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Chapter 1010 The new city inside and outside, the magical true world!

Qinggang City.

Behind the towering lightning wall, two specially modified spiral helicopters roared shrilly and struggled to take off vertically.

In this city, they are the undoubted trump card and the guarantee of Sunny Harbor Sanctuary's strength.

Even the unruly Pingtan Shelter can only be shot at by the other party.

But now, since the arrival of the ‘fog poison’.

The two helicopters looked askew after taking off, as if they might fall at any time.

"Damn the fog, has the sun in this world been eaten by dogs?"

Looking at the thick fog outside the cockpit glass, Captain Spindu cursed bitterly, and the gear lever in his hand vibrated so much that he almost let go.

The impact of 100% humidity not only brings a lot of pain and suffering to human life.

At this high altitude, the thick water vapor obscured the view and reduced the field of vision to less than a hundred meters.

Because radar waves are shielded, flying a helicopter is almost blind.

If it weren't for the commander's strong "request", Spindu promised.

Even if his salary was tripled, he would never try flying in such bad weather.

"Be patient, today's exploration mission is only 150 kilometers, it will go very quickly."

"Even a round trip will take us less than three hours."

The sound of electric current, mixed with the sound of fried wheat, came from the communication channel in the cockpit.

It was Elliott, the captain of another Windbird helicopter.

"Three hours, three full hours have to be taken away from my life. Originally we could sit in a warm cabin and drink coffee and rest, but now we have to sit in the fog and groping towards an unknown place."

"I don't know who the commander listened to. He actually believes that there is a place around Qinggang City where there is no thick fog and where the bright sunshine shines on the ground and brings motherly warmth. Is this possible? One hundred and fifty

If the weather is sunny ten kilometers away, how can we not observe it?"

"Just for a damn joke, this is not a fish festival, no one will play games with him!"

Compared with Elliot, Spindu's temper is obviously bigger, and it is obvious that the resentment has been accumulated for a period of time.

Let’s not talk about whether it’s comfortable or not when traveling in 100% humidity.

Just the frequent turbulence in the air can make the helicopter swing straight to the ground at any time.

"The commander has already asked us to investigate on the fourth day."

"You also know that the radioactive beasts on the ground are in a state of mania recently. Walking on the ground will not work."

Elliot tried his best to comfort him.

In fact, let alone the ground being impassable.

In Qinggang City, where underground pipes were damaged, the water accumulation on the ground in most places has exceeded two meters in the past few days!

If you want to explore all the way to the southwest, you have to go all the way outside Qinggang City and make a big circle.

But compared with the dangers in the city, it is obviously more dangerous to enter a completely unfamiliar area under the terrifying fog.

Especially after experiencing the counterattack of the wanderers, the fear of the undead, and the more aggressive toads inside and outside the shelter?

Although the entire Sunny Harbor Shelter is still nominally one, in fact the inside and outside have been separated.

The outside is led by Commander Edmund, and nearly 100,000 wanderers and plunderers are taken in behind the lightning wall to form Sunny Harbor New City.

The internal situation is led by Tang En, the deputy manager of Sunny Harbor Shelter, who is still unwilling to open the entrance and exit. The reason is that too many homeless people are taken in outside, which has seriously damaged the manager's previous arrangements.

Before Hades came out of the laboratory, the two parties were already at odds with each other, and the conflict could not be reconciled.

Therefore, Edmund was not willing to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to investigate for a piece of news that might be "fake".

Sending two Windbird helicopters is already the maximum expenditure.

"Okay, you can understand the commander's difficulties, but I can't."

"Unless he can prevent the newly moved bedbugs from excreting in every corner of the ground!"

"Did you know that yesterday someone actually sent a request to the commander? They want to build a market on our territory. Do these guys want to make money from our pockets?"

Cursing uncontrollably, Spindu turned off the communication microphone, raised the altitude to a safe distance and simply turned on the assisted cruise control.

The Fengniao helicopter trembled for a while and began to operate according to the set procedures.

After about a few seconds, the body that was still shaking up and down immediately stabilized.

"Well, there's still an hour and ten minutes left, enough for us to have a drink."

After unbuckling his seat belt, Spindu stood up with a smile and invited the first officer.

Because it was a cruise and exploration mission, and there was no need to go down to the ground to take a look, both Windbird helicopters chose lightweight travel.

It did not carry any weapons, and the firepower did not go out with it.

There is only one captain and co-pilot in the entire helicopter, and they can return after collecting enough information.

"Isn't this not good?"

Seeing Spindu pull out several bottles of black mulberry beer from the ammunition warehouse, the first officer declined with his mouth, but his body was very honest.

Ever since I traveled to this strange world, all drinks related to 'alcohol' have been banned.

For these soldiers who lick blood from the tip of their swords, coffee can only excite them for a moment.

Without alcohol, they spent almost every day in a state of confusion.

Now, even if it is black mulberry beer with an alcohol content of only 12%, the first officer only feels a tickle in his throat when he sees it.

"Come on, we are cruising at an altitude of 800 meters. You don't think it is called the same as a wandering tribe."

"Yes, Tianyuan Shelter!"

"Damn it, don't you think these primitive people have weapons that can threaten us eight hundred meters high?"

"Don't worry, even if I urinate on their heads, these bedbugs will just think it's raining."

Spindu waved his hand nonchalantly, picked up the bottle and knocked it on the raised spot next to it.


The bottle cap popped off, and a slightly pungent smell of industrial alcohol and a bit of sour fruit came from inside.

If you are a foodie who pursues quality, you will naturally not drink this kind of garbage.

But for a group of drunkards.

The first officer licked the corner of his mouth, unhooked the safety device, left his seat and walked over.

If you can drink, this exploration trip is so worth it!

Who knows how long it has been since he felt hot all over in this humid weather!

Virtual realm, within the true realm.

The five people who approached the hall had basically investigated the structure of the entire hall.

Well, how should I put it, the decoration style is a bit like a club on earth.

Besides marble, it’s still marble.

Everything that can be touched feels like cold stone, giving it an inhumanly cold feeling.

However, after seeing the trophy on the towering counter behind the whirlwind figure, several people's expressions were a little strange.

"Hey buddy, what do I call you?"

Walking to the front, the old man put his right arm on the bar counter and said hello pretending to be familiar.

"You can call me 'Boundary Lord', or you can directly call me 'zero'." The whirlwind figure floated on the ground, and the whirlwind on his face rotated in the opposite direction as he spoke, giving him an indescribable sense of mystery.

"World Master?" The old Taoist nodded: "How should we use this true world?"

"It's very simple, just open the card here." The figure said lazily, pointing to the entire marble wall at the entrance.

It was very magical. The stone wall that had no words just now suddenly flickered, and several eye-catching Chinese descriptions appeared.

[Instructions for entering the true world]

[1. Zhenjie adopts a personal identity binding system. Players need to show the formal "Tianyuan Territory Personal Identity Certificate" to activate the real card. After opening the card, they can enter the play area with the card]

[2. Playing in the real world currently adopts a time-based charging model. Players need to pay the fee according to the charging standard and recharge into the real card, and play according to the recharge time]

[3. Credit accounts are not supported in Zhenjie. Players will be reminded when their recharge time is about to end. If they do not renew within the specified time, they will be automatically kicked out of the Zhenjie play area]

[4. Players must not maliciously damage Zhenjie equipment, otherwise they will be compensated according to the cost]

[5. To use Real World Game, players must first bind an external bionic body signal transceiver device, otherwise they will not be able to connect to the device]

[6. It is currently in the real world experience stage: 1 hour charge / 5 days of copper coins. Recharge for 3 hours at a time and receive 1 hour as a gift; recharge for 5 hours at a time and receive 2 hours as a gift; recharge for 10 hours at a time and receive 10 hours as a gift. ]

[7. The upper limit of player account time: 20 hours (currently, the online time for a single player cannot be more than 6 hours, otherwise it will have a great impact on the spirit)]

【8.All supplementary rules are explained by the true world.】

"What the hell is this?"

After reading the eight rules from top to bottom, Dream Taoist wiped his eyes and felt a sense of familiarity and absurdity.

I’m familiar with it because this model was brought over from Internet cafes, isn’t it?

Membership card, recharge, boarding, renewal.

This set of procedures has not changed in the real world. It can be said that the name has been changed and used directly.

And it's outrageous because in such a high-level real world, almost every one of the rules is related to cost.

Could it be that this thing was created by the lord as a tool to recycle labor surplus?

"Open the card and I'll recharge it for ten hours!"

While a few people were wondering, the silent nuclear energy rifle actually made its first purchase with a lot of money.

He took out his ID card from his pocket and took out fifty copper coins from his pocket.

I don’t know how these outside things were brought into the virtual realm.

I saw the master of the whirlwind world move slightly, and a pale golden card flew out from behind the bar and landed in the hand of the nuclear rifle.

"Thank you for your patronage. Do you want to enter the binding area now and select a bionic body for binding?"


A dazzling light flashed, and the nuclear-powered rifle subconsciously raised its right hand to block it in front of its eyes.

Through the gaps between the fingers, there seemed to be endless streams of light flashing around, and a pitch-black space slowly emerged.

Countless stars reflect each other at the end of the line of sight, and the huge sun emits endless brilliance.

Suddenly, there was a feeling of dizziness.

The light began to disappear, replaced by four huge walls vertically on the ground.

From left to right, the walls are carved with text in different colors.

They are respectively.

Light green jungle.

Blue gray ocean.

Hua purple land.

Sky blue sky.

It's a very magical scene.

The nuclear-powered rifle glanced at his feet.

Below is an abyss with no bottom visible, without any light.

"During the trial run, there will be no restrictions on the bionic bodies bound to the player, and players can freely experience different tendencies and roles."

"Please select the tendency of the bionic body. You have thirty seconds. The timeout will be randomly bound."

Different tendencies, roles?

The nuclear energy rifle couldn't help but look happy.

This is much more humane than imagined.

He originally thought that a bad thing from outside would be randomly assigned, but he didn't expect that he could actually choose it by himself now.

Immediately, among the four options, he chose the sky without hesitation.

There are no jungles or oceans near the territory. As for the land, you can measure it with your feet even without a bionic body.

Only the sky is still blank.

The screen flashed.

Several other options disappeared, the sky began to zoom in, and then three points of light began to rush from a distance.

Falling closer, the nuclear-powered rifle took a closer look and suddenly discovered that these three light spots were creatures that could soar in the sky.

[Green-headed Albatross: Body length 61.2 cm, wingspan 2.2 meters, flying height 20 meters, flight speed: 67.5km/h, control difficulty: three stars]

[Purple Eagle: Body length 89.2 cm, wingspan 2.3 meters, flying height 1000 meters, flight speed: 55km/h, control difficulty: one star]

[Lightning Swift: Body length 19 cm, wingspan 42 cm, flight height 200 meters, flight speed: 90km/h, control difficulty: five stars]

“The selection is much better than what you see outside!”

After observing the data clearly, the nuclear rifle couldn't help but say excitedly.

The three different creatures correspond to low-altitude drones, high-altitude cruise aircraft, and low-altitude invasion aircraft.

As for choice

"I choose Purple Eagle!"

Without hesitation, the nuclear rifle focused its attention on the powerful creature in the center.

Human beings have always had an inexplicable pursuit of flying high.

Although the choice of Lightning Swift is quite tempting, the difficulty of operating five-star is still a bit discouraging.

In order to prevent accidents, he conservatively chose the safest purple eagle.

"Binding successful, please enter the game space!"

The voice fell.

Suddenly, a chirping sound came from the empty abyss space below.

The nuclear rifle lowered his head and was shocked to find that there was a mighty purple eagle stepping on his feet.

The big eagle flapped its wings, and a purple arc flashed past.

There was a sudden sound of wind, as if driving a big eagle flying high in the sky.

“This is so exciting!!”

Inexplicably, the nuclear rifle is a bit weak.

With the support of the big eagle, he felt that his whole body was rushing forward, as if he was about to crash into the sky wall in front of him.

The distance is getting closer



A roar flashed past, and the nuclear rifle subconsciously closed its eyes.

The surroundings seemed to be collapsing, and everything seemed to be reconstructing.

And wait until he opens his eyes again.

Where is the mysterious space of choice, and where is the brave purple eagle.

The stars fade away and the universe disappears.

What appeared in front of him turned out to be.


"Boundary Master, did you put it in the wrong place for me? I clearly chose the jungle, but why did you come to the dark Internet cafe for me?"

A confused voice sounded around him, and the nuclear rifle turned its head.

I saw the male gunman standing at the door, rubbing the back of his head in confusion.

Just like him, he also looked like he had not recovered from the cool scene just now.

This chapter has been completed!
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