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Chapter 1080 Allies reaction, genetic sequence!

[Territory Announcement: Due to the sudden attack of dwarves, Qinggang City has been temporarily designated as a high-risk area. All residents are strictly prohibited from entering the city. Those who are active nearby should return to the territory as soon as possible to avoid danger! 】

The sky gradually turned white.

Chen Shen, who was awakened by the noise outside, learned about what happened that night and immediately edited an announcement and posted it on the channel without hesitation.

Although the dwarf army failed to break through the security wall of the territory, it failed to even cause any substantial damage.

But there is no doubt that the threat they pose is still deadly enough.

Moreover, this battle once again exposed the loopholes in the city's defense and the immaturity of the guards.

Obviously, the total number of guards was actually more than the number of chasing dwarves, but in the early stage, they couldn't even form a decent defense, and they were in chaos.

Real actual combat exercises must be carried out!

The possible number of casualties is certainly worrying, but the residents of the territory cannot always leave their lives to luck.

They are willing to use part of the reward as the salary of off-duty guards and Tianyuan warriors. They want to see that no enemy can easily break into the territory, instead of waiting for the lord or allies to come to the rescue every time.


Of course, Chen Shen still didn't know about the battle that took place in front of Qinggang Shelter.

If he had seen with his own eyes the 30-meter-tall heavy tank giant lizard and felt the awe that was completely beyond human power, perhaps he would have given up on such a radical idea and instead come up with another curved development plan to save the country.

However, Sumo finally chose to hide this matter in his heart for the time being, and made it clear to Yehu not to reveal it for the time being.

The road must be walked step by step, and the meal must be eaten one bite at a time.

If you run too fast, you may fall down; if you eat too fast, you may choke.

After the huge losses in this battle, the dwarves should not dare to make any other provocations in the near future.

Perhaps this fiasco will spur their research on force fields and speed up the iteration of old technology.

But at least the next time they come, the guards on the city wall won't use wooden bows and arrows to fight the enemy!

The battle in the city was over, and the siege in front of the security wall did not last long.

Buckets after buckets of hot water were enthusiastically brought up, and the dwarf in the front row was burned to the point of splitting his skin and flesh.

They worked hard to hold on until the last moment of the barrier. When they realized that the white shield was crumbling and there was still no news of the arrival of reinforcements in the distance, they decisively chose to surrender.

A total of ninety-two dwarves survived.

There is one captain and two vice-captains.

Without the help of translation in the game, the guards could not understand what these dwarfs were saying. They could only use simple gestures to express their position, and then sent them all to the dungeon of the outpost camp.

Although the place is only half-built, it is not a problem to imprison some dwarves who were stripped naked.

"Hey, these dwarves are so brainless. They can be beaten like this with such powerful weapons."

"In my opinion, if they use this kind of attack method to conduct an ambush, it will be impossible to prevent them."

"You want to talk about tunnel warfare? I think if the territory can cultivate a group of dwarf special forces, those gopher guys hiding underground will have a headache."

"Can you subdue them? I look at these little guys and they seem quite dissatisfied."

"Why are you in a hurry? Just take your time. I see people on the World Channel are following the route of being an animal tamer."

"Dwarves are beasts too?"

After returning to the city wall with a large amount of loot, we drank warm corn and vegetable porridge.

The guards were chattering away, discussing tonight's battle, which was not a battle, to alleviate the negative effects of the previous excessive adrenaline secretion.

Although no one was satisfied with their performance at night, they were extremely confident that they could do better next time.

And the other side.

After discussing the details of the next cooperation with Yehu, and going to communicate with Aldrich and Kevin, Sumo took the airship and continued to the Pumpkin Bunker.

Now, a big problem is solved.

But what it brings is another trouble that may go to an even more extreme level.

Yehu felt helpless and could only sigh continuously to prove what kind of trouble the Western Suburbs Alliance would encounter next.

This is not because I regret why I joined the alliance in the first place, but because I feel extremely dissatisfied with my own strength.

There are no guns, cannons, or tanks or armored vehicles.

With only cold weapons left in Pingtan Shelter, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it has returned to the primitive era of living with hair and drinking blood.

And what about the opponent?

Facing this unheard-of monster, they could still easily win without even paying any price that could be put on the table.

The gap was so obvious that even if Yehu kept comforting himself, his mood and thoughts were still revealed on his face.

As for the old guy Aldrich.

Well, this wallflower really chose what he was best at and just pretended to be dead. Although he didn't show any intention of immediately defecting from the alliance and joining the Qinggang Sanctuary, looking at his complete expression that he didn't know anything, he didn't want to think about it.

What am I doing?

Yehu didn't want to say more, and Sumo didn't bother to communicate with him.

It is enough to provide the shelter with a market to absorb excess supplies. When the Western Suburbs Alliance completely establishes a foothold in the city, this old guy will naturally pay the price for his current ignorance.

Before that, there is no need to consider what help he can bring next.

It was Kevin, the manager of Horsens Shelter.

The family heir once again showed his non-rigid thinking and stood firmly on the side of the alliance.

and provided a very constructive opinion.

"If Hades were to hold a meeting and force us all to join the Clear Harbor Sanctuary, or use other intimidation and inducement methods to make our shelter residents become the lowest class of the city and live the same precarious life as the wanderers."

"Then we will pretend to agree to them first, and then just take the supplies and escape after the meeting!"

"When this disaster is over, or when we can use guns again, we can return to this city and our shelter!"


No shame!

What is shameful is knowing that one's own strength is not good enough, yet still fighting to the death with the opponent, which ultimately leads to the end of all those who are willing to believe in oneself.

What Qinggang Sanctuary displayed tonight was not the strength that could completely overwhelm the battlefield, but the use of biological methods that were almost opportunistic.

After hearing this suggestion, Yehu's eyes lit up immediately. He didn't know what he thought of, and he didn't even go to the pumpkin bunker.

"I'll go back and prepare first. Just go and remind them at the bunker."

"No matter what, I don't believe that a person who can lock himself in a cage would be willing to take the initiative to escape before seeing a life-or-death crisis."

All right.

It sounds like this.

The two shelters in the city need to find a way to relocate quickly. Tianyuan Territory is still quite far from the northern suburbs, so there is no need to rush to prepare before the other party takes action.

Sumo rubbed his temples and took a deep breath.

The cool morning breeze couldn't completely calm him down, and his mind was still occupied with the scene in front of the lightning wall.

It's a pity that it's useless to rush, because he really has too few cards in his hand now.

It is just a power stone bomb that is not even a semi-finished product. It will only add 10% of the bargaining chips to the negotiation table at most.

Coupled with some miscellaneous methods and two allies, the final chance of victory should be around 30%.

Of course, if the opponent chooses the battlefield within Tianyuan territory.

This chance of winning will increase to 50% with the support of the system, but there is still no possibility of winning easily.

"There's no point in being anxious. You have to first understand what kind of person Hades is before you can make the next decision."

Look at the bunker that appears in your field of vision.

Sumo exhaled softly and pressed the communicator on his waist.

Underground shelter.

Catalina was awakened in her sleep by the sound of an alarm from above.

As the only notification method, this alarm that can be transmitted directly to the shelter can only be used three times.

After use, the sound waves above will only be transmitted through the only communication device. If you choose to disconnect again, all connections above and below ground will be completely lost!

"What's wrong? It's only six o'clock. Could it be that the gopher guy from the southern suburbs is calling?"

Catalina climbed to the monitor with a pale face, connected the contact, and saw the guard captain Nat who looked anxious.

But before it was Nat's turn to answer, a familiar voice came from beside him.

"It's not them, it's Hades who woke up from his slumber."


Catalina tried her best to make herself look less panicked on the screen, but her bloodless face and trembling lips still betrayed the turmoil in her heart at this time.

Sumo walked to the communication screen, took a look at it, and continued to ask with some surprise.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"I just, probably, maybe didn't sleep well last night."

Catalina raised her eyebrows, and the remaining sleepiness disappeared without a trace.

"How could Hades wake up from his deep sleep? I mean, every deep sleep has the probability of encountering risks, just like myopia surgery. Although it is a very mature technology, there are still certain risks.

The probability is that users will pay an unbearable price."

"If you want to see what's going on, Nat, come on, hold it up and show her."

Sumo shrugged, remembering what Yehu said, and was a little too lazy to continue wasting his words.

Each patrol airship from the academy has a combat recorder that can store nearly 300 hours of video files.

After turning on the battlefield recording mode, it will actively rotate the angle to record and save more detailed videos.

When Bernie was interrogating the surrendered man before, he had used this thing to prove his "innocence".

Sumo didn't forget to turn on the record last night, so he naturally recorded all the battles that broke out at the Lightning Wall.

The removed small tablet was playing a video. From the very beginning, the dwarf army held up the force field and attacked the city wall aggressively.

When the heavy tank Lizard breaks through the city wall in the follow-up, the victory will be won in sight.

When the screen changed, the dwarves began to fight each other, and in the end the soldiers of Qinggang won the battle without bloodshed.

My eyes were fixed on the soldier in chemical protective clothing who finally appeared on the screen.

Catalina took a deep breath and waved her hands hesitantly and helplessly.

"What did you find? My big PhD in biology?"

"Doctor?" Catalina shook her head: "If I read it correctly, the reason why those lizards ended up killing each other should be because someone helped them turn on the genetic sequence, but the way of turning it on was too violent and untargeted.

Sequence optimization caused them to lose their minds.”

gene sequence?

Does Caterina really understand this?

Or is it that biological inhibitors are not an isolated case, but a technology that has been developed by the academy?

Sumo's eyes lit up and he quickly continued to ask.

"Is this the academy's technology?"

Catalina took a deep breath and nodded hesitantly.

"Yes, gene sequencing is an independent research direction within the college. There are six top professors leading the research."

"And Hades, his former professor, is one of these six people."

For a more detailed story, Catalina, who was at her lowest point in mood at this moment, was not interested in telling it.

She changed her voice and jumped directly to say: "What you see is one of the works that Professor Hades is studying. When Hades was dismissed from the academy, he was responsible for the improvement of this work.


"It's not surprising that he was able to bring this technology out of the academy. What's surprising is that he used it in the war."

"I once heard that the academy has sent someone to warn Hades that it will never allow the use of genetic sequencing technology to affect local wars, or privately continue research and start human experiments. Otherwise, the academy will directly launch a Trinity attack after discovering it.

, erase the entire Qinggang City from the Blue Star map."

"It's different now. The academy no longer knows where it is going."

Sumo shook his head and said.

"If you want me to send this video to the college to report it, then I will be very happy to get rid of this very uneasy neighbor of Clear Harbor Shelter, and even the annoying group of gophers in the city.

Clean it up too."

"But what if the academy doesn't come, or is the holy city of Bucklow still on your Blue Star?"

"I have no idea."

Catalina became even more hesitant and looked confused.

"I'm not studying gene sequences, but I've heard that once evolution starts, it's absolutely impossible to stop halfway. If you want to stop passively, either the evolver's potential has reached its end and there's no way forward and it will stop, or it will stop.

Evolvers cannot bear the cost and end up destroying themselves like these lizards."

"Does that mean we have to catch him without mercy?" Sumo spread his hands and coughed lightly: "To be honest, we were still discussing it before we came here. Since there is no way to deal with it, we might as well just run away."

"And my refuge is outside the city, so it's easy to get there."

"Leave?" Catalina's eyes suddenly lit up, and her lifeless face suddenly glowed with a little life: "If you want to leave, can you take me with you!"

"I will help you with the research tasks as agreed, and it will be regarded as payment in advance for finding the academy!"

This chapter has been completed!
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