'er, then looked at Ye Qingtian, and said in a deep voice: "Father, the other party is most likely coming to Qingcheng; the situation is urgent, and the child needs to take the first step.

Go to the rescue!”

Ye Wushuang and others have all entered the realm of martial arts, and Old Chen Tou and Lin Ruo'er have cultivated in the Xuan realm. Walking with others will only slow down their speed!


Ye Qingtian also understood that the current situation was urgent and did not hesitate. He nodded directly and said: "You take Senior Chen and Miss Lin to rush for help first, and I will arrive soon."

"Wushuang, be careful; no matter what, we must save your second brother and Qingcheng!"

"Father, don't worry!"

Ye Wushuang nodded and said solemnly: "No matter who the other party is, if he dares to catch my second brother and hurt my sister, I will make him regret coming to this world!"

Before he finished speaking, he immediately took Lao Chen and the others and left quickly.

In this life, the biggest enemy in Ye Wushuang's heart is the Ye family.

Now, anyone dares to touch his second brother Ye Wufeng and sister Liu Qingcheng. No matter who they are or what their background is, they will definitely die!


In the hinterland of the blue clouds, there is a nameless valley.

The biting night wind blew slowly, making the leaves rustle and the sky buzzing.

Under a towering tree, Ye Wufeng was hung upside down in mid-air. Although the fracture on his left shoulder had been simply bandaged, blood was still flowing out, slowly flowing down his long and drooping hair.


The bloodless face was even more frighteningly pale.

But at this moment, he didn't care at all. As if he didn't know it, he roared at the faintly visible figure a hundred meters away: "Go, go, Qingcheng, go quickly, get out of here!"

Liu Qingcheng, who was dressed in a long black dress, had an alluring and handsome face. At this moment, her long eyelashes were trembling slightly, and her big bright eyes were looking at Ye Wufeng who was hanging upside down in the air. Her face was full of grief, her eyes were red and her lines were red.

Nothing moved.

That's her second brother!

The second brother who has doted on her since childhood!

At this moment, someone actually cut off one of her arms, and she was hanging upside down in the air in a miserable state. She looked miserable and pitiful, which made her heartbroken.

In this case, how could she leave alone and abandon her?


A cold and tender voice suddenly sounded.

The short red figure sitting in front of the tree trunk slowly stood up, stepped forward, and slowly came to the hanging Ye Wufeng. He turned his head and glanced at Ye Wufeng with disdain, and then looked up.

Liu Qingcheng opposite.

Under the moonlight, his childish little face, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, was filled with evil and evil that was completely inconsistent with his age. He laughed coldly: "You're already here, where do you want to go?"

"You...who are you?"

Liu Qingcheng's delicate body trembled, her fists were clenched, her bright eyes were red at the moment, she looked at Lei Ren with tears in her eyes, and asked with a trembling voice: "Why are you arresting my second brother..."


Lei Ren smiled again, interrupted Liu Qingcheng directly, and said: "Of course it's for you."

"For me?"

"Yes, in order to see you and wait for you to leave that damn Holy Land that covers the sky, I have been waiting here for more than half a month and eating wild fruits for more than half a month."

Lei Ren said quietly: "Fortunately, the Emperor has paid off. Just when I couldn't wait any longer, I met this coward..."

Having said this, Lei Ren paused slightly, glanced at Ye Wufeng next to him, and then continued: "Otherwise, I will really die of suffocation here."

"I don't seem to know you. Why are you looking for me?"

Liu Qingcheng frowned. Although he had already guessed in his mind, he was still a little surprised when he heard the other party admit it in person and asked in a deep voice.

"Looking for you...to borrow something!"

Before he finished speaking, Lei Ren suddenly turned his head and shouted towards the dark forest on the right side of Liu Qingcheng: "Second brother, do it!"


This chapter has been completed!
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