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Chapter 1026 The fog poison ends, and the metal series of disasters finally comes!

[Record]: It is detected that all players have played for 365 days, and the game will automatically issue random New Year gift packs.

[Record]: The rewards for opening gift packs are completely random. Please withdraw gifts in an open area.

[Record]: I wish all players a happy game!

In this moment worthy of celebration, the game also has a rare skin change.

The originally light green game background interface has turned into a festive rainbow color.

Although it is not clear what the gift is, for the vast majority of players who are still on the poverty line, this is still an unexpected benefit.

"Oh ho, I opened a big bottle of Coke, it's still 2L!"

"A wooden fish. You gave me this thing because you want me to become a monk. I also want to pass on the bloodline of my old Wang family."

"Senior machine, damn, it's so profitable. This thing can recover three copper coins in the logistics department."

"Tsk tsk, does anyone need underwear? Why do you reward me with this as a grown man?"

"I want it, I'll trade it with you for a razor!"


It is impossible to expect that this kind of gift package that is available to everyone can win a grand prize that changes life.

When the red gift box was opened, all kinds of fancy gadgets came into view.

Some people were lucky enough to get some that they could use, and they happily showed off to the people around them.

Someone was lucky enough to get something he didn't need, so he started shouting at the venue and started the exchange directly.

"Damn it, did you use up all your luck last time and give me a good gift package like this?"

Sitting on a unique piece of rotten wood, the male gunman looked at the large bag of cucumber-flavored potato chips that appeared in his hand and said bitterly.

"If you don't want to eat it, give it to me, and I'll trade it with you."

The old Taoist next to him quickly snatched it away and threw in a "simulation" toy laser gun from the gift bag.

Not to mention, this laser rifle is quite decent.

When you pull the trigger, not only will there be flashes of fancy light, but there will even be the sound effect of Ultraman firing a laser.

"Ah! Why can't I open something they can use?"

Looking at the men not far away who had found women's items and used them as an excuse to sneak in and get into a fight.

Viagra shook the red dot sight in his hand and said with envy.

But judging from his stern expression, several people around him ignored him.

Who doesn't know that this coquettish guy is taking the opportunity to show off his luck? If he really believed it and started talking to her, he would definitely be shown off.

After a while, as more and more gift bags were opened, the atmosphere at the venue became more and more lively.

Gifts dissolve the strangeness between people.

The stimulation of alcohol also made the guard down in my heart uncontrollably.

Men and women who usually have good feelings for each other are getting together in pairs, talking to each other in the dark shadows.

Some people who have just met also dare to boldly pat their chests and make beautiful promises for their future life.

Humans have always been social animals.

Even if strong strength and character can suppress loneliness, it is inevitable that you will feel lost at certain moments.

"Lord, are you wearing this big outfit today to refuse the invitation?"

Marshal Wang, who was already the head of Longteng Village, emerged from nowhere and stood beside Sumo curiously.

"There are many outstanding girls in the territory. Don't you plan to give them a chance?"

"Ha, now is not the time to relax."

With Su Chan as the "successor", the management of the territory had no reason to urge the marriage.

When Marshal Wang said this, he only saw a lot of girls peeking under the main stage.

After someone discovered his thoughts, Sumo laughed and fooled him easily.

But after he finished speaking, a face flashed in his mind.

Perhaps, wearing the Daily Armor at this moment worthy of celebration is not entirely to reject these passionate and bold girls.


"Our neighbors have started to cause commotion again tonight."

At this moment, Su Deben came over from the other side with a glass of grain wine.

Following him was Liu Lu, who was wearing a straight woolen felt suit.

Long time no see.

The seventh-level leader no longer looked as depressed as before.

With sufficient nutrition and moisture, the dark and rough face began to become rosy and smooth, giving off a touch of nobility.

The stooped posture left by years of training has also straightened up after adequate rest.

I have found a line and am on the right path.

Unknowingly, Liu Lu has become a popular figure in Pingtan Refuge, and has a vague tendency to become a tiger hunter's confidant.

However, on the way here, Sumo could still see a trace of respect on his face.

A hint of respect from the heart.

"Dear Tianyuan Refuge Manager, on this festival worth celebrating, please forgive your most loyal friend for not receiving the message. It's too late."

Liu Lu emphasized the pronunciation of the word "loyalty", which is obviously very different from the way ordinary people understand "friend".

But precisely because of this, no one present showed any strange expressions.

Marshal Wang, for example, nodded in a friendly manner and expressed full goodwill.

"How can you say you're late when your distinguished guest comes? Go and arrange a table of meals for our friend."

"We talked while eating."

"The manager is so kind. With you here, the residents of this land are so happy."

One after another, free flattery poured out of Liu Lu's mouth.

A group of people left the stage talking and laughing, and soon arrived at the renovated canteen of Hope Village.

The canteen before was still set up in the lobby, but now there are several private rooms on the second floor specially used to entertain guests.

As soon as the solid wood door was ajar, Liu Lu couldn't help but said:

"To be honest, Sir Manager, there may be chaos in Qinggang City soon!"

"Oh? What should I say?"

Sumo's face was full of surprise, but his tone remained calm.

It is inevitable that civil unrest will occur in Qinggang City.

As long as the fog that blocks the signal and vision disappears, those ambitious gopher guys will never let go of this good opportunity.

The only difference is who the winner is.

Looking at the still faceless man in front of him, Liu Lu swallowed his saliva, and his anxious mood calmed down unconsciously.

"Xiehu, Yehu told me. Just this morning, he called me to the manager's office and told me many secrets, including that Qinggang Shelter once put pressure on Pingtan, asking him to

Tianyuan Sanctuary takes action. Also... Liehu once sent people into the Sanctuary to inquire for information. If it weren't for that group of people being killed by your subordinates, he would probably have been tempted to take action. "

"Sunny Harbor Sanctuary wants Hunter and me to take action?"

Sumo frowned and looked at Sudben, who was sitting on the other side of the table.

The latter shook his head incomprehensibly. It was obvious that someone else had killed that group, and it was not the border soldiers or the Tianyuan Army.

"Yes, it's because an important energy industry core was stolen from Clear Harbor Sanctuary. They want to cause chaos in the entire city to find out who stole the core."

Speaking of this, Liu Lu remembered another important thing and immediately continued:

"I heard that they have recently located the approximate location. That thing is in our western suburbs area."

"This is not good news, even if Hunter Tiger said there is a high probability that it is just a reason for Qinggang Sanctuary to take action."

The stolen industrial core is in the western suburbs?

Are you starting to play the old trick of trying to inflict guilt without excuse?

"What do you think the southern suburbs say?"

"The shelters in the southern suburbs are already angry with us. Everyone agrees that if the Clear Harbor Shelter is unconditionally allowed to use force to suppress the city at will, then we might as well disband now and let everyone follow the example of the homeless man and join the Clear Harbor Shelter.

Forget it. But they also said that since Qinggang Shelter has located the core of the theft in the western suburbs, we have no reasonable reason to refuse their search."

"Damn a bunch of old foxes, they are so cunning!"

Sumo made a helpless expression.

"Wouldn't this western suburbs also include our Tianyuan Refuge?"

"Of course, if they really want to search, your shelter will definitely be turned upside down by them."

Don't worry about matters that don't concern you. This is the code of conduct of gophers that has lasted for more than two hundred years.

Even though the world has changed now, the situation is no longer as simple as before.

Without a real life-and-death threat, the city still cannot be monolithic.

But it's normal to think about it. Liehu only has military power in his mind and is not popular in the first place. He is not an upright Pingtan manager. He has always been despised by those who inherited the voting system.

In addition, I worked with the Harbor Shelter in the southern suburbs some time ago.

Now it doesn't matter if the other party doesn't add insult to injury. To hope for a joint confrontation, that would be unless Qinggang Sanctuary bullies everyone.

"By the way, there is also a giant city shelter."

Liu Lu coughed slightly and said.

"Anyone who trades with Tianyuan Shelter is regarded as a collective by them."

"Okay, don't worry too much, I will send someone to handle the matter."

After comforting Liu Lu, Sumo didn't explain much.

After all, the territory just got a helicopter out of the sky a few days ago, and it has already had a feud with Sunny Harbor Sanctuary.

The other party wants to enter the territory to search?

Not to mention that the core is not taken at all, even if it is taken, it is impossible to be so humble.

"Master Manager, please trust me."

"The Gopher Man's rules are only used to deceive outsiders, and they will never truly abide by them."

"Since Qinggang Shelter said they would search, it's very possible. It's very possible that they have sent people to sneak into your territory now."

"Don't worry, if they dare to come in, my people will make them regret their decision."

This time it wasn't Somo's turn to comfort him. Su Deben on the side responded domineeringly.

The current territory is no longer the poor place that couldn't even get training bombs a few months ago.

As long as the conflict between the two sides was still within the scope of conventional combat, he would not be afraid even if those armored troops came over.

The example of the homeless man is before us.

Change home?

Sorry, there is really nothing to be afraid of in the Tianyuan Territory.

After a high-standard reception meal, Liu Lu left with a few close friends after eating and drinking.

From the fact that he came in a hurry and didn't even prepare a gift, it can be seen that he was probably frightened out of his mind when he first heard the news.

Compared with the level of force of Sunny Harbor Sanctuary, even Flat Beach Sanctuary is vulnerable.

Especially under the threat of that aerial formation, Yehu's hair has turned gray recently, and he still hasn't figured out how to deal with it.

Just like what he said to Liu Lu in the morning.

"You are already very familiar with our new neighbors. To be honest, sometimes I envy them because they don't have to stay in this small underground fortress. Do you know? This fortress is the safest for ordinary people.

support, but for those of us who want to go out to fight, it is the biggest shackles."

"We have no strategic depth and cannot deploy defenses. If the enemy's planes fly over our heads, we can only pray that their shooting accuracy will be lower."

"As for them, they have large tracts of open land. Even if they can no longer stay here, they can still take their supplies and fly away."

When Liu Lu heard the words "go away and fly away," Liu Lu was frightened on the spot, and that's when he hurriedly came to report the matter.

"What should we do? Do we want to strike first?"

Watching Liu Lu's figure disappear, Su Deben pondered for a while, not intending to give in.

"They have armored forces. If we passively wait for the other side to come, we will lose most of our advantages."

"Instead, before they come here, we can teach them an unforgettable lesson on the road."

"Don't be anxious, we have to verify the authenticity of Liu Lu's information first."

Sumo shook his head and smiled, but there was still no trace of anxiety on his face.

"It's almost twelve o'clock. When this fog ends, I'm sure there will be a warning about the next disaster."

"You know, if you want to defeat the strong with the weak, it depends on the right time, place, and people."

"We have the people and the right location, as long as the weather is right."

If the disaster that weakens the combat effectiveness of mankind will still happen in the future ruins, it will come as promised.

So the seemingly powerful equipment in Sunny Harbor Sanctuary will no longer be a threat soon.

Steel loses its original effectiveness and begins to become brittle.

Humanity is about to return to the era of close combat with cold weapons.

Strategies that had expired and could no longer be used were put to use again, and various surprise attacks and assaults were once again revived.

The most important thing is that Zhenjie currently has a high delay and can only be used as a killer weapon by surprise soldiers.

Finally there is room to play!

Just thinking about the huge changes brought about by these disasters makes people's blood rush.

With Sumo's final decision, everyone was not in a hurry and quietly waited for twelve o'clock to arrive.

The villagers who gathered were noisy until late at night and began to disperse.

At about half past eleven, only the staff cleaning up the mess were left in the bustling square.

The hour hand and minute hand move slowly.


The two pointers came together, and a magical scene happened!

I saw that the fog lingering on the ground seemed to have shrunk, and the thickness dropped by several levels in an instant.

Then, the uncomfortable humidity also dropped rapidly, returning to about 70% in the blink of an eye.

This happened almost within a few seconds, so fast that it completely exceeded human's normal understanding of weather changes.

At the same time, the expected disaster warning was also released.

Sumo clicked on it immediately, and after scanning the text introduction at the top, he couldn't help but clenched his fists and waved his arms.


No matter how the wasteland changes, the current intensity of human beings is still too high.

Especially the addition of the aboriginal people has left the aliens with no living space and can only huddle in the corner and be beaten.

And now, this weakening has finally arrived!

Changing the chaos in the wasteland camp will also begin!

This chapter has been completed!
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