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Chapter 1046 A first look at the bunker, the needs of war and peace!

It is naturally unrealistic to expect a group of wanderers who have been trained for three months to attack the Gopher Man's sanctuary.

Even expecting them to cause some trouble to the Gopher Man is difficult to do.

However, the intention of Sunny Harbor Sanctuary in sending out the Ranger Legion is very simple.

It is this kind of "mosquito" harassment that they need to keep the psychology of those shelter managers in a state of high pressure.

According to past experience, this group of people will definitely not be able to withstand it for long before they explode.

It may start from a tiny shelter, or it may be that a large shelter chooses to surrender.

As long as a gap opens, the seemingly united southern suburbs alliance will immediately fall apart.

This is an old gopher tradition.

In the past hundreds of years, the alliance has never been separated and reunited for more than thirty years.

Even if there are no external conflicts, there will be internal fights over various unfair distribution of benefits.

Xia Zuo, who led the people to the mission point, obviously knew everyone's mission. Although he urged the others in the team to speed up, he actually didn't rush to the destination in a straight line along the way.

The location of the 'Butterfly Sanctuary' is at the outermost edge of the entire southern suburbs, almost in the wilderness.

The name was chosen because there was a large park above the pre-war shelter, with a large number of ground flowers planted there.

Xia Zuo thought it was his good luck to choose this place as a mission point.

But in fact, Edmund had sent people to organize the combat effectiveness of each team and form paper data.

To deal with these shelters that could run away at any time, he was afraid of alerting the enemy, so he could only send the weakest soldiers there.

However, even if he knew that his team was the so-called "miscellaneous soldiers", Xia Zuo would most likely not care.

"Boss, do you really want to set a fire there?" the vice-captain said excitedly as his index finger repeatedly rubbed the concave and convex parts of the gun, with his bare shoulders revealing large tattoos.

"Of course, we want the entire southern suburbs to see this fire!"

If it was foggy a few days ago, the damp ground flowers may not be easy to ignite.

But the weather has cleared up, and the humidity is quickly receding. Flowers and plants that have been exposed to the sun will become good fire starters.

If the fire goes down, Xia Zuo fully believes that the other party will be furious and fight back.

At that time, he had already taken people to the tavern in the Pumpkin Kefu Bunker to drink.

"We were wanderers before, and we were allowed to enter the bunker. But now that we have become legitimate soldiers of Qinggang, what should we do if they don't let us in?"

The vice-captain asked again stupidly, seeming to devote all his brains to his muscles.

"You are stupid. We take off our clothes and hide our weapons. Who would know that we are soldiers of the Rangers?"

"Besides, if the shelters of the Southern Suburban Alliance dare to resist, it's because they are underground. This bunker is on the ground. If they still dare to attack us, they are provoking the Sunny Harbor Shelter."

"Do they dare?"

Wanderer is no longer very proficient in using the trick of 'a fox pretends to be a tiger's power'.

Xia Zuo smiled vaguely, patted the deputy captain's shoulder, and said seriously again:

"Let me tell you, Black, you don't really plan to work in the Rangers for the rest of your life, do you?"


Blake, who had devil horns tattooed on his shoulders, was stunned and rubbed the back of his head innocently.

He was the new member of the team's second recruitment, but Xia Zuo chose him instead of an Easterner with the same skin color to become the vice-captain.

"Is there any other place we can go?"

"Of course, we are free, and no one can restrict us, not even Sunny Harbor Shelter."

"Give up the idea of ​​becoming a gopher. The world has changed, and the rules of the past no longer apply in the new world."

Look into the distance.

For the first time, Xia Zuo felt that his IQ was suppressed.

Look, just a short time after arriving in this strange world, the city has undergone such earth-shaking changes.

Is it possible to expect things to calm down again later?

Tired of this kind of endless war, Xia Zuo wanted to take a step forward and see other parts of the world more than the so-called future of life.

Just like the tavern in the Pumpkin Bunker, if you don't go out, you may never be able to drink the sour green ale wine with a long aftertaste.

"Okay, let's call the brothers and get ready to fight."

"Follow me, and you will definitely discover your true talent in the future."

Large swaths of pitchweed have appeared in the field of vision, and I bent down to test the dryness of the grass leaves.

Xia Zuo raised his body with satisfaction and ordered Blake.

Pumpkin Kefu Bunker.

The wall simply constructed of sprayed concrete looks decent, enclosing about 500 acres of land in the middle.

Behind the wall, there are many rockery landscaping, scrawled pastures, and fruit trees dotted with red and blue. The half-opened land is not included and is left alone in the wilderness.

The architectural styles within the wall are very different, and there are about 6,000 people living there. Most of them are slaves bought back by the owner of the bunker, and some are wanderers who escaped from the city.

There is no hierarchy of superiority and inferiority like in ordinary gathering places, nor is there a specific and strict management system.

Apart from the owner of the bunker, there is only a competent old housekeeper and a small team of less than thirty guards responsible for maintaining order.

It sounds strange, but it actually makes sense.

After all, no bold intruder would dare to harass the bunker built near the Holy City. The college's legions would attack with thunderous force at any time, attacking the intruders in a trinity.

Recruiting more guards will only make management more troublesome. Katarina likes to be lazy, so most things are done as simple as possible.

If the shelters in the city are the product of extremes caused by war, then this bunker looks more like another extreme where survivors from the safe world gather.

Because most of them were slaves, the people here were born very miserable.

Or he was a poor person who grew up in a garbage dump without a father or mother and chose to sell himself.

Either his business failed, he owed a large amount of debt and could not repay it, and he was eventually beaten into slavery.

Others suddenly encountered local wars and unfortunately became prisoners and eventually slaves.

Almost everyone's story is different, but if you tell it, you can definitely tell it from dawn to dusk.

Still for the sake of ‘simplicity’.

Catalina's criteria for selecting slaves are also very simple, as long as they have blood on their hands, they will not be accepted.

Those who have no skills and cannot support themselves are all screened out in the first wave.

Those who can stay are basically ordinary people with clean wealth and skills that can support themselves.

These people were extremely satisfied with the life in the bunker. They took care of their master's property wholeheartedly without any complaints.

Even though they have now traveled to this strange world, not many people choose to leave.

Of course, it can’t be separated.

Even if they are allowed to bring supplies and weapons to the wilderness, it is impossible to completely change their fate.

What can you gain by becoming a free person?

The wanderers in the bunker clamor for freedom every day, but when they are hungry, they don't have to humble themselves and beg for a bite to eat.

They don't care about the dirty work at all, and they work hard without any complaints, but in the end they only get a meager salary.

Seeing the tragic experience of these people, the slaves became even more panicked, fearing that they would also live such a life in the future.

As soon as I heard that the guard captain came back to inform everyone that the bunker had received support from the Southern Suburban Alliance.

Soon, the envoys from the Tianyuan Refuge will come to the bunker for inspection.

Almost everyone chose to take a shower, put on the latest clothes in the wardrobe, and looked their best to welcome the arrival of the messenger.

In order to better adapt to the other party's speech habits, the guard captain even held a small class in the small square in the middle of the wall.

"Unlike the gopher guys in the city, Tianyuan Shelter is a beautiful gathering place, just like us."

"Their buildings are all built on the ground, unlike the despicable gophers who only know how to hide under the surface and never see the sun all day long."

"They have acres and acres of cultivated farmland with lush green crops planted on them. How can I put it, even when the land behind us was growing at its peak, it was probably at the level I saw before."

"In addition, they also have delicious food. The butler there arranged a sumptuous lunch for me. I guarantee that I have never tasted such sweet polenta in my life. It was like sunshine shining in the bowl.


After hearing the guard captain's impassioned speech, whispers suddenly spread around.

Especially the cooks in charge of food in the bunker, their faces showed expressions of either excitement or eagerness to try.

To observe whether a gathering place is civilized and developed, the most important criterion is the quality of the food.

Food made from machine-made starch, synthetic vegetables, and synthetic meat is of the lowest standard.

No matter how you handle it, it tastes like dry chewing "screws" and always has an industrial smell.

There are planting areas further up, where staple food can be replaced by fresh crops, and the level is slightly higher.

In the Holy City, such agricultural products can be sold at high prices, in exchange for large quantities of useful industrial materials.

Even if the territory is hundreds or thousands of kilometers away from the Holy City, trucks will often come to sell it.

As for improving further.

That is to pursue the taste of food.

Only the rich care about whether the food on the table is delicious and whether it can provide additional spiritual enjoyment.

It seems that the development of that Tianyuan Refuge is pretty good?

But there were also people with worried expressions on their faces, most of whom were townspeople who owned stores in the bunker.

Unlike those who worked hard, they were not bought by Catalina, but craftsmen who chose to open their business here.

It was only because of this unexpected incident that he was temporarily left in the bunker.

If Yuan Shelter extends its tentacles of development here, their products will definitely be affected.

So that after the business is gone, they may have to work like those slaves.

A middle-aged man who owned a 'mechanical repair shop' in the bunker looked at the guard captain and frowned and asked:

"Captain Nat, they can come to our bunker, can we go to their shelter?"

If the tree is moved, it will die, but if the person is moved, it will live.

Instead of passively waiting for your business to be taken away, it is better to go to the other party's territory to actually investigate and investigate.

If the strength of the other party's shelter will really impact your own industry, it's better to make plans in advance.

"For now. No, well, you can't go just yet."

Nat coughed lightly and looked at the commotion below and quickly explained: "It's not that they don't allow us to enter, but the straight-line distance between the two sides is more than two hundred kilometers. There are many dangers in between. Even our guards must be very careful.

Only then can you pass. As you know, there are currently not enough manpower in the bunker to protect you when you go there, unless the other party is willing to send someone to pick you up."

"Or hire those homeless people as bodyguards yourself and see if they can escort you there?"

When the danger is mentioned, some people who are quite critical immediately shut up.

At this time, a homeless person came out of nowhere, licked his face and came forward and asked:

"Can we go there too?"

Nat was stunned for a moment and then asked.

"Why not?"

In his mind, the guard who took him to visit the "Barren Bone Village" on the fifth floor seemed to have said that it was a gathering place where homeless homeless people in the city were taken in and established.

Since they can take them in, the manager of Tianyuan Shelter shouldn’t hate homeless people, right?

After everyone heard that there was actually a camp composed of homeless people in the Western Suburbs Alliance, several homeless homeless people who were originally listless suddenly became interested and their eyes lit up.

The residents in the bunker also smelled the "opportunity", dispersed in a swarm, and ran home to prepare.

Well, it's definitely not that the bunker is not safe at all.

But they wanted to see what the extremely sweet polenta tasted like in Nat's mouth.

After a whole foggy day, everyone was about to get moldy.

The bunker has abandoned farmland, pastures, and orchards, and there is almost no place for them to perform except for basic work.

Even if you have to go to the other party's shelter to clean the toilet, as long as you can eat delicious food and live a stable life, that is not a bad thing!

Of course, what they won't know is.

At this moment, the two teams of scavengers who were about to set off for the bunker also prepared their gear and were equally excited.

"Listen clearly. When facing the aborigines, we must not reveal any information about the game, disasters, routes, etc. Otherwise, the player will be disqualified if we do it too many times."

At the security wall of the territory, Feng Tianmin approached the scavenging team and warned again.



The captain of the first team is a male gunman, and the team members are Lao Dao, Dream Taoist, and the newly joined gangster and 2-2-4.

The captain of the second team is a nuclear-powered rifle. The team members are the owner of the fire weapons store, "Yuyou Fire King", the "old electrician" from the grocery repair shop, the "You Gary has no one" from the recycling station, and the "Want to Eat" from the handicraft shop.


It seems that the original plan was to send two teams of scavengers there.

But before leaving, the bosses who had opened shops came over one after another and proposed the idea of ​​inspecting the market.

Sumo summed it up and simply agreed and sent nuclear-powered rifles for protection.

After all, the other two companies in the Western Suburbs Alliance do not lack basic commodities and have no trade needs except food.

But the Pumpkin Kefu Bunker is different. I heard that it is difficult to get the right weapons there.

If we can open up the market while taking advantage of the metal aging disaster, we can earn more than a little bit!

This chapter has been completed!
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