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Chapter 1044: The army is approaching, the Southern Suburban Alliances sleepless night!

Historically, before jets took over the center of military affairs, airships were strategically important weapons.

As the 'king of barrier-free military transportation', the biggest advantage of airships in transportation is that they require the least infrastructure and geographical restrictions.

Vehicles need flat land and repaired roads, trains need rails laid in advance, ships need suitable sea routes and ports, and even airplanes with the least obstructions need to take off and land at airports with simple installations.

And what about airships?

This thing doesn't even need a piece of flat ground.

From the beginning of the 20th century to the eve of World War II, there was a golden age for airships, which were popular all over the world.

The technology left by Zeppelin was inherited by his good friend Dr. Aikenner, who built the first super airship and completed the first record of traveling around the world from the sky in human history.

Subsequently, humans rapidly expanded airships based on them, and even evolved into an arms race.

However, just when everyone thought that airships were about to develop to another level, with the emergence of airplanes, this momentum came to an abrupt end.

In less than ten years, it completely disappeared from human sight.

The reason is that there are three main pain points that cannot be solved.

Too slow, fuel consumption, and inflation issues.

Since the airship is lighter than air, it reacts too violently to the wind and basically drifts with the wind.

This makes it basically impossible to control takeoff and arrival as well as the specific route. In some cases, even the route cannot be determined.

For military requirements, such a tool that cannot control the accuracy is obviously not as useful as a more dexterous aircraft.

Secondly, helium for airships is expensive, and replacing it with cheap hydrogen can easily cause an explosion.

Hindenburg's tragedy was caused by a hydrogen explosion.

Coupled with the fuel limit of the airship, in order to promote steering or acceleration, the fuel carried on the airship will continue to decrease as it sails.

Once the weight of this thing is reduced, the height of the airship will easily lose control.

"However, we have solutions to all problems."

"The speed is too slow, the accuracy is not enough, and we don't need to be that fast."

"We can directly replace the fuel problem with energy stone engines, which can even be charged during flight."

"The remaining gas can be replaced with hydrogen for the time being. It won't be a big problem."

We have to find a way to solve the long-distance transportation problem, otherwise we will just stare blankly when we encounter similar requests for help.

Su Deben was silent for a while, not sure whether he was immersed in the prospect of the airship's success or seriously thinking about the feasibility of the airship.

After a while, he nodded slightly and gave his opinion.

"I think it's a bit risky, but it's definitely worth a try."

"Even if the indigenous people have anti-aircraft weapons, they may not be able to threaten the airship after the metal ages."

"But if it can succeed, it will be a huge help to us!"

Not only can it support places outside the territory.

It can also bring a certain air control threat.

Somo nodded slightly.

Just like the previous development of the True World, it is impossible to build an airship and put it into use immediately.

But as long as someone has this idea, someone will study it.

One day in the future, we will finally be able to see a giant airship with the word "Tian Yuan" engraved on it taking off.

Game chat channel.

Bulletin Board.

[January 6th, Year 2 of the Wasteland Calendar]

[Today’s territory announcement: The phantom fog has disappeared, the ban has been lifted, and all residents will no longer have restrictions on their activities.]

[Information release: Western Suburbs Alliance, we have formed an alliance with two aboriginal shelters near the west of Qinggang City. Now all residents can go to each other's shelters while ensuring safety, but please note that if

Your Blue Star Language has not reached the passing level, we strongly do not recommend going there rashly, otherwise you may get a bad travel experience】

[Information announcement: Pumpkin Kefu Bunker, we have reached a preliminary consensus on cooperation with the gathering place 40 kilometers outside the southern suburbs of Qinggang City. They intend to join our Western Suburbs Alliance and become a member of the organization to receive shelter, but because

Because the territory has not investigated the opponent's details clearly, we want to recruit a group of experienced scavenger route players to go. Those who meet the requirements are asked to register at the Tianyuan Army Camp. (Limited to two teams; five people per team; registration based on team status


[Dear residents of the Tianyuan Territory, we have passed the most difficult period in the New World and have officially entered the stage of external expansion. In order to facilitate currency management and the unification of materials when subsequent personnel join, taking into account the upcoming metal aging, we will officially

A new monetary policy collection has started. Residents with ideas can go to the village management office and find 'Qiao Yuansheng' to sign up]

[Shen Ke: Big news. With the permission of the lord, individual houses in the territory are now officially available for rent and sale. They are located at the second phase construction site of Hope Village and the first phase construction site of Longteng Village. Anyone with ideas can come to me for consultation and purchase.

First come, first served, no one is slow.】

[Li Hu: Especially with the rapid increase in duty tasks, there has been a serious shortage of manpower for territorial border patrols recently. In order to ensure the safety of all territorial citizens, the Security Department will launch a troop expansion plan. Residents who have ideas can apply to the Logistics Department.

, only for: scavenger route, training ground soldier route.】

[Chen Kai: We plan to build an outpost at the border of the territory for logistical support when fighting breaks out, and to build a small camp nearby to temporarily gather refugees to deal with the upcoming wave of refugees. However, due to the village’s financial constraints,

The construction of the refugee camp will start a crowdfunding model. Residents can use funds to purchase bunks in the camp in advance to support the construction of the camp. Note: Because the camp is relatively short from the border, in order to facilitate management, other places except the bunks will be

Stalls are not allowed.】

[Announcement from Tianyuan Dungeon: In view of everyone's enthusiasm and considering that a large number of refugees will soon enter the territory. As a benefit to the first generation of struggling residents, 500 dungeon residence quotas are now released at a special price. The price is: 300 contribution points. I have saved enough.

Residents, please don’t hesitate, this will be the lowest price you can see in the future.】

[Tips: New positions have been added to the Logistics Department. The current median daily salary is: 18 iron coins (+3 iron coins)]

[Tips: The ban on water use has been lifted, and water prices will be reduced by -75% today]

[Tips: Today’s recommended restaurant: Ma’s Ramen (the fog is over, why don’t you guys come and eat from me?)]

[Tips: Today’s recommended factory: Difu Factory (We are looking for players who are craft enthusiasts. If you think you are crafty enough, please don’t hesitate, Difu Factory will be your best choice)]

The information about the Western Suburbs Alliance is not hidden from ordinary residents. After all, after several previous encounters, most people have privately learned the general information about these two "neighbors" and know the final results of the products they sell.

Where did it all go?

But this kind of formal announcement can still allow everyone to see the results of the current territorial development.

Not only has it become stronger, but it has also gained a certain influence in the surrounding areas.

However, even today's territorial announcement suddenly became longer than when the fog lasted.

Not only has the new 'Pumpkin Kefu Bunker' information been announced, monetary policy reform, residential house sales, crowdfunding for new campsites and other major news, but there are also dense advertising spaces, but the focus of the residents is still not


For the first time, I saw the Tianyuan Dungeon announcement mixed with dozens of messages.

The territory chat channel exploded!

No one knows better than me: "Damn it, you only need 300 contribution points to live in a dungeon??!"

Taoist Kongkong: "Epic update, this is definitely an epic update, I won't say more, I'm going to buy one now!"

Fluttering Moth: "Damn it, old Taoist, when did you secretly accumulate enough points behind my back? Did you go out to steal people?"

Mousse Cake: "Strictly investigate the old ways, Gao Gao demands strict investigation of the old ways!"

Fluttering Moth: "Get out of here, this is the reward I got when I almost died in Qinggang City last time, okay?"

It’s a mess, isn’t it: “It’s a mess, doesn’t this mean that three places have already been booked?”

Old electrician: "Damn it, why do I need to save up 60 contribution points until the end of the year?"

Doomsday Madman: "Hey, I didn't expect that I would live in the underground city in advance one day."

Let's go to the pier and order some French fries: "It's bad, even the madman brother has saved up enough. It seems that I can't get the 500 places."

Qi Jie: "Brothers, what are these contribution points and how can I get them?"

Ramen Juicing: "I'm so stupid. Why is it so unlucky to spend a lot of money on advertising? His grandma gave me ramen, and today it's only half price!"

Nuclear energy rifle: "8 said, if you didn't say half price earlier, I would come over and have three bowls now!"

The blood is surging: "I suggest you check first to see if the price has been changed. This ramen guy is not honest at all and only deceives his own people."

Although looking at the territory chat channel, it seems that many people have accumulated enough 300 contribution points, and the 500 quotas released will be taken up immediately, but in the background statistics, there are only about 50 people with this number of points.

Among them, Chen Shen and other management personnel must be included. Apart from them, only about 30 people will be qualified to purchase in the end.

Of course, there are many people who are close to this number.

There are at least a thousand people whose points have exceeded two hundred, and they will reach this number soon.

The excited residents rushed to the General Work Office excitedly. Soon, the logistics office, which had been closed for nearly a month, was once again crowded with people.

There are people everywhere who are eager to find jobs and save points, especially those jobs with low daily wages and high points are being snatched up like crazy.

It took less than five minutes for the 300 places to go to build the outpost camp to be declared full.

There is no shortage of manpower for the remaining campsite construction positions, and the speed of registration is astonishing.

In addition, there are also construction support rewards for pre-purchasing camp berths, giving some additional contribution point rewards.

Because the price was not cheap, it was not sold out right away.

But less than four hours later, the shops were still bought up by wealthy residents, and every shop had an owner.

I wrote my name on the registration desk at the entrance of the dungeon and watched as the contribution points on the account disappeared by 300.

The old man, the male gunman, and the dreamer couldn't help but giggle as they chose the room.

They are all located on the second floor near the manager's office.

Although it is said that the lower you go, the safer it is, but if the enemy invades, it is impossible to hit the bottom directly.

But almost everyone who came to buy chose the second floor, knowing that only the second floor would be the most expensive in the future.

Even if you can't buy or sell, it's worth it if you can get closer to the lord!

"Tsk tsk, the space is really small. Now I can only put a bed."

Walking into the room marked '2-1-101', looking at the space of only ten square meters, the old man complained.

But looking at the smile that couldn't be concealed on his face, this guy wasn't really complaining, he was clearly showing off.

Many nearby residents who couldn't afford to come in for sightseeing cursed in their hearts and couldn't help but speed up.

"Come on, this is a private space. It's still underground. I'm very satisfied with the ten square meters."

The male gunman was pragmatic. He had already moved an iron frame bed and placed it in the corner when he came in. He also stuffed his precious iron box under the bed board and fastened it.

In addition to living quarters, a table and chairs can also be placed at the door.

Even if friends come on weekdays, as long as there are no more than six people, they can basically move around inside.

"Hey, where's Tao Meng? He's not down yet?"

"He went to ask for information about the Pumpkin Bunker. We will set off after he gets the information."

Since the last incident in the sewer, the friendship between the three of them has grown rapidly, and they always compete together no matter what.

If there is anything, the Viagra of the four kings of scavengers is excluded.

But Viagra didn't care. He didn't like taking risks, so he chose to be a scavenger just to level up faster.

Recently, a scavenger alliance has been established in the village, and he became the leader.

With the lifting of the ban, a group of people have been called on to go to the western suburbs to level up, and they have no intention of going to the remote pumpkin bunker to join in the fun.

"Okay, five people. Counting the three of us, we need to find two more people."

The old Taoist tilted his head and thought for a moment: "Do you have anyone on your side?"

"There is one thing, which is considered to be in the direction of combat. Our team lacks a real frontal fireman."

"That's just right. Let's form a group and we can set off!"

It was not difficult to find an adventurous scavenger. The two of them tidied up the room and hurriedly locked the door and left.

The last time they went to the southern suburbs, they couldn't even break through the fifth ring road, and they didn't even go inside the building to investigate.

But this time, as he tightened the strap on his back and felt a chill coming from his back, the gunman's eyes were filled with confidence.

Not to mention the radioactive beast, even if he encounters the so-called gopher army, he is confident enough to give it a try.

In street fighting, the main focus is sneak attacks.

As long as they don't enter the encirclement, is it possible that they can still level the obstacles and attack?

However, what the male gunman would never have imagined is that he was in the southern suburbs at this time.

A Qinggang army with more than 50,000 troops has entered this area through the high ring with great vigor!

This chapter has been completed!
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