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Chapter 1091 An unexpected, challenging mission completed ahead of schedule!

When communicating with stupid people, you still have to be wary of unexpected situations.

Just like hunting tigers, once this guy gets angry, he doesn't care what your identity is.

If he were the manager of Qinggang Shelter, Sumo would never dare to stand in each other's house and confront each other like he does now.

After all, Yehu can really kill all the managers on the spot and solve the troubles he encounters in a "simple" way.

To fight him, you must use cotton boxing.

However, when dealing with smart people like Hades, there are much less worries.

Just like now.

The arrogant uncle had a look of panic on his face, and a large number of guards rushed in at the door of the conference room.

But from beginning to end, the guards made no attack moves, and Hades didn't give any orders.

Even after the shaking subsided, he immediately ordered all the guards to leave to avoid scaring the managers attending the meeting.

His clever mind has allowed him to bring benefits to Sunny Harbor Refuge many times in the past years.

But now, it has become a shackles on him.

The more aware I am of the consequences of my decisions, the more constrained I become, trapping myself in a defined circle.

"What did you do?"

The communicator in his pocket for emergency communication was already vibrating, and a red and yellow exclamation mark popped up on the screen in the conference room.

Hades said with some uncontrollable trembling, and pressed the button to broadcast the real-time picture.

At this moment, he had no time to worry about whether this scene would affect the subsequent negotiations if it was seen by the managers present.

You must know that when the dwarf army attacked the day before yesterday, it was not as serious as it is now.

Because the meaning of the two-color exclamation mark is very simple, that is, Clear Harbor Sanctuary has encountered a devastating threat.

The screen flashed, and the band stripes flashed continuously.

After a few seconds, the image displayed above begins to become clearer.

It’s Qinggang New Town!

Amidst the thick gun smoke and fly ash, Hades breathed a sigh of relief when he saw some images emerging from the cracks.

Fortunately, there was no explosion underground, otherwise the difficulty of repairing it would have increased exponentially.

On the ground, if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed.

Anyway, the front end has been destroyed once, and there are still a lot of rebuilding materials in the material warehouse.

As long as there are no problems with the underground facilities, Sunny Harbor Shelter will have countless chances to make a comeback!

However, as the camera turned, Hades took a deep breath.

I saw a tall and majestic ring-shaped lightning wall of nearly three hundred meters, and a huge gap suddenly appeared in front of the battle with the dwarf army.

The tens of thousands of lizard troops only breached one city gate.

At this time, it was like a sword was slashed from the Sky Sword, and the wall about fifty meters long disappeared directly!

And beneath the disappeared ground, a deep pit at least ten meters deep appeared.

"These are some gifts I gave to Mr. Hades."

"What's the matter with me?"

Sumo introduced calmly: "But if Mr. Hades still wants to keep us here as guests, in about an hour, the entire new city and the shelter below will look like this."

Making a booming mouth shape, Somo laughed silently.

With the power of the current semi-finished energy stone bomb, it is certainly impossible to do what he said.

But just like Hades used the Eternal Water God to threaten the managers present, who would dare to bet?

Stupid people will choose to go to the gambling table and gamble their own lives and luck.

Smart people will only hate gambling, avoid gambling, and do things that can reduce the risk as much as possible.

And when he said this, he did not say it in a joking manner, but there was a hint of encouragement in his voice.

For someone like Hades, his face changed back and forth and became ugly.

Treat others in their own way.

Obviously, it doesn’t matter whether the card in the opponent’s hand is bigger than the ‘Eternal Water God’ or not.

Just being able to use this at any time actually brings about much greater fear than the former.

Moreover, the water god has a certain degree of deterrence, but the concept of deterrence is never absolute.

It's like the opponent's refuge and territory are outside the city, and the impact of the explosion is minimal.

On the contrary, the opponent's bomb can be easily dropped within the shelter, causing huge and terrifying damage.

"So the person the dwarf is talking about is really you?"

Hades held it in for a long time, and finally asked a question that had no beginning or end.

At this moment, all the managers present breathed a sigh of relief, and finally relaxed their worries.

A single family is never what they want to see.

To be honest, seeing that the Western Suburbs Alliance actually had such means, everyone's first reaction was not fear, but joy.

Fortunately, the Western Suburbs Alliance can threaten Clear Harbor Sanctuary, and also fortunately that the civil unrest in the city should be suspended for a period of time.

Until both sides figure out how to break the other's methods, at least a false peace should be able to be maintained.

"In fact, when you used the biological gene sequence aggravator to deal with the dwarves that night, Hunter Tiger and I were watching not far away." Observing Hades's reaction, Sumo continued slowly: "This is a

It's a very good weapon. In theory, it can deal with all unprepared enemies and make them kill each other. But you should know how harsh the conditions for the spread of this little thing are. If they hadn't made a cocoon and locked themselves in a non-circulating

Stand still, otherwise it won’t be my turn to make this lightning wall disappear today.”

"Hades will show you the color. You are a smart person, at least I think so. But if you think everyone except you is a fool, you want to threaten me with a small bomb,

It threatens the Western Suburbs Alliance. Then the time when this bomb detonates may not be too far away, it may be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Tsk, tsk, I told you, this is not Blue Star, but a wasteland."

"In the wasteland, you have to abide by the rules of the wasteland. Do you understand now?"

Tapping his index finger on the table, Sumo didn't bother to threaten him and reiterated the rules of the wasteland.

Before the aliens were eliminated, he was really too lazy to compete with these aborigines, and only wanted to use them as a development aid.

After all, they are all human beings. Although there are some differences in culture, they are all the same in terms of technological research and living habits.

This can be seen not only from several allies, but also from Katarina.

"Rules. What are the rules of the wasteland?"

Hades murmured twice, then suddenly raised his head and asked.

Only this time, he couldn't get an answer.

Because Sumo had already stood up from his seat, shook his neck, and took the lead to walk out of the conference room.

Although the confused Yehu and Kevin were so shocked that they were numb, they still followed quickly.

As for Aldrich, a loser, he had already focused all his attention on Somo as early as the explosion.

As soon as Somo lifted his butt off the chair, he quickly walked to the door and opened the door of the conference room, with a flattering expression on his face.

"Is this the boss of the western suburbs?"

"My God, he is indeed a man who can subdue a hunting tiger."

"Do you think what those dwarves said is true, this Soma?"

"It's hard to say, but what he showed just now is indeed more powerful than Hades."

"Hey, why did I refuse the Western Suburbs Alliance's invitation a few days ago? No, I have to go and apply again with Mr. Sumo."

"You're gone, you're still waiting for them to take care of the food. Didn't you see that the people from the western suburbs have left?"

"Yes, yes, go quickly, go quickly!"


A Hongmen Banquet that ended in vain, no one wanted to keep it and be slaughtered as a "pig" by Hades.

Although it was indeed quite comfortable to see him looking silly in his seat, it was still not as important as saving his own life.

It would be bad if this "Sleeping Beauty" went crazy.

After knowing the big threat of the Eternal Water God, everyone is now eager to go back to the shelter to study how to avoid it. Perhaps it is a good choice to follow the Horsens shelter and set up a shelter outside the city.

Just where to build it?

With the people from the western suburbs taking the lead, all the managers had different ideas and left extremely quickly.

The guards who were still standing at the door waiting for instructions looked surprised, but they did not dare to make any move to stop him.

Even Tang En, the deputy manager who was chased out, could only come out with a pale face and whisper a few words, instructing the guards to take the manager back to the ground.

Although he hasn't come back to his senses yet, he is very clear after tonight.

The city's Sunny Harbor hegemony may be coming to an end.

As long as the Western Suburbs Alliance is not eliminated, there will always be a Sword of Damocles hanging high above the Sunny Harbor Sanctuary.

And those shelters in the city that are willing to have their resources plundered by them will also have other thoughts.

Even join the West Suburban League!

"You have such a method, why don't you just tell me? It scares me to death."

In the elevator, the red bald man looked "aggrieved".

Who knows how complicated Hades' thoughts were when he turned his gun on him.

Everyone knows he is crazy, but he is not a fool.

To flip the table, you have to have at least a 30% success rate.

But just now Hades launched an attack, and the only way he could think of to break the situation was to rush out and take the hostages.

But the success rate of this method is probably less than 5%.

"If I told you, would Hades still tell us so carelessly, what tricks would he use?"

"That's right. If I knew, I wouldn't be so aggrieved."

Yehu didn't worry about this, but quickly smiled and found an excuse to comfort himself.

Kevin next to him opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. Anyway, from the beginning, he thought that his family was the weakest in the league.

Now allies are stronger, which is a great thing.

If he had not joined the Western Suburbs Alliance and continued to stay in the Southern Suburbs, he would have regretted it.

"Have you already guessed that he has the Eternal Water God in his hand?"

As the elevator numbers continued to rise, Aldrich couldn't help but ask when it reached '15.'

According to Sumo's previous performance of checking the time, the explosion should not have been caused by instant messaging, but had been planned beforehand.

What if Hades had not launched an attack, what if he had chosen to peacefully advocate for everyone to unite?

Then wouldn’t this explosion push the Western Suburban Alliance to the opposite side of the city?

"No, you are thinking too complicated."

Sumo saw his doubts and chuckled: "I know what you want to say. In fact, if Hades chooses to resolve the problem peacefully today, the bomb will still explode. But as long as I don't say anything, who will

Do you know that I sent someone to put it down?"

"With a new enemy, I'm afraid he will be more anxious to unite everyone, right?"

If you are in the territory, you can still communicate through the game channel.

But outside the territory, Sumo really couldn't imagine how to release a signal to contact the ground through a shield more than 30 floors underground.

That's too unsafe, so just use this method.


The elevator door opened, and a burst of fresh air came from the outside world.

Liehu subconsciously wanted to go out, but when he saw Somo suddenly stopped at the elevator entrance, he had to hold on to his raised right foot.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's a good thing."

Glancing at the three people following him with emotion, Sumo suddenly understood the meaning of why the system had to get rid of the more straightforward guidance mode after upgrading to the V1.1 version, and instead used various challenge tasks for stimulation.

This is a unique incentive method that can make users more motivated.

Just like now.

In the dimensional space that the three of them cannot see, the system's panel has been unfolded.

[Record]: Congratulations to the host, the challenge mission ‘Winner is King, Lord of the Alliance’ has been completed

[Record]: Congratulations on becoming the recognized leader of the Western Suburbs Alliance and gaining the recognition and conviction of your allies.

[Record]: Do you want to receive the reward now?

[Record]: If it is detected that the host completes the task more than 95% of the time, additional time-effective rewards will be obtained.

[Record]: ‘Flat Beach Refuge’, ‘Giant City Refuge’, and ‘Horsens Flat Refuge’ have been successfully included in the alliance panel, and the host can enter the corresponding functions to view them!

This challenging task that Sumo originally thought would take at least two months to complete was actually completed so easily.

You know, it hasn't been 48 hours since I saw the mission.

Unexpectedly, the energy stone bomb exploded, which dampened Hades's spirit on the spot and greatly increased the prestige of the Western Suburbs Alliance.

Even Yehu was willing to recognize him as the leader of the alliance.

Even though the alliance leader's shelter is not very powerful in combat, it only has less than a thousand combatants.

"Let's go, we have to go back and get ready."


"Do you think Hades will act like nothing happened?"

"You mean he will use force against us?" Yehu frowned, "But we don't have guns yet. Let's fight hard."

"No, he doesn't dare."

Stepping out of the underground part, you can see the ashes still flying in the air and the broken gaps in the distance.

Sumo suddenly felt refreshed.

"If I guess correctly, he will choose to cooperate!"


This chapter has been completed!
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